Read this! Congress to BAN everything - take action now!

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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
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    Dec 23, 2013
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    It was pretty much down party lines with a couple detractors. If it stays that way it has a chance of dying in the Senate although there are a couple republican senators that are not vape supporters. Best thing to do will be to contact your senators along with hitting up Trump on twitter. Trump can have McConnell not even bring it up in the Senate which would be the best thing and if we get to Jan 3(I know a long ways out) with out it even brought up or the President not signing it by then it will die automatically because a new session of Congress starts and all bills not signed by the President before a new session have to pretty much start all over.

    So there is still hope out there just have to have everyone you know contact their Senator and Trump. Since we don't know when/if it will come up for a vote in the Senate it might not even be a bad idea to contact Sanders, Warren, and Klobuchar too. All are not only senators but running for President.


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    Aug 19, 2015
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    Does anyone have the answer to this question? :D

    I admit, I have a disability...I'm government-challenged. :p

    H.R. 2339 just passed the house.

    From the way they were talking (I've been watching all day), the tax portion is part of 2339. I admit that I can't tell for sure, however several times those opposed to H.R. 2339 said this bill increases taxes on ends products to be the equivalent tax to cigarettes, so it's possible they linked these two bills and made them one at some point in this process. *perhaps yesterday although I didn't watch yesterday so I cant be certain.
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    ECF Guru
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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    H.R. 2339 just passed the house.

    From the way they were talking (I've been watching all day), the tax portion is part of 2339. I admit that I can't tell for sure, however several times those opposed to H.R. 2339 said this bill increases taxes on ends products to be the equivalent tax to cigarettes, so it's possible they linked these two bills and made them one at some point in this process. *perhaps yesterday although I didn't watch yesterday so I cant be certain.

    So are you saying that HR4742 is a bill within a bill (HR2339) and that if you vote for HR2339 your same vote also automatically counts for HR4742?
    Kinda like By One Ge One FREE!!!! :D
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    Jan 7, 2010
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    February 28, 2020

    Dear Mr. ******:

    Thank you for contacting me to share your support for the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.

    For many adults, e-cigarettes and vaping products have helped them transition away from traditional tobacco products. That said, e-cigarettes, and other vaping products, have serious health effects and can lead to a lifelong nicotine addiction for teens and young adults. Between 2017 and 2019, e-cigarette use among middle schoolers rose 218 percent and among high schoolers use grew by 135 percent. The high levels of nicotine found in these products can harm parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control in adolescent teens.

    While less than three percent of all adults in the U.S. use e-cigarettes, as of 2018, more than 3.5 million middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes. Among current e-cigarette users aged 18 to 24 years old, 40 percent had never smoked a tobacco cigarette before using e-cigarettes. This startling trend reflects the same efforts by tobacco companies to hook teens on their products at a young age. As a parent, I believe we must make every effort to ensure that the next generation of Americans have every opportunity to live long and happy lives.

    As the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, I launched an investigation into the youth e-cigarette epidemic to help prevent teens from excessive nicotine exposure. In addition, I have co-founded the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Caucus to End the Youth Vaping Epidemic with 55 of my colleagues to combat the growing youth e-cigarette epidemic. I will continue to fight to protect American public health while working to lower tobacco use and youth nicotine addiction. I appreciate you expressing your concern and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding vaping come to the House floor for a vote.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I hope you will continue to keep me informed regarding issues that concern you. I encourage you to visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive periodic updates on my activities as your representative in Washington, D.C.

    Raja Krishnamoorthi
    Member of Congress


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    Aug 19, 2015
    My Mountain
    So are you saying that HR4742 is a bill within a bill (HR2339) and that if you vote for HR2339 your same vote also automatically counts for HR4742?
    Kinda like By One Ge One FREE!!!! :D

    Correct - the issue is I'm just not seeing wording of this nature on the bill itself, so I still could be wrong - but according to the arguments before the vote, it sure appeared that speakers believed taxes were a part of this.

    One rep. made his entire argument against this passing based almost solely on tax... so it would certainly seem likely they attached the two bills somehow.
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    ECF Guru
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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA

    February 28, 2020

    Dear Mr. ******:

    Thank you for contacting me to share your support for the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.

