Concern about Alcohol in e-liquids...

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Full Member
Sep 28, 2010
Abilene, Texas
I like that idea, SimpleSins. I work in the field and would be very interested to see about the breathalyzers. The amount of alcohol in the ejuice is so small that it should have no effect on the body as VeeDubb explained. And I know with a UA it would not show up because there is a cutoff level it has to exceed to be "positive".


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ECF Veteran
As far as alcohol absorbtion into the body, I am not concerned, as others have pointed out the quantity total of alcohol is very small, plus its a different mechanism; ingesting alcoholic drinks versus inhaling alcohol vapor. The point as well about alcohol being present in flavorings is true. Take a look at a bottle of Vanilla extract, or similar; typically is 30% alcohol. But again, we use maybe 1mL of that in 10mL of liquid, it is negligible from a soberiety point of view.

The question of breathilyzers concerns me however. I was recently arrested on suspicion of DUI. I had been vaping all night, and even took a drag right before the road side test.

These tests are very sensitive, and the machines reject samples for example due to contaminants in the air like paint fumes. My concern is that vaping the alcohol, it is directly in your breath and coating the lungs; even though not entering much into the blood stream. The breath test is based on breath and might be biased by vaping.

I own a small keychain breathalyzer. It is certainly not guaranteed to give a legal result... however, given my situation, I tried it stone sober while vaping. Most of the time it didn't register, however if I took a drag and exhalled it directly into the device it did hit positive.

That would suggest that on its own vaping would not put you over on a test, however if you were close to the limit (0.08 in most US) the little extra coating your lungs could make you fail.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
Monmouth, OR
My concern is that vaping the alcohol, it is directly in your breath and coating the lungs; even though not entering much into the blood stream.

This is incorrect on two levels.

First of all, alcohol would not coat the lungs. It is absorbed VERY easily into the bloodstream through the lungs. That leads to the second mistake in that statement; a HUGE portion of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood.

The reason this would never cause you to fail any kind of test, even a blood test for alcohol, is that there is so little alcohol involved, and it's dosed out to your lungs over such a long period of time, that even calculating the blood alcohol content it would result in is an exercise in futility. We're talking about levels that are so low you could get the same thing from eating over-ripe fruit.

The reason you got your keychain meter to go off by blowing vape through it is that every bit of alcohol that wasn't absorbed was still in that vapor.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 6, 2009
been sober a while now, and been vaping about a year, I've vaped stuff I KNOW has alcohol in it, I was worried at first, but I've not had any problems at all.

To MrJaguar: look so much like Danny Bonaduce who is a recovering alcoholic! Maybe you are him I don't know.

To the thread:

The concern really should be "The allergic/abnormal reaction" to alcohol that an alcoholic might get, not whether one gets a buzz or can pass a breathalyzer etc. The physical body getting even the smallest amounts can set a craving in motion for more alcohol (the drinking kind) but I have yet to see case of this so I would tend to believe it is safe.

Still keeping alcohol to a minimum or zero level is a good idea for for those in that "recovering alcoholic" category.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2010
simi valley, ca
To MrJaguar: look so much like Danny Bonaduce who is a recovering alcoholic! Maybe you are him I don't know.

To the thread:

The concern really should be "The allergic/abnormal reaction" to alcohol that an alcoholic might get, not whether one gets a buzz or can pass a breathalyzer etc. The physical body getting even the smallest amounts can set a craving in motion for more alcohol (the drinking kind) but I have yet to see case of this so I would tend to believe it is safe.

Still keeping alcohol to a minimum or zero level is a good idea for for those in that "recovering alcoholic" category.

nope, not DB, even though I've had numerous people tell me I look like him. and as far as the reaction to alcohol, I've had no reactions to the amounts of alcohol in any juice I've tried. that's not to say that everyone has the same responses I do to the same things I do, just noting that I haven't had any reactions to it.
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