Clogging cartos?

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Jan 14, 2011
I got my first taste of Cola on Monday. Love it! It's my new all-day vape, and tastes exactly like the cane sugar Mexican Coke I drink. Unfortunately it appears to have prematurely killed a Boge 2.0ohm cartomizer. I vape with a Reo Mini using cartos and previously have not had a problem with other (non-BWB) juices killing them. I can usually get 2-3 weeks per carto, and have never had one last less than a week. Cola, however, killed a carto in less than 4 days. I got my shipment Monday evening and filled it up, by today mid-day the carto was effectively dead.

Was it just a bum carto? Does BWB juice not like Boge cartos? Does it not like to be bottom-fed? I really, really like the Cola flavor, but if I have to switch back to atties I'm going to be disappointed (they're messy, even on a juice feeder like the Reo). On the other hand, Cola might be worth throwing away a carto every other day ...


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ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
What exactly do you mean by "killed" and "dead"?

The draw on the carto tightened to the point where it was almost impossible to suck air through it. Pushing a paperclip through to try and open up the airflow, it appears that there was a big clump of ... something that had gotten itself lodged in the carto's air tube. I can only assume this was solidified juice since there was nothing else in the carto. This stuff was hard. It took a lot of poking and prodding to finally get the paper clip all the way through, which then did significantly open up the draw of the carto. The carto still technically worked after that, but I threw it out to be on the safe side.


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Apr 3, 2011
New York
No juice likes carts! Give it the honor or being dripped, or in one of these fancy new tank clearomizers.

All jokes aside, BWB is fine in a cart. Is it the best? No. Carts were initially designed to handle 100% PG. Now, some of the newer ones have more absorbent filler, and if Boge has that, then it shouldn't be a problem. Sounds like a bad cart or a mistreated cart. Cola is pretty thin juice.


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Jan 26, 2011
Conroe, TX
I'm using eGo"s with carts and blue foam and bwb exclusively. No problems, nothing. I recently "upgraded"and bought my first LR attys, and find they work fine with all of my juices, although I don't like them with the maltys or blueberry-too hot. Sometimes, I pull out a drip tip, usually when I get a new flavor and want to check it out right away, but the hassle isn't worth it to me. Carts work just fine. And until high quality box mods (reo i'm taking to you) come down down in price, i'm going to stick to them. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Harumph! :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
Weird, I just had a similar problem in a dual coil carto that was brand new yesterday evening (both cartos in question from Avid Vaper, and have been awesome with thicker 50/50 pg/vg juices from other vendors). A quick poke with a straightened paper clip to clear the blockage and I'm back to vaping.

As I mentioned, I'm using the cartos on a Reo Mini, so after the initial fill I keep them wet by "squonking". I used to use atties, but they get messy with juice dripping down into the catch cup. I switched to cartos on the Reo about a month ago and up until Cola I haven't had any problems.

I'll play around with it, try one of my old atties, but I may just have to add "poke stuff out of the carto" to my nightly battery recharge/juice bottle refill ritual :).


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
The draw on the carto tightened to the point where it was almost impossible to suck air through it. Pushing a paperclip through to try and open up the airflow, it appears that there was a big clump of ... something that had gotten itself lodged in the carto's air tube. I can only assume this was solidified juice since there was nothing else in the carto. This stuff was hard. It took a lot of poking and prodding to finally get the paper clip all the way through, which then did significantly open up the draw of the carto. The carto still technically worked after that, but I threw it out to be on the safe side.

The reason I asked is I have read 3 or 4 threads in the last couple of days about people having the same problem you are having.

I'm wondering if the manufacture ran a bad batch or something.


Moved On
Jan 13, 2010
To be honest, I have not noticed any problem with our juices "Solidifing" Nor have I read any threads reguarding that happening
How are you storing your juices?
In the past I have heard of over thickening juices happening when the juices are stored in a refrigerator or the opposite, in too high of temperature. also over steeped juices that are not shaken enough or just too old will tend to have a
thickness to them...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
To be honest, I have not noticed any problem with our juices "Solidifing" Nor have I read any threads reguarding that happening
How are you storing your juices?
In the past I have heard of over thickening juices happening when the juices are stored in a refrigerator or the opposite, in too high of temperature. also over steeped juices that are not shaken enough or just too old will tend to have a
thickness to them...

The juice was essentially brand new (received in the mail last Monday, put into the first carto immediately upon receipt). It's stored in a tacklebox that's never in direct sunlight, in a room that's approximately 68-70F at all times.
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