Cartomizer taste vs. Cartridge taste?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
North Carolina
I have a Joye 510 and have been adding my liquid to the filler in empty cartridges and really like the taste but I have to refill a lot.

So - I just got some empty 510 Cartomizers and filled one of those - now the taste is not nearly as good with the same liquid in the cartomizer as it is in the cartridge.

Am I doing something wrong or is this the norm? Do I have to sacrifice taste to use cartos that will last longer?



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2010
i also use carts and cut fluval to replace the polyfil when it degrades in performance, i have some ego xl cartomizers and have never really gotten them to perform as consistantly as my carts, there are lots of people who love the cartomizers, and i will try again when i get some 510 CE2 cartomizers (ceramic), currently waiting on the revision 4 to show up. As far as taste, i noticed it too, but put it down to a larger atomizer using the ego xl's, I'm sticking with cartridges for now, until i can get some 510 CE2 . If i can get them to work well, then i'll probably do both, but ive already given up on the ego cartomizers.
Of course, everyones milage will vary.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
The carts vs. cartos debate is one that is pretty subjective. I happen to love the taste of cartomizers. Some people hate it.

You may be one of the people who hates it.

I take it you bought the Kr808-style cartomizers, where you pop the cap off and drip into the filler? If so, those will be either SLB-brand of Boge-brand.

You may want to check out CigNot, and look up the Joye cartomizers. They are configered differently. They are filled with a syringe (although some people have reported success filling with the condom method through the threaded end), but they taste remarkably like an atty/cart system, with the longevity of a cartomizer.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
North Carolina
The carts vs. cartos debate is one that is pretty subjective. I happen to love the taste of cartomizers. Some people hate it.

You may be one of the people who hates it.

I take it you bought the Kr808-style cartomizers, where you pop the cap off and drip into the filler? If so, those will be either SLB-brand of Boge-brand.

You may want to check out CigNot, and look up the Joye cartomizers. They are configered differently. They are filled with a syringe (although some people have reported success filling with the condom method through the threaded end), but they taste remarkably like an atty/cart system, with the longevity of a cartomizer.

No - the tops are glued on and when I finally got one off there was no way to get it back on so I am just dropping juice into the battery end until it comes out the mouthpiece and then blowing the excess out.

I ordered some CE2's V4 today (from AwesomeVapor) and I'm going to watch some videos on how to fill them - hopefully I'll like them better! Thanks!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Huh... well, wouldn't get more of those then! Glued caps are extremely annoying.

I have tried the V3's and I like them a lot. They don't taste like an atty, and they don't taste like filler cartomizers either. They have their own "character" which is different from either. But I do like them. I'd recommend a fruity, drink (except coffee) or candy type flavor for them.
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