I received 2 of these at no charge from an ECF member who received them as contest prizes some time ago. They were vaped until depleted and put aside. I have one working but not the other. When I hit the fire button on either there is a blue ring light around the very top of the black part and also the ash cap glows blue. I fiddeled with the one that I got to working by pulling the contact gently up a mm or so but the second one will not connect at all. Since it shows blue when I press the fire button I assume it is charged but putting it on the charger does nothing as the light on the USB stays green which I know is its default color when it is just plugged into the USB and not charging anything. What really has be baffled is that at the top of the battery (just below the fire button) is this: LR 1.25
What does that mean? I've managed to identify them as T-Rex batteries but the writing on the barrel has me a little confused.
What does that mean? I've managed to identify them as T-Rex batteries but the writing on the barrel has me a little confused.