CaSH Stepping Down As A Mod

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
Hendersonville Tennessee
Unfortunately, theminicig is unable to respond because he has been banned. And it also seems that his appeal results into an immediate removal while yours doesn't seem like a problem.

Calling a member "child-ish" while he is banned with his appeal fully removed from the public is a childish act itself. The public can only see your side of the story, while the other side is unable to speak. And why isn't this thread moved? Is this thread an e-cigarette related discussion? The post on theminicig has been moved to outside section, what makes this thread any different?

The discussion was public, as were the accusations.

He had registered with multiple IP's, admitted to hijacking a questionaire that could have been highly valuable in our current efforts. Re-posted a previously deleted thread. Posted a PM. (A big no no) ...The list goes on. I think SJ had just had enough. (As a lot of us have)

Sounds as though these things are defensable to you?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2008
I was this // close to giving up on ecigs altogether about 6 months ago until I ran across PS via this forum and Steve's friendliness, affordable pricing and outstanding customer service orientation have kept me in the fold.

Thanks for your contributions to this new industry and for how you've treated me as a customer. NOW GET TO WORK ON GETTING YOUR NEW MODEL INTO PRODUCTION, YOU SLACKER!!


ECF Founder, formerly SmokeyJoe
Verified Member
Just want to say thanks to Steve for all you've done for the forum, you've been the perfect mod.

It's really incredibly sad you're leaving, but I don't want you or your business hurt by the accusations that fly around the place.

Perhaps in the future, when things have calmed down some, you'll consider modding again?

Cheers Steve.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
New Jersey
and the best compliment i can give Cash is...if it had not said Supplier over his name, I never would have known from his posts or demeanor he was a supplier. It took a month for me to even look above the avatars lol(guess anything with Mrs. Cash's picture distracts me:)) and i always enjoyed his perspective and insight into any thread he added a post to. I will buy anything this guy is selling(PRODIGY,PRODIGY:evil:). Viva Cash$ and the lovely Mrs. Cash$:hubba:


Full Member
May 2, 2009
San Angelo, TX
I (unfortunately) found out through word of mouth about e-cigs and, my bad. Well after trolling the net I found this forum with massive amounts of dealers for MUCH cheaper.

I found PS and ordered their sample pack as I didn't like the severe costs of SE's cartridges.

The product is great!!!!!! I looked more at PS site and found I would prefer to do business with them anyways!

Being a mod does take alot out of you on a hourly basis.

Get the prodigy into production!!!!!!! I will be pre-ordering as soon as that is open.

Thanks for all you continue to do for this community.

a loyal customer.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 9, 2008
im starting to think that e-cigs do have negative side effects after all.

anger, paranoia, mud slinging, accusations, conspiracy theories, virtual punch ups, underhand tactics etc etc these are things that are happening everyday on this forum now............its not the warm friendly place that it was 10 months ago when i joined :(

at least when cannabis was 1st introduced it turned everyone into peace loving hippies. e-cigs seem to be having the opposite effect!

good luck steve, i wish you well mate




Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 15, 2008
Dundalk,Maryland, USA
cash sorry to see you stepping down i personlly think you have been a "most excellent mod" and "This has been a most excellent adventure". getcha i joined around 6 months ago and i agree with you it is becoming a cynical not so fun place if it were not for kate and people like cash i think i would have stopped coming all together


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 15, 2009
Long Island, NY
Cash, I appreciate all the hard work you've put in here and I'm sorry that you had to deal with everything you did.

The only thing that even remotely concerned me about you was when I saw a poll posted by you that was deleted by another mod (I think SJ) because, "it was clearly biased and showed evidence of fake votes." However, since this was deleted by another mod, I can hardly understand why anyone would think that there was anything devious going on behind the scenes. And since I didn't get to see the poll, I certainly can't take a definite stance on it.

However, I think it is in the best interest of the forum if suppliers are not allowed to become moderators. So I'm glad to see that you're doing the honorable thing and bowing out gracefully, because while it seems there were no problems as a result of you specifically being a mod as a supplier, down the line I could easily see problems arising from suppliers being mods, and then at that point, you probably would not have a choice on the issue. And then you being forcibly removed at that point would undoubtedly bring about more questions and conspiracy theories.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for conspiracy theories, JFK assassination - Lies, 9/11 - Lies, but conspiracy theories without any evidence are just paranoid delusions.

So while I think you did a great job as a mod, and as a result should have at least gotten your forum for free (although that would have probably driven more conspiracy nuts out of the woodwork) I think you are doing the right thing by bowing out at this point. Your moderation presence will be missed. I hope that this will not effect your posting on these boards. A round of applause for Cash everyone. Thank you for your service!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
Broomfield, CO
im starting to think that e-cigs do have negative side effects after all.

anger, paranoia, mud slinging, accusations, conspiracy theories, virtual punch ups, underhand tactics etc etc these are things that are happening everyday on this forum now............its not the warm friendly place that it was 10 months ago when i joined :(

Those are well known side effects of online message forums. At first they start out all friendly and carefree, but that never lasts


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2008
The only thing that even remotely concerned me about you was when I saw a poll posted by you that was deleted by another mod (I think SJ) because, "it was clearly biased and showed evidence of fake votes." However, since this was deleted by another mod, I can hardly understand why anyone would think that there was anything devious going on behind the scenes. And since I didn't get to see the poll, I certainly can't take a definite stance on it.
Just to clarify that point , I believe it was the " device dispreferences poll " that your on about. That poll was originally posted by a member and the votes where anonymous. Users where concerned that an anonymous poll would be an open invitation to fake votes and private grudges.

The original poll was deleted and Cash as a mod was asked to replace the poll with the same options but make it no longer anonymous, hence why his name was against the author.

Fact is this still never stopped some unscrupulous manufacturer making fake votes, complaints where made about said vote rigging and SJ decided , due to the evidednce that fake votes where being made , so he closed it.

Cash was not involved in the poll , other than making it no longer anonymous by request of the op

There , clears that up ...

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Since I was away for all this.. I know I have said it before... but Steve you are one of the most fair people I have ever "met". I know I am a PS "fanboy" and all that... but regardless of anything... I have seen you recommend other suppliers when you were out, I have seen you leave up posts criticizing PS and I have seen you delete defamatory posts towards other suppliers. You were the most fair and unbiased mod there ever was... and as great as Lu and epipeman and everyone else is... I would like to knight you...

"Sir Cash.. best mod there ever was!"
(I think I am on the wrong side of the pond for that.. well Kate will take care of it then lol!)
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