    For many adults, e-cigarettes and vaping products have helped them transition away from traditional tobacco products. That said, e-cigarettes, and other vaping products, have serious health effects and can lead to a lifelong nicotine addiction for teens and young adults. Between 2017 and 2019, e-cigarette use among middle schoolers rose 218 percent and among high schoolers use grew by 135 percent. The high levels of nicotine found in these products can harm parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control in adolescent teens.

    While less than three percent of all adults in the U.S. use e-cigarettes, as of 2018, more than 3.5 million middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes. Among current e-cigarette users aged 18 to 24 years old, 40 percent had never smoked a tobacco cigarette before using e-cigarettes. This startling trend reflects the same efforts by tobacco companies to hook teens on their products at a young age. As a parent, I believe we must make every effort to ensure that the next generation of Americans have every opportunity to live long and happy lives.

    As the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, I launched an investigation into the youth e-cigarette epidemic to help prevent teens from excessive nicotine exposure. In addition, I have co-founded the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Caucus to End the Youth Vaping Epidemic with 55 of my colleagues to combat the growing youth e-cigarette epidemic. I will continue to fight to protect American public health while working to lower tobacco use and youth nicotine addiction. I appreciate you expressing your concern and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding vaping come to the House floor for a vote.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I hope you will continue to keep me informed regarding issues that concern you. I encourage you to visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive periodic updates on my activities as your representative in Washington, D.C.

    Raja Krishnamoorthi
    Member of Congress

    TL;DR version:

    Dear Voter,

    I couldn't give a rat's azz about what you want or what you think.

    I know everything. You know nothing. And I am going to vote on HR2339 (and any other bill) however the :censored: I want to.


    Raja Krishnamoorthi
    Member of Congress

    Is that about right?


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  • Jul 17, 2009
    TL;DR version:

    Dear Voter,

    I couldn't give a rat's azz about what you want or what you think.

    I know everything. You know nothing. And I am going to vote on HR2339 (and any other bill) however the :censored: I want to.


    Raja Krishnamoorthi
    Member of Congress

    Is that about right?

    You know who not to to vote for this election.


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  • Jul 17, 2009
    I actually got a call from my reps office a while ago. I didn't take the call and let it go to voicemail. The call came after the vote, though. My rep voted nay and he's retiring so he wasn't looking for votes. Said he would keep my concerns in mind.


    My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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    Apr 16, 2010

    February 28, 2020

    Dear Mr. ******:

    Thank you for contacting me to share your support for the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products. I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.

    For many adults, e-cigarettes and vaping products have helped them transition away from traditional tobacco products. That said, e-cigarettes, and other vaping products, have serious health effects and can lead to a lifelong nicotine addiction for teens and young adults. Between 2017 and 2019, e-cigarette use among middle schoolers rose 218 percent and among high schoolers use grew by 135 percent. The high levels of nicotine found in these products can harm parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control in adolescent teens.

    While less than three percent of all adults in the U.S. use e-cigarettes, as of 2018, more than 3.5 million middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes. Among current e-cigarette users aged 18 to 24 years old, 40 percent had never smoked a tobacco cigarette before using e-cigarettes. This startling trend reflects the same efforts by tobacco companies to hook teens on their products at a young age. As a parent, I believe we must make every effort to ensure that the next generation of Americans have every opportunity to live long and happy lives.

    As the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, I launched an investigation into the youth e-cigarette epidemic to help prevent teens from excessive nicotine exposure. In addition, I have co-founded the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Caucus to End the Youth Vaping Epidemic with 55 of my colleagues to combat the growing youth e-cigarette epidemic. I will continue to fight to protect American public health while working to lower tobacco use and youth nicotine addiction. I appreciate you expressing your concern and will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding vaping come to the House floor for a vote.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I hope you will continue to keep me informed regarding issues that concern you. I encourage you to visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive periodic updates on my activities as your representative in Washington, D.C.

    Raja Krishnamoorthi
    Member of Congress

    I "Liked" your post Not for what your Rep said. But for taking the time to Contact them.
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