Burning sensation with Subox?

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New Member
Jun 13, 2018
Hey :)

I'm new here, and haven't been able to find the same thread, but please forgive me if this is in the wrong place!

I started vaping a couple of weeks ago with the joyetech eGO AIO Eco (bought more to stop me getting properly addicted to cigarettes, which I knew was coming). In terms of vape, it was fine, not much flavour but pleasant enough, switching between 3 and 6mg juice.

That broke a few days ago and I replaced it with a Kangertech Subox Mini CL, primed the coil to within an inch of its life, and got some new juices, all 6mg. Suddenly, I'm getting a burning sensation in my mouth and soft palate, and barely any flavour. I've found the most flavour is around 11.5w with Vampire Vapes Rhubarb & Custard (20VG/80PG), but it's still pretty weak, no matter how I adjust the airflow, and the stinging sensation is nearly unbearable. I suspect I'm sensitive to PG, but I'm still getting the same feeling with higher VG juices.

Basically, any tips for improving flavour and do I just need to hope I get used to the PG? The coil is reading ~0.6Ω, btw.

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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
Well, the nic is on the low side for that set up, which is fine, and I doubt that’s the issue.

Your wattage is within reason for your coil, so it’s probably not tat either.

I personally have never had any burning sensation from any juice, regardless of nic, pg/vg, or flavor.

The only thing that pops into my head is how you primed the coil.

Some of my drop ins, I put juice in the side holes, let them sit an hour or so, lower the watts way way down, take a couple hits without firing, a couple hits firing, and slowly, gradually, increase the watts until it’s hitting nicely and the flavor is good.

Some drop ins do not have adequate places to apply juice, and I really let those soak, hours, overnight if possible.

Also be sure you have enough airflow if that’s adjustable, and give the coil tome between hits to fill back up with juice.
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Jul 28, 2014
Saint-Lazare, Quebec, Canada
I have that mod, you are right it's best for lung inhales but if you want flavour even on a sub ohm coil you have to turn the watts way down but even then it's weak, I get lots of vape but it's not that lovely dense flavourful stuff because of the airflow and coil design.

The burning sensation..could be pg sensitivity, that ratio ought to be very runny and since you say you are priming the coils they shouldn't be dry. Never hurts to change a coil out with one from a different box and batch. But I am going to suggest it may be the custard or rhubarb flavorant. I know in particular with custards and some milk or creamy type flavours I get a strange kind of hot burning tingle in my mouth like an allergy not like nic from juice in my mouth. Hope that makes sense!

So I would try a different flavour and to increase flavour find a vendor who will add double or triple flavour shots to your juice order. Also, never hurts to change coils and see sometimes they just get old and funky.

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Moved On
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May 30, 2017
I don't have your setup but I *am* PG sensitive. It developed over time, and the stinging sensation you describe is familiar.

I used about 8--10% flavorings (so mostly PG) and 80% VG (I buy my nic in VG) and 10% distilled water for a long time. It for sure improved my vape, thinning it a bit. You don't want to go over 10% VG, and depending on how sensitive you are, you may need to get at least SOME of your flavors in VG if you can. So temperatures, viscosity and etc. all improved my vape by using DW. I didn't expect flavor to improve but it did.

Someone recommended I try PEG400 as an alternative. I am just now vaping my new juices, and PEG400 appears to be a real flavor carrier, although I did mostly get it to reduce my visible "Fog"
and it has certainly done so. I got a small bottle from Amazon to try it and then ordered more quantity from Nicotine River, (it's quite inexpensive there.)

I will say working with PEG400 and/or distilled water might require a custom juice manufacturer, with the capacity to create the mix you "need" unless you feel ready for some DIY action. I got into DIY early (I kind of had to due to my sensitivity, I also WANTED to) and I'm glad I did. So, if PG winds up being your problem, I'd be more than happy to point you in the right direction and etc.

Good luck, it's equally possible it's something else, just wanted you to know that if it IS PG, well, you have options.

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