Box Mods: trend, passion, goal or future?

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The Muskox

Full Member
May 28, 2015
Hi everybody, this is part of a paper I wrote and published for Italian Forum ESF. Now I've translated it in (a very bad) English and I would like introduce it to you. Maybe it's too much "patriotic", but let me say that italian box mods don't have to be afraid of any comparison. Thank you very much for your attention and, please, tell me what you think about.
This post was published about one year ago, so please, don't be severe with me if I speak about Semovar and Provari. It is just to share with you my passion for box mods and to have your opinion. If somebody of you will like this, I will be happy to share with you the story from then to the present day.

In recent weeks the posts that follow each other on the Forum and the movements of the markets include a great interest for the Box Mods. So far confined in a corner by Provaris and Semovars on one hand and Nemesis and Stingrays on the other hand, the small boxes of wood or other materials are conquering a large scene and a wide popularity.

Without betraying the origins, even faithful fans of mechanic tubes and genesis are finding the box mods; their beauty, the "roundness" of the electronic steam generated by bottom feeder systems, the potential that is inside them.

Accomplices also (and especially) the local modders who have recently proposed a number of projects (unfortunately mostly currently in prototype stage or slow production) which are admired for their beauty. I don’t want mention them one by one in order not to forget some, but their names will be out during the review of the Boxes.

Even the all-Italian birth of some Bottom Feeder Atomizer of excellent quality (here I don’t run the risk of forgetting, I mean the Grail by Paolo Del Sole, The Aria by Roby77 and NoTank by Peppo99 and Bieffe) added valid alternatives to the Chalice, Cyclone, Spiral, etc. and it has encouraged the spread.

Last but not least, the huge proliferation of clones of tubes and atoms, objects of desire for each vaper until now, contributed to decrease love for BBs, now too much confused and mixed together, with a sad loss of identity. The box mod (for now) seems to go untouched by this wretched phenomenon of cloning and fakes, but we'll see how long it will last.

Unlike my previous BB electronic guide (, which many of you know, here I will not consider piece by piece my Box Mods by analyzing them individually. What I hope to be able to do is an "Introduction" to the world of Box Mods, leading the younger (as most recently arrived at electronic steam) to discover an alternate dimension to mechanical and electronic tubes. I apologize to box mods fans already familiar with these systems and especially to boxes’ modders for the inevitable mistakes that will write in the following pages (and also my mistakes in the translation from Italian into English). I hope you can forgive me; you could add all the parts that will be useful to complete this small work devoted to box.


The question I asked myself and I wanted to put as 3D title reflects my thoughts on the subject: the box is now only a temporal phenomenon linked to a trend destined to run out over time? Or is an object of "hobby into hobby", i.e. a new passion in the world of electronic steam that can overcome the growing supremacy of tubes? Or, more , is a destination, a route from Ego, through electronic and mechanical BB that at last empties into the box? Or maybe could rapresent the real future of electronic steam, with increasingly fanciful objects and art on the one hand and performance on the other? The potential in this sense is more in favour of the box mods.

We begin to talk about it and to scroll through the images. The photographs are mostly original, drawn from my personal collection. For the others is cited the source. I recommend always to click the image for a larger view: often you could find useful or interesting details.

Many of you will recognize box which were owned by them. The market was a real mine of discoveries and surprises. The fact that some objects have been used over time and maybe passed from hand to hand makes them more interesting and “lived”. I thank all those who have sold them to me for the very good conditions when they arrived.

My box parade…. To be continued…

Box Mod

As the name describes, the mod is basically a box made of wood or metal, or more recently in other materials such as carbon fibre, resin, plexiglass or plastic. A simple block, although the inspiration of modders is pushing towards more complex and artistic forms. Can be electronic or mechanical; in the first case only exist inside a battery, the bottle for the fluid and electrical connections, while outside we find the atomizer that communicates through a cup of steel or aluminum with the bottle and the activation button.

Box mod: you recognize top left the inside of the activation button and the metal tube that carries the liquid atomizer; top right the spring that serves as contact to the negative pole of the battery; on the left side the copper wire that carries the positive signal from the positive battery contact (bottom right) to the positive pin of the cup. Pictured on the right with liquid bottle and insert battery.

In the second case there is an electronic circuit that regulates the functions of the energy supply from the battery. It is possible on some models of mechanical box mounting a kick or crown to add the electronic functions features of these devices.

Puzzle Box by Lukkos, Interior view. You will notice at the bottom left of the switch (not included in all versions) that cuts off the current to prevent the Crown (blue item in the upper right corner) to consume the battery during stand-by conditions. At the top right (picture on the left), the metal plate for the contact of the Kick or Crown.

Although there are boxes, mostly electronic, dedicated to be employed with the same atomizers used on tubes, Box Mod has born for the "Bottom Feeder" System

The "Bottom Feeder" System

It's a very simple system: a lower reservoir (flask) made in plastic or silicone connected via a silicone tube at the lower tip of a collector tank made of steel or aluminium. The tank is equipped with an attack that is screwed onto the 510 atomizer. The atom must have "bottom feeder" features, i.e. being drilled through 510 attack to allow the liquid arriving from the flask to reach the steam room. The collector tank is used to drain the excess of liquid that can arrive to the atom and makes it flow out again in the bottle, preventing flooding of vaporization Chamber resulting in unpleasant drinking of liquid or leaking towards our pants.

