Canadian Newbie's Suggestion re Supplier Listings

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Full Member
Nov 2, 2011
I'm new & just trying to find my way around, reading info, threads, & getting pretty overwhelmed. I started looking for Canadian suppliers names/lists for ordering a starter kit. Didn't really have much luck until I hit upon the link "Forum Suppliers", which is a great listing of all the suppliers. I have two comments/suggestions:
1) First, it wasn't evident to me, as a newbie, that the Thread was actual shopping sites. I thought it was a link to a forum for Suppliers. Perhaps it might be easier to find for beginners if it had a different title or name, such as "Places to Purchase" or... ????
2) It would be very helpful to all forum users who are not from the U.S. to have the company listings listed by COUNTRY. I saw there are Canadian & UK buying sites on the list, as well as U.S. ones. But one has to go to each site to try to find out what it is. With all the border restrictions these days, it would be a big help to know how/where to order in one's own country to be sure of actually receiving the product.


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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 27, 2011
Welcome to ECF CanNurse,

As soon as you will have 5 non-spammed post/replies come join us in the Canadian Sub-Forum as SweetMeat suggested, you will find allot of nice Canucks willing to help you out and ready to send you some lists :D

Also don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, you will find that ECF is a very help-oriented community and everyone is cool :D hope you enjoy it as much as we all do



Full Member
Nov 2, 2011
Hi susan, if you want to join this FB group
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they have a canadian suppliers list or when you have more than 5 posts you can post in the canadian forum and someone will PM you a list of companies that sell nic juice... Canada Forum

Thanks so much. I have joined the FB group. Another question - Why does one need to have more than 5 posts to go to the Canadian Forum? Why could the first 5 posts not be IN the Canadian forum? This just doesn't make sense to me, particularly since the questions I have are all about what is available for purchase in Canada? I'm just sayin' ;-)
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