CDC lies about 2015 NYTS data, claims teen tobacco use increased, e-cigs most used tobacco product

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
The CDC just deceitfully conflated lifesaving vapor products and low risk OTP with deadly cigarettes, falsely claimed 2015 NYTS found e-cigs are most commonly used tobacco product by teens, and falsely claimed tobacco use hasn’t declined among teens since 2011 (by falsely assuming all vapor products emit nicotine, and by falsely classifying all vapor products as tobacco products to confuse, scare and lobby for FDA Deeming Ban.
CDC Press Releases
Tobacco Use Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2011–2015 | MMWR
Tobacco use among youth holds steady, vaping on rise

In fact, the 2015 MTF survey found that <20% of teens who used an e-cigarette in the “past month” reported vaping nicotine.
Monitoring the Future Survey, Overview of Findings 2015

And in sharp contrast to CDC’s refusal to report, Brad Rodu revealed that the 2014 NYTS found that 90% of teens (who reported using an e-cigarette in the past 30 days) were current or former smokers, and just 10% were never smokers.
Tobacco Truth: The CDC Buries the Lead: Teen E-cigarette Use Rises as More Dangerous Cigarette Use Plummets

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Press releases on CDC's press release and MMWR

American Vaping Association: CDC deceives the public on 2015 NYTS data
CDC's Deceptive Release of 2015 NYTS Data - The American Vaping Association

Big Pharma financed vaping prohibitionist CTFK repeats CDC’s lies about vaping and teens to lobby White House to let FDA ban sales to lifesaving vapor products to smokers
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Legacy lies initiative’s Robin Koval repeats CDC’s lies about vaping, tobacco and teens to lobby White House to impose FDA’s cigarette protecting Deeming Ban

NY Daily News article
Tobacco use among youth holds steady, vaping on rise

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
American Vaping Association: CDC deceives the public on 2015 NYTS data
CDC's Deceptive Release of 2015 NYTS Data - The American Vaping Association

Guy Bentley: How the CDC turned a fall in youth smoking into an attack on e-cigarettes
How The CDC Turned A Fall In Youth Smoking Into An Attack On E-Cigarettes

Mike Siegel: CDC continues to lie and deceive the public about youth tobacco use
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: CDC Continues to Lie and Deceive the Public about Youth Tobacco Use

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Meanwhile, vaping prohibitionists quickly repeated CDC's lies as facts in their press release to dupe the media (and to lobby for FDA's vapor deeming ban).

Big Pharma financed vaping prohibitionist CTFK repeats CDC’s lies about vaping and teens to lobby White House to let FDA ban sales to lifesaving vapor products to smokers
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Legacy lies initiative’s Robin Koval repeats CDC’s lies about vaping, tobacco and teens to lobby White House to impose FDA’s cigarette protecting Deeming Ban
Progress Ending Youth Tobacco Use Stalled
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