CASAA and Local Alerts

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ECF Veteran
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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
There are several local actions occurring TODAY.

CASAA is unable to issue full Local Alerts--way too many of them and there simply isn't the time or manpower to gather contact information, etc., especially on a short timeframe.

However, for a while, we're going to take the barebones information that crosses our desk and post it on the official CASAA Facebook page when possible, and then look to members to share in appropriate groups/forums.

The official CASAA Facebook page:

I know that it's a pain for our CASAA members who don't do Facebook, and when possible, we'll try to get information posted on ECF, although I expect that given time constraints, it'll mostly wind up in the Legislative News forum and may not be mirrored here in the CASAA subforum.
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