Darwin by Evolv Initial Impressions

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Captain Tightpants
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Apr 2, 2009
Mine has been since I got it. Except for while I slept last night. As a matter of fact, my Darwin came with the screen active. I didn't even realize you could turn it off until I asked someone. So, if you put arm down and you are a dripper, juice runs out the end. So, it is a bit of an issue for those of us who drip.

Hmm... not sure if it is supposed to be that way, but I don't have a production unit yet. I will be talking to Brandon from Evolv face-to-face at the Atlanta Vaper's Meet tomorrow and pick up my new Darwin. I'll ask him about it. I may even take my laptop so I can be on the forum while tossing back a few beers.


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Apr 27, 2009
Hmm... not sure if it is supposed to be that way, but I don't have a production unit yet. I will be talking to Brandon from Evolv face-to-face at the Atlanta Vaper's Meet tomorrow and pick up my new Darwin. I'll ask him about it. I may even take my laptop so I can be on the forum while tossing back a few beers.

That would be awesome! It is a concern a few of us have, since it appears our screens will most likely be active the majority of the time.

Many thanks and I look forward to getting that question answered.

Oh and btw, I found my happy with the Darwin! Woot! Standard 901 atty (long time favorite before Cisco LR306 crack) at 7.2-7.3 watts = 4.8v. <3 I am in love with my beloved 901 atties all over again. This thrills me to no end!


Captain Tightpants
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Apr 2, 2009
Oh and btw, I found my happy with the Darwin! Woot! Standard 901 atty (long time favorite before Cisco LR306 crack) at 7.2-7.3 watts = 4.8v. <3 I am in love with my beloved 901 atties all over again. This thrills me to no end!

Yeah, the Darwin is really good at making atties that you weren't happy with before really shine. I had an old 801 that I just never liked before, and the Darwin spanked it and made it behave. Vapor overload.


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Apr 27, 2009
Yep! I tried a standard 510 first and thought - oh my this sucks. Going back to lr306 but then put an adapter on it and slapped a brand new 901 atty on there and was immediately in heaven.

I have a bag full of dead atties or ones that were lackluster, so I am trying those out, too. I already threw one out because it was indeed deader than a doornail. lol

Just love the possibilities with the Darwin!


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Oct 10, 2009
i haven't put this thing down since i got it...no sleep, about a third of the way through my bag of second life attys/cartos, you know the bag of everything that isn't dead but on every other mod it's simply underwhelming, too finicky, too hot, or too far out of range, but here...everything rocks! so far i'm settled in between 8.5 and 9.1 watts...nice. i share some of the concerns voiced here and elsewhere about the screen, the brass adapter, charging indicators, etc., i'm still not crazy about the look overall, but then i put yet another no-good atty on, drip if necessary, hit the button on this freaking anodized brick of a mod and vape and uh...wait...ahhhhhh...where was i? yeah...life is good. :D


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Aug 15, 2010
the brass adapter, charging indicators,

Those made my "wish list" I sent Brandon as part of the Beta Feedback. I'd like to see a manual on/off switch, a better low battery indictor, and the ability to shut off the screen light. There will always be room for improvements with any new PV; Darwin is no exception. The best thing about Darwin, to me, is brand new technology being introduced into the vaping communtiy. No matter how great the other new PV's are (and they are great), it's still a tube with old battery technology. Darwin is breaking new ground and I want to be a part of that.


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Apr 12, 2010
Haha. I am sorry. You need to find some Top Care Nasal Decongestant. B... E... S... T.... stuff evah for sinus clogs, especially in your face. It is kind of hard to find though. Way better than Tylenol sinus, sudafed, etc. imho. And daily use of a Neti Pot during peak sinus issue times (i.e., Spring with all the pollen). I feel your pain - trust me. :( They wanted to operate on my sinuses and I told them nuh-uh. kthxbai lol I found this Top Care stuff and just take it during the peak times. Haven't (*knock on wood*) had a sinus infection requiring antibiotics since.

Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! :)

What do you think about screen burn on the Darwin?

I'll have to give that Top Care a try.

