carto/tank issue

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Full Member
Mar 16, 2013
I bought a 3ml smoktech udct tank/carto to try. I thought the tank was 3ml but its 1.5ml and the carto holds 1.5ml. Newbie mistake. Anyways, I primed the carto and filled the tank, but after about half a day of vaping I got a burnt taste, and realized the juice level in the tank wasnt moving (the tank is frosted, it was hard to tell). Is this just a defective carto? or am I doing something wrong? I did change the drip tip, but I didnt think that would affect the carto.


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Dec 1, 2012
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Hey there! If the carto is tasting burnt it's a done deal & no other choice but to toss it. Also from my experience when most vendors say how many ml of juice a tank holds they include the juice in the carto as well. Don't feel bad I'm sure a lot of us were kinda tricked this way. The most important thing is to make sure your carto is properly primed before you insert it into the tank otherwise you will burn the filler material & have to toss it. Baditude's blogs are what helped me & many others! His blogs go into much more details but this is what I do.
1 place toothpick down the center to avoid getting juice down it - careful not to disturb the coil
2 place a couple drops of liquid & let it absorb
3 put in a couple more drops
4 once it absorbs shake the carto down like you would a thermometer
5 repeat dripping & shaking until the top of the filler looks like a slushy

Hope this helps you out! I personally also like to see the filler in the punch holes is moist. It's also okay if juice comes out of the bottom. This does not mean that the carto is properly primed though.

After the carto is primed & you put it in your tank & fill it up take a couple of pulls without hitting the fire button.


Ultra Member
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Dec 1, 2012
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Yes the carto has 1 small hole. I primed it by filling the tank and covering the batt end and sucking. All the juice drained into the carto. Not sure why it isnt absorbing while I use it. Im using a 50/50 mix, so the juice isnt too think. I might just go get a punch and make the hole bigger.

thx for the tips chimney!

No problem! I'd prob punch a second hole. I use 70/30 with 2 holes & it works great! It's always handy to have a punch just in case! Before ya know it you'll be punching your own!
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