Cole/Bishop Introduce FSPTCA Correction Act

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Sep 21, 2012
N.N., Virginia
This both excited me and worries me. On one hand, it’s about time congress amended the tobacco Act in a way that would save the vapor industry from total collapse. On the other hand, the Democrats still can filibuster bills in the Senate, so passage will be very tough.

I hope this doesn’t mean that they won’t also try to include a similar amendment in the Agriculture appropriations bill. I think that would have the best chance of making it through congress this year.
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
This both excited me and worries me. On one hand, it’s about time congress amended the tobacco Act in a way that would save the vapor industry from total collapse. On the other hand, the Democrats still can filibuster bills in the Senate, so passage will be very tough.

I hope this doesn’t mean that they won’t also try to include a similar amendment in the Agriculture appropriations bill. I think that would have the best chance of making it through congress this year.

I'm not sure if Filibusting something like this is something the Democrats would want to do? In light of some of the Scientific Studies that have been Published since the FSTCA has been passed.

But who is to say what a Political Party may or may no Do?

A BIG Shot in the Arm for a piece of Legislation like this would to have a Federal Judge was to throw out some of the Deeming Rule set. And Rule that the FDA had Exceeded there Congressionally Granted Authority.


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Dec 14, 2013
I'm not sure if Filibusting something like this is something the Democrats would want to do?
It would have to make it to the floor of the Senate first before they could even attempt that. It's a long, arduous path to get that far.


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Apr 5, 2013
Please write in support once it's published.

And lets try to get Retailers spreading the word to Do the Same.

I'd say start now instead of waiting, especially with the retailers. This needs a huge boost to ensure it DOES see the light of day rather than languishing in committee.


Senior Member
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Jul 9, 2016
Washington, DC
Yep, allows all products on the market to stay, and can be predicates for easier application for new products. It's not the holy grail, but saves our butts until we can change FDA to recognize harm reduction appropriately.
Please call and ask your representative to support this!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
While its nice HR 1136 would keep the sales of some vapor products legal after August 8, 2018 (by moving the TCA’s 2/15/2007 grandfather date to 8/8/2016 for newly deemed tobacco products), the legislation would still impose all other disastrous cigarette protection clauses in Obama FDA’s Deeming Ban, including:

- Ban sales of ALL new and improved vapor products that weren’t on the market on 8/8/2016 and that aren't properly registered with FDA in the next several months,

- Ban truthful MRTP claims that vapor products are less harmful, or emit fewer carcinogens and toxins, than cigarettes, and

- Allow FDA to impose many more unwarranted standards that could ban virtually all premium vaporizers, e-liquids and flavors.

HR 1136 would also require FDA to impose
vapor battery standards (which would give FDA authority to ban virtually all vapor product batteries, starting with batteries used in Premium Vaporizers).

With a new Trump Administration that vows to eliminate disastrous regulations imposed by Obama, with pro-business anti-regulation Republicans controlling the House and Senate, and with the growing scientific evidence documenting the benefits of vaping, public health, vapers and the vaping industry deserve (and can achieve) better than HR 1136.

But its a good start.


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Jan 31, 2014
Dead Moose, AK


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Jan 31, 2012
Southern California
HR 1136 would also require FDA to impose
vapor battery standards (which would give FDA authority to ban virtually all vapor product batteries, starting with batteries used in Premium Vaporizers).

From what I read, the bill calls out vaporizers with a battery. All the mods I've purchased recently come without batteries, with batteries sold separately. Those batteries are pretty much standard high-discharge 18650's that are used in a variety of products, from high-powered flashlights to Tesla cars.

I know FDA oversight of batteries has been discussed quite a bit, but I can't see how this would relate to an 18650, where the number of cells used for non-vapor purposes probably far outweighs the number used for vaporizers.

EDIT: Other than that, I do agree with Bill that I'd love to see an overhaul of the way the FDA is treating vapor products, versus just a "patch" to keep older products on the market. That being said, I'm still happy to see something happening to at least curtail the horror that is the current deeming.


Vape Geek
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Feb 22, 2013
Newport News, Virginia, United States
You're probably right, Verb. Plus, no battery reg in the world is going to stop some idiot from putting a fully-charged 18650 straight into his pocket, along with his car keys and coins, and lighting his pants on fire.

I do see light at the end of the tunnel though with regards to idiot proofing..


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