Casual cigar smoker

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Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
llo all,
I stopped smoking 20 years ago, but I enjoy cigars now and then. I do not inhale and now I'm thinking about alternative for getting cold outside. Here in Finland they banned smoking in restaurants where I used to enjoy my single malt and cigar.

Now choosing the beginners pack is difficult because here most are thinking this from smokers point of view and those choices do not reflect on my needs.

So far I've looked E-pipe DSE-601 or ruyand e-cigar. Maybe ruyands disposable. Any suggestions?

What I want is: Cigar like smoking experience. Lots of vapor. Possibility to get different e-juices. Battery life is not an issue, but If I don't use it for couple of weeks is there any juice left on these?

And one side thing: Has anyone has experience about hangover? Cigars can cause massive headache in the morning after. At least for me.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
The greencig cigar and the tobacco flavor that comes with it has a lot of fans....Pssst, perhaps it's the single malt causing those hangovers ;-)

Single malt doesn't do that :D When I stopped smoking the headaches diminished considerably, but I do get them occasionally and they are harder if you have smoked cigars. I noticed that now that I have to smoke them outside I sometimes get away without headache.

I'll look greencig thanks. Also RN4062 cached my eye. I will make up my mind over weekend.


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Jul 28, 2009
Tempe, Az
llo all,
I stopped smoking 20 years ago, but I enjoy cigars now and then. I do not inhale and now I'm thinking about alternative for getting cold outside. Here in Finland they banned smoking in restaurants where I used to enjoy my single malt and cigar.

Now choosing the beginners pack is difficult because here most are thinking this from smokers point of view and those choices do not reflect on my needs.

So far I've looked E-pipe DSE-601 or ruyand e-cigar. Maybe ruyands disposable. Any suggestions?

What I want is: Cigar like smoking experience. Lots of vapor. Possibility to get different e-juices. Battery life is not an issue, but If I don't use it for couple of weeks is there any juice left on these?

And one side thing: Has anyone has experience about hangover? Cigars can cause massive headache in the morning after. At least for me.

Sorry to hear about the headaches. Do a search on this forum for keyword headache. There is at least one thread that does have folks saying that migrains are better since using PVs.

I have had the DSE 601 and the DSE701. Both enjoyable. The problem for me is that both have their atomizers permanently as part of the body of the device. Should the atomizer go dead you have to replace that main body... Therefore, making a $20.00 to $35.00 buy for a $9.00 part.

The throw-away cigars might be your best bet given your occassional useage. I hav not seen any bad reviews other than having to throw it away when done. So, if you want the smoking experience without the tar or other bad stuff from burning tobacco, the ruyands disposable is probably your best entry point.

Good luck with those headaches.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
No worries about headaches. Just a side comment, not a big thing. But to the point in hand:
I ruled out pipes for now because of portability. I'm confident that 601 is the one that I get if I get one. Price/performance is there. Maybe later on my "career".

Cigars: Disposables out, because I want juices to vary the experience. Greencig looked great but smells when smoked so no for me and no refills.

Ruyans is great looker but no warranty without original flavours. So left with RN4062 vs 701. So far leaned towards RN4062 because cheaper and found blanks for filling.


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Jul 28, 2009
Tempe, Az
I want juices to vary the experience.

You might want to consider the DSE701 cigar. These are great for dripping. Dripping is good for frequently changing flavors. Carts tend to hold onto the original flavor, but dripping will change over in a couple of drags.

Don't drip more than three drops at a time, then puff until you get a change in flavor. When it begins to taste a little like metal or you start hearing a sizzle sound ~ time for three more drops. Too much juice and you can flood the attomizer. Not good! And flooding can leak into the battery and short that out.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
NW Tennessee
Why is it that the disposables are . . . 'disposable'? Is it because the battery is a non-rechargeable? I want to try also, another non-smoker but I still like the occasional cigar too, but I would like to be able to keep something if I like it, and I am having a few money issues right now - so lower cost is better for me.
Could a disposable be re-charged? I don't know much at all about the cigars.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
Why is it that the disposables are . . . 'disposable'? Is it because the battery is a non-rechargeable? I want to try also, another non-smoker but I still like the occasional cigar too, but I would like to be able to keep something if I like it, and I am having a few money issues right now - so lower cost is better for me.
Could a disposable be re-charged? I don't know much at all about the cigars.

Disposables are non-rechargeable and the e-juice, liquid that creates the smoke and flavor, runs out and finally atomizer (the burner or vaporizer that heats up) runs out. You can tear disposable apart and try to change parts but I don't see any point on that. New parts costs money and you can get non-disposable nearly same price. With that one you can charge batteries & add e-juice or change cartridges and eventually buy new atomizer.

Costs could be lover if you get e-cigarette instead and use cigar flavors. E-cigars has atomizer build in to body and that costs more to change that than e-cigarette atomizer.

Disclaimer: I'm beginner so do not listen to my advice :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
NW Tennessee
Thanks.... I guess it would be better to just get a kit after all. I am also a beginner also; I have been getting a lot of information by reading these posts on this forum. I did order a disposable cigarette, never thought about getting cigar flavor though-good idea. When the battery died on the cig. I wondered if I could get more use, but never really tried. The disposable did make me want a rechargeable though.... just can't get it now since my job doesn't exist anymore. Thanks a lot for the information.
Keep us posted if you find a 'perfect' e-cigar.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
let me kno what you go with, i want to buy my brother a cigar kit

I ordered RN4062 from Main reasons where eu site, price, warranty and possibility to order empty cardriges and e-juice in future. I first need to test the 0 and hi nicotine that comes along, so I can order e-juice of right nicotine level. I'm getting cigar flavor, strawberry and maybe pipe.

The e-cigar is nearly? same as DSE701, if that one is easier to find.

I'll get back on first impressions when I get it.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
Bad and good news. Start with bad ones. Cigar arrived but was broken, so I had to get replacement. Good news:, took care of that and customer service was excellent, but it takes 5 days to get here.

One suggestion anyway. When you get any cigar kit, get empty cartridges and sample or small packs of e-juice with 0% nicotine. Then get one unflavored nicotine of high volume. So now you can mix your own strength of e-juice. First you probably want to try couple of flavors and then it may be good idea if they are not high on nicotine.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
Hope the replacement gets to you soon and that you enjoy it.. Especially with the Scotch.......skoal.


Yesterday me, some single malt and e-cigar enjoyed the evening. I have vaped the 0 and hi cartridges that came along and those are pretty flavorless. I don't have empty cartridges yet so I only tried once to top off the 0 one with Turkish blend. That had stronger taste to it so I'm looking forward to tasting my collection of e-juices.

Cigar itself is great and I am enjoying it. Had to learn to vape it. It needs couple of puffs to get warmed up so its very cigar like to vape.

Oh, and if anyone gets these for gift one more tip. Charge the batteries! Otherwise its 12 hours wait :cry:


Full Member
Oct 9, 2009
Update on this. After the novelty of this wore out I noticed that this did not do it for me. I'm back to real cigars. It just was too much of a hassle. Problems with e-cigar itself and the part that you can not change the flavor as easily as you would imagine. There is a LOT of juice left when you take out the cardridge and as you try to smoke it "out" It takes at least for me too many times => more than week. As I mentioned I'm casual. Could be couple of weeks without and then the mood sets in. I could maybe buy disposable in addition of regulars, but probably not.

So with these words I say goodbye for this forum. I'll check couple of times if there is any questions, but thank you all!
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