brand new vaper

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Senior Member
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Jun 20, 2013
Bought a blu disposable from wallgreens last night as my first ecig, basically an impulse buy. I come from a hookah and pip tobacco background. I really love the convenience of ecigs. But now after reading tons of posts and watching youtube videos I'm ready to get a better vape even considering a pip-style vape. Im finding that there is an overwhelming number of options out there, so I need some help.

What are your recommendations. Here are the requirements/preferences.

Budget: $65
tons of Vapor
little to no throat hit
Compact size (seen the vamo.. is there any vv that is smaller and in the budget or would the vamo be the best bet?)
least refilling

Checklist: Battery compartment
Atomizer, Cartomizer (Which will give the most vape and least throat hit?)
Solid plastic drip tip
one good juice
tank of some kind, durable please i drop everything.. will one of these take the place of a cart, or atty?

I am definitely a tinkerer and don't mind some complicated pieces.

So basically im looking for recommendations for each of these things to build 1 solid go-to set up, on a budget. How close can we get to the price point is it possible? Please provide links bc I'm seriously a total newb and searching the web shops has been a headache so far.

Pics would make this thread that much better!


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF card!

There will be many with some great recommendations here for you. But regarding throat hit, what affects that in large part is the type of e-liquid you use. At it's basic, PG will give better flavor/throat hit/less vapor, and VG will give better vapor/less throat hit/less flavor. Sounds like you want to look for a mostly or all VG (vegetable glycerin) type of liquid. Others will be along soon for more tips & suggestions. Good luck with your search! :D

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:


DJ RyckRak

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2013
Somewhere in New England
You can get a couple of these. They are VV. Smok Tech VV Winder 900 mah

And if you want lots of vapor with little to no throat hit, get a juice that has a high VG ratio and low nicotine.

I would second this choice over the second one...
Because of the size- but that's just my opinion.
And the higher VG, lower nic will give more vapor with less harshness.
You will need the charger on the bottom of the page...
And a couple of
And then I would head over to Mt Baker Vapor for juice...
Great juice, great prices and great service !
I would get 3-4 15ml bottles to see what you might like.

Best to you.
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