Capers tongue only 5 days in. Help!!

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Aug 19, 2013
Cleveland, Ga, USA
Been vaping and analog free for 5 days. Was a heavy smoker, now a heavy vaper. Is it normal too have capers tongue hit so soon. Was fine yesterday. But today the flavor(s) started out muted and got worse as the day went on. I can still smell the flavors on a nose exhale but can't taste them. And my food and coffee tastes off/funky also. I knew this might happen just not so soon.

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Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
Are you vaping the same flavors all day? If you have the selection, maybe change it up every little bit. I know even when I vape my favorites all day and give it some time, I notice they are much more flavorful.

For me, vapers tongue set it after a month or so. It made every juice I had start tasting really bad to the point that the flavors I had made me want to throw up. You just have to push through it.

What kind of gear are you using? Do you know it isn't a hardware issue?


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Aug 29, 2013
I found with cartomizer style tanks that was / is happening to me. I got a dct tank and I loved it for about 3 days then it made everything taste terrible...even with new carts. I've been using protanks and rba's and I'm fine now.....shame, as I like the dct tank. good clouds and such. Try picking up a different style tank? I like glass over poly also. some poly tanks taste funny.


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Aug 13, 2013
San Diego
Not sure if I'm having the same issue or it is my crappy gear. Only 4 days in and all my juices seem to have lost their taste. Too bad I only have NET juices at hand. May have to break out the W2V Paris even though it has not steeped enough. Can't wait for the Provari to get here.

added a little Paris to HHV Dragon's Fire. That helped.
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