BuffaloBacco Tobacco Base Recipe

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 22, 2012
Buffalo NY
Ok, so I named it. What Im about to post is a tobacco mix I first started playing with about three months ago. Ive been thru nearly 30 iterations of this, with different flavors, blends, percentages etc. Ill give you the base mix Ive come to prefer and then tell you how to tailor it to your taste. If you have questions on it... please ask. Ill be happy to explain or post my thoughts on what you want to do with it. Please try it out. You may even help me make it better with ideas and thoughts of other things to do, or use.

Many people search for something close to a real cigarette. While this cant burn and combust like a cig, the flavor profile imo is pretty similar to a marlboro light, sans the ashy/lit n burning part. Ok, maybe Im crazy but I did smoke an analog along side my ecig on this one and was happy with the result.

A few things you will need:
tobacco Absolute Blend from TPA (or made via ECF member Scubatdan's recipe which can be found via searching the forums. Thank you Dan. This recipe wouldnt be the same without your contribution.)
Seedmans tobacco Concentrate.
TPA Dk/555 Tobacco Concentrate
Ethyl Maltol or Vinegar

Make a bottle of premix containing one part Tobacco Absolute Blend, and 2parts Seedmans Commercial. I found it easiest to make a small one. You wont be using much of it. 2.5ml of Tob Absolute Blend with 5ml of Seedmans mixed is plenty. We will call this "Dan's Mix".

Lights Version:
To whatever base mix you use and any quantity you like (I work in 100%VG nic base and ml's and percentages so please dont ask me for drops.. lol) add:

Seedmans @4%
Dk/555 @2%
Ethyl Maltol @1%
2 drops of Dans Mix per 5ml (My droppers calibrate to 27 drops/ml)

If you are using all vg add some DW as per your preference for wicking. I find a final mix of 80%VG AND 20% Flavorings + DW is ideal.

Mix well and let steep at least three days or up to a week. It is vapable immediately, as most of my recipes are but tobaccos need time to develop. Throwing the bottle in a hot cup of water a couple/few times a day will speed the process a bit.

Now for the nuances. Many people including myself do not like nutty, floral, or fruity tobaccos. Dk/555 by TPA is indeed nutty but not as much as their M-type that is heavily peanut flavored. Most analogs do have some nutty undertones and I find replecating a real cig flavor is very difficult without this component in some small amount. Dans tob absolute mix helps to bring out that ashy/dirty kind of taste which is why I added it to the mix.

Full Flavor Version:
So if you want a full flavor type of cig, or need a lot of flavor... DOUBLE the percentages above except Dans mix. Keep that the same. If you find you need more ashy taste then add 3total drops per 5ml when doubling the other percentages.

If you want it more nutty, for the lights version up Dk/555 to 3% and reduce the seedmans to 3%, keep the rest the same. More nutty full flavor, use seedmans and Dk/555 both at 6%, Keep the rest the same.

If you prefer not to add any sweetness via ethyl maltol (the maltol is used only to round out the harsher tones in this recipe) then substitute two drops of vinegar per 5ml.

You can add menthol to your liking. Fruit flavors or whatever you want to your liking. This makes a great base mix.

PLEASE TRY THIS RECIPE and post your thoughts and opinions. Maybe Im crazy and Ill be the only one that likes it but whenever I direly crave an analog, this is what I vape and my craving disappears immediately. Could all be in my head, but I hope you like it!
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