Butterfly Bait - Mom and Pop Vapor Shop

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2011
Xianning, Hubei Province, China
The What...
Name: Butterfly Bait
Supplier: Mom and Pop Vapor shop
Country of Origin: USA
Received (Order to Arrival Time): 7 days (to the UK)
Nicotine Strength: 18mg
Type: Mom and Pop’s vary the mix to match the flavour – guess at 80/20 or 70/30 PG/VG?

Bottle: Soft and Squeezy with a biggish nozzle – good for ‘pouring’.
Labelling: OK – Mix date, Batch number, Nicotine content and ml – no ingredients list
ChP compliant: No
Easy of use: Very
Quantity: 30ml
Cost : $15 (-15% code ECFROCKS) + postage ($6ish dollars for the 70ml i got)
Packaging: Arrives in a Padded envelope, and then wrapped in bubble wrap

it's like...

juice Colour: Light Honey
juice Viscosity: Flows easily
Vape Setup: GLV2 mini – Vision eGo/Stardust – my personal favourite combo

Flavour: 1st impressions – a light sweetness. On the exhale peach and possibly berries.
This has to me a light Honeysuckle and Peach type inhale, and get more berry on the exhale – the sweetness is light and relatively subtle – not particularly sickly to me.
Dry or wet? i’d say that BB is towards the dry part of centre
Sweetness? Sweet but light and subtle – not cloying or heavy at all

Vapour: this produces a nice amount of Vapour, that dissipates quickly and, unlike certain RY4’s, leaves a pleasant aroma behind – according to housemates!

Throat Hit : at 18mg Low/Medium (Medium if Direct inhaling) and 24mg Medium (might be higher on an atomiser or cartomiser)

'Shape of the Vape': As with most of Mom and Pop’s for me, the flavours blend very well, and the PG/VG mix has a great ‘texture’ too. The flavour is suitably complex to highlight something different every now and again, adding to the desire to Vape it again! I like that i can vary the TH by the way i Vape - and BB definitely works well with either a Light or Medium TH, and without having to change the juice. I think mixing the 24 and 18mg is about perfect for my needs - will ask if they do a 20mg and update!

Utility: Despite it’s light sweetness, I’ve been happily Vaping this All Day – including with a beer or 2 – so has at least temporarily replaced M+P’s Tobacco Praze as me All Day Vape!

General comments: Being a predominanently tobacco Vaper, I was pleasantly surprised to really like Butterfly Bait – bought 15ml with me last Praze order and another 60ml arrived on Monday – forgot to do the review! It’s More-ish but something I can put down too – so just about perfect for me. And mixing the 24mg 50/50 with the 18mg seems to be about right strengthwise for me too – M+P’s don’t do a 20mg – tho maybe on request? TBH I’ll probably order the same as better to have 60ml! The only thing i'm unsure of is the Peach - not a favourite of mine, but as i say the flavours seem to blend and shift so seems acceptable so far!

Definitely - worth a try – even if thee don’t usually like non-tobacco’s!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2011
Xianning, Hubei Province, China
Received this from Scuba at Mom and Pop's:
To answer your question regarding 20mg nicotine, we do custom nicotine mixes for anyone that puts it in the comments section. We hand mix to order and so it doesn’t take more time to change the nicotine level for us. It is so nice to see so many people loving my recipes. I do have a miss here and there but so far things have been really positive.
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