Bulk Cartomizers

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Full Member
Oct 14, 2009

Yep, I knew about that, but I feel like I saw 50 filled cartomizers for $50... somewhere. I love the green tea flavor, and if I could get 50 filled green tea cartridges, that would keep me set for at least 2 weeks. When I have pre-filled cartridges around, I usually use 3 per day. Is that high?

That said, are the empty cartomizers any good? I think I am not refilling properly - I have NEVER been able to get a refilled cartridge to behave as well as one that comes factory filled. I used to put juice in the front like I've seen most people doing here, but I got terrible results from that. These days I put 6-10 drops in the back end of the cartridge where the hole is. The vapor quantity is good, but I never get more than ~30 drags.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL. USA
I do not know where to get 50 pre-filled cartomizers. I chain vape and I am sure I go through more than 3 / day. I really cannot tell with my technique (described below). When I first started vaping, I bought pre-filled carts and empty carts. I know that the carts are the same, but it appears that the empty carts can be refilled many more times and are more productive than compared to the pre-filled carts. I believe that the atomizer in the pre-filled carts gets gummed up or maybe something precipitates out of the juice onto the atomizer, rendering it less productive. Basically, I have been testing this (I am a scientist), and so far it appears that the empty carts can be re-filled considerable more times than the pre-filled carts.

As for refilling the carts, most people would not recommend this, but I have not had a problem (yes I use an automatic). I just drip 6-8 drops into the battery end, vape on it for a while, and then add 6-8 drops again. I never get the burnt taste. I can easily do this over 20 times (I have not counted) before the production of the cart decreases dramatically. I do wipe of the battery end of the cart before I attach it to the battery to remove excess liquid because I have heard that getting liquid into the battery can break the switch or something (automatic battery only)

For the above filling technique, go to vapornine.com website and they have a video showing this.


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Jun 22, 2009
I agree 100% with you mwahle1 about the difference between the pre-filled and blank cartomizers.
For me, after refilling the pre-filled carts for about 2 times, it has an awful taste.
I tried rinsing, that did not do the trick either.
I easily have used 2 cartomizers a day.
Yes, I threw them away, not because they did not work anymore, I threw them away because the taste was nasty.

I have been using the same blank cartomizer since saturday.
I just pre-filled a new one, I plan on using that starting tonight.

I also think it's important to refill with 5-6 drops every now and then.
Do not let the cart get too dry, because the fill will burn.
I can tell by taste and vapor when to re-fill.
So far no burned filler with the blank cartomizer.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2009
Does anyone know of a place where I can buy cartomizers in bulk? I could swear that I saw a place that had a few flavors on cartomizers 50 cartomizers for $50. I'm looking for it now, but if anyone knows where it is, could you please reply to this thread?


Let me know if you find anyplace I will love to buy them at that price!


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Jun 22, 2009
I use the spin technique for refilling. Also my cartos from V4L have lasted longer than I expected. I have several that have been refilled 5 to 6 times and still taste great and produce good vapor.

When you write:"refilled 5 to 6 times".
What does that mean?
Do you do that over several days or in just one day?
Some people have several carts going at the same time.
I only use one and when I'm done with that one I toss it.

You know that a fresh new cart is totally different than a cart that has been re-filled several times.
The vapor might be good, but the taste is bad and the throat hit is gone.
I'm sure it has something to do with the fill.
It looks different, porous and thin and dark.
It makes no difference where the carto comes from, they are all made in the same factory.



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ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2009
emberl, I have about 6 going at the same time and refill them about every 2 to 3 days. I pop the cap put 20 drops in spin it then vape. I do not rinse unless I don't like the flavor currently in the cart. The only carts I am having decreased flavor in are the marlboro carts I had. Maybe my taste buds are not as sesitive as I have only quit smoking for 3 weeks but I have been refilling the same carts over and over with no problems.


Full Member
Oct 14, 2009
Here is an example of what I'm looking for:


In this thread, they had advertised 25 cartridges from eastmall for $37.50. A STUPENDOUS deal! Of course, it turns out that they're no longer offering this deal and that I've got to keep searching. Basically, though I'm looking for a vendor that sells in larger quantities than a 5-pack so that I can save some $ on my cartridges. Right now it looks like I am going to stop refilling altogether - fresh cartomizers are just that much better.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009

Put in the "ECF" code in at check out and it will take an additional 10% off.
Maybe if you contact them they will sell in bulk to you.

I don't care what any vendor says all cartomizers are the same.

Wrong, all cartomizers aren't the same, I've tried some from at least 4-5 suppliers, quality in some is shown over others.
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