Caught at the library ;)

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Moved On
Dec 15, 2009
I just wanted to report my first incident haha ;)

I was using the computer at my university's library.. Always choosing the computer in the back so I can see the library's activity (I feel like I have no privacy when my monitor is exposed by others, or maybe I'll grow up to be a spy) :p

Every four computers are places in mini cubicles, so everyone gets to see the top of their neighbor's head.. I took a discreet drag, holding my 510 like a straw and blew the vapor towards the screen not to attract attention..

There were two people to my right chit-chatting (guy was trying to screw girl after exams, lol) :rolleyes: and... the guy says: "I saw smoke comin' out".. the girl looks in the air above me and finds nothing as the vape disappears quickly.. I turn to them with a friendly smile and say "It's not smoke it's vapor".. and the guy not looking at me turns to the girl again "nah, I saw smoke comin out"..:sleep:

So I take my 510 again, take a drag and blow out some vapor for them to see.. and I say "it's just water vapor really.." :) the girl suddenly asks me: "omg! is that one of those electronic cigarretts? supposed to make you quit smoking?" 8-o

I say: "yeah, it is.. got it two days ago, and been smoke free since then" :rolleyes:

The girl pushes her wheeled chair to my side and she says "can I give it a try?!" 8-o

I say: "absolutely, press this button and inhale just like a ciggie".. :rolleyes:

Girl says: "omg, this #$%T is gooood!! :D where dija get it?!"

I tell her there's plenty of websites on the net that sell it for $40-$50 bucks, and I show her these forums (which happened to be on the screen at that time) and....

She/we turn(s) to her friend who... actually disappeared!! :confused:

She seemed to care less about him, and continued to ask about how it works and what the vapor is made of, etc..

I guess, she'll be having a very healthy relationship with her e-cig compared to a guy like that.. lol

Nothing was intended really, I'm emotionally attached to someone ;)

She added me to her facebook account to keep in touch regarding e-cigs!

It's only my second day and I'm already converting people from analogs to vaping!! I love myself, haha!
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Moved On
Dec 15, 2009
Thought of this Buffett song as soon as I read this.
Love In the Library, here's the chorus

Love in the library, quiet and cool
Love in the library, there are no rules
Surrounded by stories surreal and sublime
I fell in love in the library once upon a time


Love it.. really love it!! haha, thanks for bringing it up :p

Wellllll.... I'm a girl and I got the name rimp from my brother, I 'm too small to be a shrimp so I'm merely a rimp8-o Liked the urban dictionary however:D Taryn was right

Sorry sweet lady rimp! ;)
Glad you liked the link :p


Moved On
Dec 24, 2009
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