Carto Tank Newbie

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Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
I consulted a couple of Karto Guru-ettes, and I decided to go for the Smok U-DCT as my "Intro to Carto Tankology".

Points of note:
1. Priming the XL Carto is a "little" more time consuming than filling a clearo tank and letting the wick soak a bit. Not the end of the world, but patience is definitely required.

2. Filling the actual tank part wasn't as "freaky" as I thought. Once I had the pieces in hand, it really made sense how it all was supposed to work. However, the bottle I was using didn't have the finer tip (nor do I have a "needle" tip handy) so I just had to be a bit careful. Couldn't fill quite to the top, but I am over 3/4 full.

3. Remember to dial down the wattage (was on about 9.5 for my PT2) Dropped to about 7.5-8.0

4. I initially put on top of my MVP (already had the PT2 beauty ring), but the draw was exceptionally tight - no airflow. Tried the original MVP beauty ring, but it's too tall. The carto can't get to the center pin on the MVP. Don't like the "free-standing" 510 connection without a little bit of support. Moved over to my Sigelei Zmax V3, and it does sit a little more nicely atop the Zmax. No excessive 510 gap, but not cutting off airflow.

5. First draw - really nice flavor (although, it could be I'm using a DIY chocolate/creme de menthe flavor that has some "strength" to it. Not a lot of cloud, but I have the power pretty low. Not 100% sure if I have a single or dual coil carto. Didn't want to crank to infinity right off the bat.

6. I notice a LOT of condensation in the drip tip. Granted, I'm simply using the one that came with the tank (acceptable) Not sure if that's typical or not.

7. The carto that came with the tank has only one pre-punched (rather smallish) hole. If I either open that hole or punch one or two more, would that help ease the tight draw? I'm a Nautilus/PT2 user where the airflow is typically wide open. I do like a slightly airier draw.

8. When I popped off the drip tip to remove some of the condensation, I noticed the top of the carto wasn't as saturated as it was after I'd primed it. Is this typical?

9. I'm guessing that I can really only vape until the liquid level is at the punched hole (unless I keep the tank on its side?) I DIY my juice, so "wasting" a little bit isn't as horrific as wasting store-bought juice when I want to change flavors....

So far, I am not displeased with my new acquisition. I do like that the three colors I selected all match my MVP Energy :D


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Oct 23, 2013
couple of answers:

7. Opening the holes up will let more fluid into the carto when hitting it. Opening too much can cause it to flood. The draw of air comes from a hole in the base of the carto. You could try stretching that hole out a little bit. Be careful since the coil is attached there. They are a bit tighter than a tank so it's something you get used to.

8. Normal. It uses up the liquid in the polyfill before it equalizes and starts pulling in from the tank.

9. I use dual hole pre-punched and can get down below the hole level a little bit since you're usually holding at an angle when vaping anyway. There's a little vacuum taking place when drawing on it also.

Hope that was of some use. The wife uses my old carto tank mostly and I enjoy it on occasion still.

P.S. I don't know if you have a refill tool but it makes filling much easier. It's like a thin drip tip that plugs into the top of the cartomizer and lets you push it halfway out and fill the tank without liquid flooding into the carto. This allows you to fill with any kind of bottle much easier
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Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Thanks Subs and r77r7r :) I believe I'll be wanting some bit of flange on future replacement cartos, but it won't need much. Now that I have in hand, the physics of it makes more sense. I'd looked at some info about filling the tank, and "sliding the cart" freaked me out a bit until I actually put into practice.

I'll probably pick up a punch tool to let me at least pop one or two more holes. I run about 50/50 (maybe a touch higher PG because of how I DIY.)

I've looked at the Boges, but I can't tell if there's just that tiny bit of lip/flange on them (my tank has the locking ring, and I've been cautioned about not having a flange because the tank could spin, rather than the carto being able to unscrew.)

Also, I've been having a touch of difficulty getting a clean connection when I put it on other mods. I have a Sigelei Zmax V3 and a Vamo V6. I can't get it to make a connection (even after unscrewing the center pin) on the Vamo with the top ring in place. I would really like something to help "support" the tank (it's an inexpensive aluminum/polycarbonate tank) So, not "heavy", but the imbalance of the connector to the diameter of the tank - just don't want to "snap" it.

The U-DCTs are not bad little gizmos. Certainly different than my clearos. I just wanted to give a try to experience it. So, for $22 for a few tanks (and shipping), it's not a bad investment....


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Jan 24, 2014
To get better airflow, you can loosen it slightly in its 510 connector -- mine is so loose that sometimes it wobbles and I have to tighten it up a bit. :D

Syringes are a really good idea for filling, so the juice goes where you want, instead of into the carto, which will make it flood, once it's already primed. But it's good to leave a bit of air space at the top, as you did, for the same reason you leave that space in a clearo -- air pressure.

The Smok cartos are really the best I've found, for speed of priming -- the filler in the carto soaks up the liquid very quickly; I prime with about 1ml of ejuice (in an XL carto), and it takes maybe 3-5 mins TOPS; I go ahead and prime the new carto before I've drained the tank and removed the carto I'm changing out, so that by the time I get the tank drained and put the new carto in, then fill the tank, it's ready to vape, though I usually turn the wattage down 1 or 2 watts for my first couple hits, just to make sure it's working right -- and yeah, the vapor from the lower wattage is pretty scant, but once I make sure it's working, I turn it up to my usual 10-11 watts, and the vapor is great. Boge cartos do seem to take a great deal longer to soak up juice. The cartos at IBTanked are Smok, 2 hole, and single coil -- perfect. If your juice is high VG (50% or more), 3 hole cartos would work better.

