Coppercreek pie halloween contest 2013

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ECF Guru
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Jan 21, 2011
The Prettiest in NeverNear
Welcome all and join us in our 2nd annual COPPERCREEK HALLOWEEN vape CONTEST...

Here are the Rules
All entry's must be received no later high noon EST on Thursday October 31,2013
All posts have to be made on this dedicated thread.
This years contest is sheer's poetry...
The Poem can be as long or as short as you want it to has to be Halloween themed and it has to contain the word
PIE. Dark Orange in color and size 6 in font size...Poems without PIE will not be entered in the contest.No plagiarizing..I know "The Raven" by heart.
You may enter more than one poem if you're feeling extra creative...
The contest will be judged by Mr.Crabbypants (Stretchy's Husband) Winners will be announced October 31 at 7P.M. on this thread.
Prizes graciously donated by Coppercreek,Mrs.Drottwiler, and me Stretchy :) The prizes are pictured below...Four Chances to win and four chances to try the PIE by Coppercreek.Have a great time.....
I can't wait to read them~Stretchy


Grand Prize Mod- 30ml Coppercreek PIE, Pro Tank with replacement coils
1st Prize UDT-V8 Mod, 15ml Coppercreek PIE, Filigreed Goth Bracelet
2nd Prize 4 piece Kanger MT3,15ml Coppercreek PIE, One Skeleton Fang Tank Charm
3rd Prize 3 fabulous drip tips, 15ml Coppercreek PIE, One Skeleton Fang Tank Charm




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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 31, 2013
Wayland, New York, United States
Anyway, like I was sayin', pie is the fruit of the earth. You can, microwave it, broil it, bake it, deep fry it. Dey's uh, mini-pies, pumpkin pie, pie tarts. Pan patted, deep fried, oven baked. There's pineapple pie, lemon pie, coconut pie, taco pie, pot pie, pie pockets, chocolate cream pie, oreo pie, mud pie, sweet potato pie, cherry pie, rhubarb pie, strawberry pie, grape pie, blueberry pie, mincemeat pie,apple pie, blackberry pie, apricot pie, peach pie, pear pie, shepherd's pie, coconut cream pie, pecan pie, cheeseburger pie, raspberry pie, boysenberry pie, vanilla cream pie, pumpkin pie, turtle pie, pear pie, tomatillo pie, key lime pie, peanut butter pie . That- that's about it.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Anyway, like I was sayin', pie is the fruit of the earth. You can, microwave it, broil it, bake it, deep fry it. Dey's uh, mini-pies, pumpkin pie, pie tarts. Pan patted, deep fried, oven baked. There's pineapple pie, lemon pie, coconut pie, taco pie, pot pie, pie pockets, chocolate cream pie, oreo pie, mud pie, sweet potato pie, cherry pie, rhubarb pie, strawberry pie, grape pie, blueberry pie, mincemeat pie,apple pie, blackberry pie, apricot pie, peach pie, pear pie, shepherd's pie, coconut cream pie, pecan pie, cheeseburger pie, raspberry pie, boysenberry pie, vanilla cream pie, pumpkin pie, turtle pie, pear pie, tomatillo pie, key lime pie, peanut butter pie . That- that's about it.

Someone has been watching Forest Gump. Wonder if he likes PIE


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Apr 30, 2013
Fairfax, Virginia, United States
There once was a man from Dubai,
Who puffed a PV full of pie,
Halloween was the date,
He quit cigs and felt great,
Now he'll never get cancer and die,

The young man had some some bills in his fold,
His friends cartos were getting quite old,
So he searched on the net,
Bought an e-cigarette,
And he threw out the leaves he once rolled,

The man vaped for just under a year,
Halloween was now coming quite near,
Midterms had him stressed,
He puffed under duress,
His pie juice had all but disappeared,

As his juices began to run low,
University took all his dough,
So he wrote poetry,
Hoping desperately,
To earn pie flavored juices to stow.
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Old Timer
ECF Veteran
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Oct 20, 2010
Drott's Dog House
Ya need an edit PIE in Orange 6 in fonts.
Anyway, like I was sayin', pie is the fruit of the earth. You can, microwave it, broil it, bake it, deep fry it. Dey's uh, mini-pies, pumpkin pie, pie tarts. Pan patted, deep fried, oven baked. There's pineapple pie, lemon pie, coconut pie, taco pie, pot pie, pie pockets, chocolate cream pie, oreo pie, mud pie, sweet potato pie, cherry pie, rhubarb pie, strawberry pie, grape pie, blueberry pie, mincemeat pie,apple pie, blackberry pie, apricot pie, peach pie, pear pie, shepherd's pie, coconut cream pie, pecan pie, cheeseburger pie, raspberry pie, boysenberry pie, vanilla cream pie, pumpkin pie, turtle pie, pear pie, tomatillo pie, key lime pie, peanut butter pie . That- that's about it.


We All Shine On
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 16, 2013
Stuart, Florida
I look up into the october sky
And decide I want to bake
I would love to make some pie
But in my boots, I begin to shake
It seems goblins, ghouls and ghosts
In My kitchen have come to roost
And anything they want, oh they do take
All I have left
are ingredients for cake​
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ECF Guru
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Ghost Hunters is one of my favorite shows
Grant, Jason and Steve are my heros

They go into spooky places,
That actually make my heart race

No way on earth would I do what they do
'cause I'm sure they have stepped in ghostbuster goo

If haunted houses are your thing
They can make you feel like every day is halloween

They see, feel, hear things and more
With ghosts and goblins and spirits galore

If they tried to take me into a haunted place
They may just end up with Pie in their face


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2011
*Not an entry for the contest, but I did want to play*

A Halloween Story,
You may find it gory
Cause now I eat with my thumbs.

No digits are found
they were all cut off sound,
By the kindly ol Baker in town

On the sill set to cool.
and me being a fool, I waited
till nap time came round.

To the window I crept
while ol granny slept
This is so easy thought I

The PIEwas so Yummy,
Great joy in my Tummy
I closed my eyes with a sigh.

Never before had PIE made me snore
but to sleep I soundly did fly.

I dreamt of castles, but this
crunching and crackles
kept pushing into my dream.

As I slowly awoke
she gives me a poke

and seems to offer a smile

As she gathers up fingers, says
"I must not linger,
I needed more fixins for
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