California Ban

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
ecig users in California need to be prepared and become politically active to stop a certain ecig ban if Jerry Brown is elected Governor of California. Remember as Attorney General of California he was supportive of the ban. It was only Governor Schwarzenagor(sp.?),who refused to sign the bill banning ecigs, that stopped the bill from becoming law. Become politically active this election--your right to the ecig could be danger! Talk to your State Representative and educate your Rep now!


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You can look up your legislators by your zip code: California State Legislature—Zip Code Search

If your representative/senator is running for re-election, find out who the opponent is and contact him or her as well. Cover all your bases.

Visit in person, phone, write a letter sent by snail mail, write an email ... these are listed in descending order of effectiveness, from most to least effective. But if sending an email is all you can do, do it! Every little bit helps.


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Arnie is not running. He is out of the picture. The choices are (D) Jerry Brown, (R) Meg Whitman, and several assorted candidates with no big-party backing.

California gubernatorial election, 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It looks very suspicious (to me) that all of a sudden a housekeeper who was employed by Whitman decides to file a complaint with a state agency about not getting reimbursed for mileage with the advice of a lawyer (Gloria Allred -- who has quite a few Democratic political ties). Especially when filing the complaint brings to light the fact that the housekeeper is not in the U.S. legally and was using a false Social Security number for her employment.

So the net result is the maid, instead of getting reimbursed for mileage, will likely be deported, or possibly jailed on federal charges. Even if everything alleged about Whitman is true, it would seem to me that Attorney Allred was not looking out for the best interests of her client (unless her REAL client is Jerry Brown).
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Ultra Member
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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY
Ecig users in California need to be prepared and become politically active to stop a certain ecig ban if Jerry Brown is elected Governor of California. Remember as Attorney General of California he was supportive of the ban. It was only Governor Schwarzenagor(sp.?),who refused to sign the bill banning ecigs, that stopped the bill from becoming law. Become politically active this election--your right to the ecig could be danger! Talk to your State Representative and educate your Rep now!

Although, I do think it is considerably less likely that an outright sales ban will be proposed now, since Corbett's bill banning sales to minors only was just recently passed and signed into law (Corbett was also the sponsor of the first, vetoed ban on all sales).

No budget yet, but several new laws in California | CAIVN


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
Although, I do think it is considerably less likely that an outright sales ban will be proposed now, since Corbett's bill banning sales to minors only was just recently passed and signed into law (Corbett was also the sponsor of the first, vetoed ban on all sales).

No budget yet, but several new laws in California | CAIVN
Yvilla,I don"t mean to be argumentative,but Jerry Brown won"t fold. His political agenda is very much in the mold of Waxman. I really hope I am wrong and you are right. His political life has been interesting to say the least.


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Keep in mind, though, that he can probably do less harm as Governor than he did as AG. He can't pass laws. He has to depend on the legislature to pass laws he wants to see enacted. So in addition to trying make sure he isn't elected Governor, it is important to try to get Senators and Representatives out of office who are anti harm-reduction.


Super Member
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Apr 8, 2010
Keep in mind, though, that he can probably do less harm as Governor than he did as AG. He can't pass laws. He has to depend on the legislature to pass laws he wants to see enacted. So in addition to trying make sure he isn't elected Governor, it is important to try to get Senators and Representatives out of office who are anti harm-reduction.
I really am being challenging! I"m sorry. If Browns" past history is any indication,he will get the legislature to pass a law banning ecigs and he will sign it where Arnold(I have quit trying to spell Schwarzennagor properly) would not sign it. I love you Volkalek--I am not trying to be confrontational. I just do not trust Jerry Brown.


slave to the comma
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Keep in mind, though, that he can probably do less harm as Governor than he did as AG. He can't pass laws. He has to depend on the legislature to pass laws he wants to see enacted. So in addition to trying make sure he isn't elected Governor, it is important to try to get Senators and Representatives out of office who are anti harm-reduction.

Actually, Brown was Governor of California before, and trust me, HE CAN DO A HELL OF A LOT OF DAMAGE. Take a look at the history of California in the 70's & 80's you can see that most of the problems that face the state today were caused by our beloved Gov. MoonBeam.

But, what scares the $&!# out of me... with Jerry, you know where he stands, he wants to turn CA into a smoldering crater, but Meg Witless, the 'alternative' is nothing more than a lying sack, who has a bigger problem with the truth than a Clinton.


California has an addiction.
An addiction to spending.
Before an Addict can get better
one thing must happen...

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
I really am being challenging! I"m sorry. If Browns" past history is any indication,he will get the legislature to pass a law banning ecigs and he will sign it where Arnold(I have quit trying to spell Schwarzennagor properly) would not sign it. I love you Volkalek--I am not trying to be confrontational. I just do not trust Jerry Brown.

I hear you. I don't trust him as far as I can throw a freight train. I hope he is defeated. But in case he does get elected (again), I was attempting to find a bright side.
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