Screen burn shouldn't be an issue. LCD screens, which this appears to be, do not have screen burn. CRTs will suffer from this because the phosphors on the screen will get imprinted with the image that is static. LCDs do not have phosphors and are completely different. Do a search on Google for "LCD screen burn" to find more information. They may suffer from an issue called image persistance, but that would be in the areas that do not change, which ultimately doesn't matter, because they will never change.

I'll let you know how the warranty is handled once I send mine in and get it back.



Vaping Master
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Dec 13, 2009
In the land of no hills and red dirt
Wow, you turn your back on a thread for a couple of hours...

1. WHERE can I find this Top Care sinus stuff? This was a bad one, my neti pot only helped temporarily.

2. Frankenatty has joined a zombie atty and carto army. I suspected this would happen. I suspect they're going to ravage the countryside and look for brain juice. I've got to agree with the others here...I'm looking forward to dusting off some of my odds and ends and trying them out on this sucker in the coming days.

3. No issues or concerns with the screen, and I'm only marginally concerned with the brass atty connection. If evolv and nhaler are going to sell this puppy with a two year warranty, I figure they're pretty confident about its design and build quality. On the other hand, assuming the government doesn't shut down the party, there's no telling what will happen in the vaping world in two years. Usually with a new mod, I catch myself hitting it repeatedly to make sure it works. Haven't done this with the Darwin.

4. I wonder if you attach the darwin to a computer with a usb connection and do programming upgrades. If so, a battery charging indicator should be a non-issue. As for the on off switch, I'm starting to appreciate the simplicity of the current design. I'd just rather have a brass connection that stuck out a bit more for add on feeder mods.

5. Franken atty hasn't really been spanked for a full two days, but it's still holding tough. I think I'm going to go with one of Drew's favorites, a 2ohm carto with a drip trip for my planned 1/2 day road trip later this morning.

6. Geez, I am such a dunderhead. Noticed the 510's holes in the thread sticking above the atty connection in the Darwin...no wonder I can't flood this thing! Over juicing an atty will cause it to leak out the atty connection, but not flood it. Have to say I appreciate this aspect of the design.

7. Also like the fact that it's easy to change juice flavors with the whole dripping design with an atty. Just vape until the flavor goes away from the present juice, and drip in something else. Nice.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 13, 2009
In the land of no hills and red dirt
No. I mustn't.

I've spent so much already...

Kids... wife... they want to eat...

I'm leaving this thread.

S'all good, bro. My Grand still works as well as it always has. In my book, it's the king of the juicers. Looks like you're not that old of a vaper, so you probably don't have a lot of vaping stuff lying around. If you're satisfied with what you've got, love the one you're with.

And if you want to try something different later on, it should be easy to sell your Grand to someone else, or give it to someone you care about for them to get off of cigarettes. A high compliment about any vape is knowing that you can put it in the hands of a new vaper with confidence. I'm just wondering if I'll get mine back from the babysitter...
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Aug 15, 2010
4. I wonder if you attach the darwin to a computer with a usb connection and do programming upgrades. If so, a battery charging indicator should be a non-issue. As for the on off switch, I'm starting to appreciate the simplicity of the current design. I'd just rather have a brass connection that stuck out a bit more for add on feeder mods.

Just a guess on my part, but I would imagine a software upgrade would be a snap through the mini usb

I use a 510-510 adapter.....it gives just the right amount of clearance for attaching a tank mod and such.


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Apr 27, 2009
@ Clyde and Big - You can get the Top Care stuff at Lowe's and Harris Teeter grocery stores around my neck o' the woods. Try to Google - Top Care Nasal Decongestant. I believe on their site, they list local places to pick it up. In NC, you must show your drivers license because it has the ingredients necessary to make ..... Anyway, make sure to get the "royal blue" colored package. It is the best out of the bunch. Works so good, you feel your sinus cavities "popping" open in your face.

Thanks for the info on the screen burn. However, I am still a bit concerned, since my LCD big screen TV has moving icons. For example, if I place the TV on MUTE that icon bounces around the TV screen and doesn't stay in one spot. I won't worry with that now, but is still of some concern. I guess the way it is being used now, some of us will know if this is really an issue before the warranty runs out. :)

:wub: my Darwin so far.


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Nov 29, 2010
Chicago, IL
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