Contact email and shipping question

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Hi there,

I don't know if I'm just too thick again but I can't find your email address on the site. Only mail and phone #. I signed up and tried to send my question with a support ticket but it wouldn't go through. After I hit 'submit' the page stalled and timed out after a few minutes.

I also left a voice mail but no reply. A reply is really appreciated as I'm almost running dry on PV gear. I'm visiting the US at the moment and would really like to order some M401 items for shipping to a US address but on my non-US credit card. Do you accept those orders?

How long is the quickest shipping time to MA?

cheers :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 13, 2010
Winter Haven, FL
I threw the packaging away. Please give me the LiteCigUSA mailing address.
I'm hoping to make an exchange - I put in a ticket. thx

AMBKJ -I realize your question is directed to litecig but I saw your question and took the liberty of jumping in:

PO Box 651
Avis, PA 17721
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