Casaa "I haven't smoked since" banner

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2010
Seattle, WA
Since the ecig Wiki went down, and everyones cigs died, I went ahead and created my own.

I'd like to give the source code to whoever runs the casaa website, so that they can do some formatting, and make it "pretty" for the entry form.

Also, I can make more banners if you guys have some graphical ones you'd like me to use, and I can include some text and what not. I can expand on this quite a bit, actually! I want to do one with the No Smoking (red circle) and Ecigs Okay (Green circle) one, but sadly I'm not much of an artist.

Anyway, my sig should show you what the basic one I made looks like:

Here's a link to make your own, and I don't mind hosting the banners if the casaa site doesn't have GD or the ability to write PNG files.

Basically, I can put the text anywhere - and I don't even need to include the $ saved or whatnot.. Depending on what is come up with. Also, Thulium suggested I try to find a way to pull the latest casaa headline from the RSS or maybe even make it animated and show it as a ticker. That would be sweet, but the animated way would be pretty time consuming.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2010
Seattle, WA
How about offering folks like me the option to use the term "Personal Vaporizer" instead of E-Cig, besides that thanks for sharing and writing up the code for this. I am not a fan of the font choice but I understand its a work in progress so no worries.

The date line, and the "I saved" I can't really do too much about the font, because PHP doesn't have the best graphics renderers. I might be able to make a GDF font, actually - it's not something I have a lot of experience with, but I'll look into it.

If I change the term "Electronic Cigarette" then that line, too, will need to be in a GDF font or use the "standard" ones. (Blah!). I am hoping to have a few "backgroudns" that people can choose from, and the best way to do that is just have both terms used in various styles of banners. Easy peasy.
How about offering folks like me the option to use the term "Personal Vaporizer" instead of E-Cig, besides that thanks for sharing and writing up the code for this. I am not a fan of the font choice but I understand its a work in progress so no worries.

That's a decent point. Although I don't think it is necessary to shy away from the term "electronic cigarette" or "e-cig" because it is intended to be used as a reduced harm alternative for cigarette smoking, some people still want to disassociate themselves from tobacco. People who aren't interested in cigarettes generally don't need to be encouraged to take up vaping. ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2011
Not at all, it's a cool idea and I'll make sure when I start doing background image ones, that some using the term PV are there :)
Alright! :)

That's a decent point. Although I don't think it is necessary to shy away from the term "electronic cigarette" or "e-cig" because it is intended to be used as a reduced harm alternative for cigarette smoking, some people still want to disassociate themselves from tobacco. People who aren't interested in cigarettes generally don't need to be encouraged to take up vaping. ;)

I just prefer the term PV since the term e-cig just...well sounds weird to me, I wouldn't say I am trying to disassociate myself from tobacco since I only vape tobacco flavors but some do and thats their right. That is very true and I can't stress that enough as you guys are doing, people who don't smoke should never take up vaping period.

I won't get into much here so I don't derail the thread but I might shoot you a pm on my whole belief on my issue with the term e-cig.
Alright! :)

I just prefer the term PV since the term e-cig just...well sounds weird to me, I wouldn't say I am trying to disassociate myself from tobacco since I only vape tobacco flavors but some do and thats their right. That is very true and I can't stress that enough as you guys are doing, people who don't smoke should never take up vaping period.

I won't get into much here so I don't derail the thread but I might shoot you a pm on my whole belief on my issue with the term e-cig.

I think I understand what you mean, I was mostly trying to make the point that using the term "e-cigarette" can be used to promote tobacco harm reduction without vilifying smoking or smokers. The fact that anti-smokers recoil at the very mention of cigarettes can be used as proof that they are not being marketed to nonsmokers!:evil:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2011
I think I understand what you mean, I was mostly trying to make the point that using the term "e-cigarette" can be used to promote tobacco harm reduction without vilifying smoking or smokers. The fact that anti-smokers recoil at the very mention of cigarettes can be used as proof that they are not being marketed to nonsmokers!:evil:

I never thought of it that way, I learn something new everyday.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
How is this?

I just prefer the term PV since the term e-cig just...well sounds weird to me, I wouldn't say I am trying to disassociate myself from tobacco since I only vape tobacco flavors but some do and thats their right. That is very true and I can't stress that enough as you guys are doing, people who don't smoke should never take up vaping period.

I'm with you. I think there is a difference between "using an e-cigarette" and "vaping". "Using an e-cigarette" is what a smoker does when they first try vaping with a white automatic battery with a amber LED and brown cartridge: mimic the act of smoking a cigarette as closely as possible. Vaping, on the other hand, is when you find a smoke-free alternative and adapt it to suit yourself in a such a way that may be substantially different but preferable to smoking and find yourself becoming smoke-free regardless if you intended to stop smoking or not.

If someone wants/needs an alternative that looks and feels a lot like a combustible cigarette, I think it is perfectly reasonable to call it an e-cigarette since it is marketed as a "digital" alternative to smoking. At the same time, if vaping has become something for you that has very little in common with cigarettes that you think of it more as a "personal vaporizer" or PV, seems like a win-win to me. ;) That's why it's an e-cig to smokers and nonsmokers, and a PV to former smokers and nonsmokers.

Stop Smoking

Full Member
Mar 10, 2011
Rio Rancho, nm
Point/Counterpoint- The term PV or Personal Vaporizer is certainly a preference to the user, it has one negative point (in my perception). It is a medical term used for inhalational devices used in the treatment of acute asthmatic crisis. It could be seen as a medicalization of the e-cigarette. May be a trivial point, but it is a thing that we do want to be careful to avoid. This corresponds to terns like ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery system), which definitely give fodder to those who would have them go through rigorous testing and gov't approval before release. Personal terms one uses to feel comfortable with a vaping device are personal choices we all make. E-cigarette allows the current classification by the FDA to possibly slide into the cigarette/tobacco class with less threat of removal from public availability.

If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.
Dalai Lama


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
I call it "SUCCESS" - - - eleven more days to my first SMOKE FREE anniversary after 49 years of attempted poisioning.

Stick with us Cee_Jay, and before you know it you will be saying ..."to my second SMOKE FREE anniversary," followed by "my third," "my fourth," etc., etc.:thumbs:
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