It is perfectly normal for the top of the carto to start looking dry; sometimes I might add another drop or two, but it nearly always causes flooding -- it starts coming out the business end onto the battery post, so I try to avoid that.



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Jan 24, 2014
Also, I've been having a touch of difficulty getting a clean connection when I put it on other mods. I have a Sigelei Zmax V3 and a Vamo V6. I can't get it to make a connection (even after unscrewing the center pin) on the Vamo with the top ring in place.

I think I had a problem like this with a carto, on one of my vv3s; seems like someone told me that the part of the 510 connector that's right in the center -- outlined in red -- can be adjusted slightly with a small screwdriver, to ease it downward slightly.




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  • Feb 15, 2011
    I was hoping Andria would pop in! You can also use a pin in the air holes in the carto threads to wiggle that connector outward some. Should move easily and about the width of a penny or more.

    I'm wondering if that flush bottom design w/o air slots on that tank is causing most problems.

    Also part of the reason these tanks fell out of popularity was the tiny filling needle having to be used to allow air to escape while filling.
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    Jan 24, 2014
    Well those "special" battery thread covers bottom rings are only if you're using it with a slender battery that would otherwise need a separate beauty ring thread cover -- I have one of those that I use if I use the UDCT on a vv3 -- because the separate ones can cause that issue that Dinger mentioned about the 510 not reaching the battery post; if you're using a Vamo or Sigelei, not needed; those really don't have anything to do with the airflow, which is from the holes that are *just* above the 510 threads -- that's why loosening it slightly opens the air flow a little.

    But that airflow thing is why so many don't like cartos anymore; they're used to those whopper lung hits that are really only possible with RBAs that have MASSIVE airflow for the cloud chasers. If you want more airflow than simply loosening it will provide, you could try to carefully enlarge those holes right above the 510 threads, or add another.

    One way that I know if I've got enough airflow is to listen to it -- if it's nearly silent when you take a drag, then there won't be much air; if it's loosened enough to suit me, then when you take a drag, you can hear the air at the bottom of the tank -- it's not a whistle exactly, the way that kayfuns do, but a soft "whoosh" or hissing noise, of the air being sucked in. I'm not a cloud chaser, and I do like a slightly tighter draw than many do, but I agree, if it's too tight, then there's not enough vapor -- so I just loosen it in the 510 threads a little.



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    Jan 24, 2014
    Here's the copied design refitted with an airflow sleeve-
    AGR+ Cartomizer Tank

    Well, that link didn't work, but here it is again, in text so you can actually read it -- for some reason ECF is messing up the actual link:

    www(dot)]AGR+Cartomizer Tank

    -- but, that's a completely different tank, not the UDCT -- actually I'm thinking of getting one of those AGRs because the tank is glass, AND it's a top-fill tank, that's sweet. And if it's a got an airflow thingie, then I might not need to loosen it on the battery.

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    Vaping Mistress
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    Apr 9, 2014
    Corn 'n' Cows
    Thanks r77r7r and AndriaD :)

    I just have to not try to suck a milkshake through a coffee stirrer :lol:

    Anyway, I like the wee bit of variety (mostly PT2s and a Nauti here and there.) I certainly don't "slurp" through juice like I do with my clearos!!!

    I like the idea of the eGo adapter - I'm just nervous about the lack of support. I got the anodized aluminum tanks, and those things weigh next to nothing (compared to my PT2s with the extra airflow adapter!)

    I'll try wiggling down the end of the carto on my next one.

    Thanks again for the help!


    Reviewer / Blogger
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    Jan 24, 2014
    Thanks r77r7r and AndriaD :)

    I just have to not try to suck a milkshake through a coffee stirrer :lol:

    Anyway, I like the wee bit of variety (mostly PT2s and a Nauti here and there.) I certainly don't "slurp" through juice like I do with my clearos!!!

    I like the idea of the eGo adapter - I'm just nervous about the lack of support. I got the anodized aluminum tanks, and those things weigh next to nothing (compared to my PT2s with the extra airflow adapter!)

    I'll try wiggling down the end of the carto on my next one.

    Thanks again for the help!

    Seriously, just loosen it a little; the tiniest looseness opens the airflow quite a bit -- mine wobbles because I leave it that way all the time, so sometimes it works its way looser. On the sigelei, you can also loosen the top ring to rise up a bit to support the tank, without compromising the air flwo too much. Or, I wonder if one of those standalone airflow adapters would be helpful. I know I've seen them for 510 connectors at MadVapes, and not terribly costly.

    But you're right about not using so much juice so fast; I vape maybe 2-3 ml a day, with my UDCT, and I vaped twice that, easily, from a kayfun. I keep trying to like this particular juice in a kayfun, because it would save money to use rebuildable coils instead of cartos, but the taste just isn't the same, so I guess I'll be hanging with cartos till they finally stop making them. As long as some of us keep using them, surely they won't stop anytime soon.

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