CE2 or Polyfill Carto's?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2012
Springdale, Arkansas
Hi. I have primarily used polyfill cartomizers since I've been vaping. I really like them but I am wondering about CE2 style carto's. I do have some minimal experience with them. I had a giantomizer CE2 and I remember the flavor tasting so clean and pure for the first couple days. But after two days I had to hold it upside down or it would taste burnt. I would really like to try the xl ce2's but I don't wanna buy them if I will have to hold them upside down after two days to get a good hit. Also will the xl ce2's work in a smoktech 5ml tank if slotted or punched? Here is a link of the carto's I'm considering. Bauway 510 XL CE2 Style Clear Cartomizers, 3 Ohm, 5 pack


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
May 14, 2012
I prefer to use clearos but not those style. I like the Stardust, volt or I/e turbo 1.6ml variety. For slim batts I use 808 mini tanks from mtn vapor. The former is for sure available with a 510 connection not sure what the 510 version of the mini tanks is.

The fluxomizer styled ones always taste like burnt plastic to me and I am lazy about modding them so I stay away.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
I haven't been a big fan of CE2's, mainly because of all the fiddling you have to do to keep them from burning the silicone plugs and to keep them wicking right. That sounds like the problems you've had. They also never worked that great for thicker juices like I usually use. So, I ended up using CE3s, with the bottom coil. But they have their own drawbacks.

HOWEVER.... I recently broke down and bought a box of XL sized Fluxomizers. So far, they've been working better than any other CE2's I've tried. You don't have to fluff the wick, or trim the plugs, or flip washers over or any of that stuff you always had to do with older CE2s. If you want to give CE2s another try, I'd recommend trying the Fluxos. They've just about got these things perfected and you can use them straight out of the box. If you're using thick juice, you still might have to give it a tip now and then when it gets low, but it doesn't get any worse just because you used it for a day or two. And they don't leak at all, so tipping it is a no-risk affair. I can vape in bed without getting juice in my mouth.

Make sure you get the newest version of the Fluxomizers. They've changed the design and eliminated the burnt plastic taste that earlier ones had. Gotvapes has them, and probably somewhere else as well, but that's the only place I know for sure has the newest design.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Not sure offhand where to get the steel CE2's. I see them from time to time, so I know they're out there. CrispyCritter on the Lavatube forum uses them in a tank. If you go there, I'm sure he'll steer you in the right direction.

You should take a look at the Pbusardo review on youtube about the Stardust. I'm sure it'll fit your LT, but he had the same complaints about wicking and dry hits as you have expressed about the other CE2's you tried. I don't know if they've updated them or improved them since that review, but it put me off of buying them.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2012
west bloomfield
I just received my Vision V2 (or 3 w/longer wicks, whatever the various vendor decides to call it). These are terrific IMHO - like them much better than the original plus not having to tip very often is great. I do prefer them to the CE2 Ultimates - no burnt taste or dry hits & I get just a fantastic draw. However, as they say 'different strokes for different folks'.:2c:
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