Feeding of the resistance is supplied by simple finger pressure on the bottle, in a "technical" defined gesture "squonk". The "squonkata", a term that will soon be listed as a neologism on Italian dictionary Zingarelli, is essential in a BF system

The pressure on the bottle must provide to the wick of the atom feed the right amount of liquid. A squonkata too weak will dry quickly, resulting in resistance pulled from a burning taste; a pressure too vigorous will flood the vaporisation Chamber. The right squonkata comes with practice, at the beginning it is not easy to measure the pressure. For this I spoke about "technical action". There are around "Maradonas" of squonkata! But don't let them scare you: some drunk or burn taste, then everything is okay.

The squonkata may not always be equal. The plastic of the flasks did not always have the same strength, so it requires more or less strength collapsing it, also atomizers are not all equal, some are more likely to hold the liquid, others to drop it into the collector tank. Even the tightness of the system is important: bottle stoppers with not perfect closure, or missing o-ring or joints in the silicone tube not watertight could affect power output.

The flasks, round or most recently also square, may have different capacities, depending on the space created for them within the box. The most common include 3, 6 or 10 ml of capacity. It is important that the silicone tube fish well on the bottom of the bottle to get the atom also the last drops of liquid. Recently were offered small metal perforated bottoms which give an excellent performance, but mostly you have just to be sure that the tube has at the lower end a flute beak cut or a couple of facets on the sides to prevent obstruction of the tube against the bottom of the bottle.

Lukkos had also suggested a self-priming mechanism system, the NFS, with the intent to bring the liquid to the atom without resorting to squonk. Personally I've never tried, but the experiences posted on forums doesn't seem exciting.

However the ratio squonk/vape is not 1/1. It is not necessary to press on the bottle at every shot to get best performance. Indeed. Normally a "right" squonk must allow between 4 and 8 vapes before being repeated. At this point it depends from the wick (or cotton or mesh) that we used, to its hygroscopic properties and the system for the collection and flow of liquid into the steam room. Not only that: also the value in ohms of the resistance can change the rate of the pressure. Here the experience helps us, figuring out which one is the last shot before a new squonk.

To perform the manual pressure on the bottle there is on the front cover of almost every box to power BF a porthole that allows you to introduce your thumb or forefinger to touch the bottle and press.

The Squonk

Obvious that the flask must find a "resistance" on the opposite side to that pressure, otherwise the effectiveness of squonk becomes limited. For example, with the Sunbox E7 with magnetic flap also on the back, the pressure on the bottle must not be too forceful, because the bottle could exit out of the other side.

On some box some modder attempted to replace the hole with a button to put pressure on the bottle, but again the results were encouraging but with poor efficacy. Box purists also prefer the feeling of their thumb to the low precision of the button to dispense the perfect squonk.

In a supertechnological world like that in which we live is, we have to smile thinking about a rudimentary and prehistoric mechanism as the squonk is, but it works well, it is simple and cheap, it doesn’t consume energy from the batteries. Big thumbs sometimes don’t fit well in the door, but it's not a big problem. The squonk has its charms though. Now I tried to synthesize (!) but you could write a voluminous Tome "De perfecta squoncata" to leave for posterity ....

All kidding aside, we come now to the part that acts as the container, the body of the Box.

The Box

Basically it is a box, a block with six faces, one of which can be opened to access the inner compartment. The dimensions vary depending on the volume occupied by batteries, by the bottle and by the presence of the electronic circuit. Although, as we shall see, there are now very different shapes of box mods, we start from the most widespread classical configuration: the wooden box.

Can be constructed with 6 strips of wood glued together, carved in a single block of wood, or formed thin stripes of different essences to form different layers of wood then pasted into a single block. The same goal can be reached, however, as we shall see, even with non-wood materials.

Let's examine some of the most famous Box Mods to highlight their features.


The main feature, which gave its name to this box, is the frame of the front door into the body of the box with the shape of a piece of a puzzle. This constructive solution has allowed not only an excellent door seal on the body, but also pleasing aesthetic variations, mixing different wood essences that make it less monotonous chromatically the front surface of the Box.

In time Lukkos gave polychromatysm to the entire body of the Box adding different colors of wood on the front, on the sides and at the rear until to obtain 4-5-6 layers of different essences but always well mix among them aesthetically. In addition, the production of "special" series in which the author has given free space to his creativity. So “ geometric ", "medieval", "contemporary" limited series had born, to more rare and unique pieces of art with mosaic type inlay or casting process of artistic details dictated by the mood of the moment.

From left: Puzzle Box Special “Virgola”, mechanical mod, “Vintage” mechanical mod, "Icebear" mod with Orion Touch Circuit, Special “Vintage” mechanical mod, Olive/ Ebony mod with Saphira not touch Circuit » Image Hosting

Rear side. Atom Smok RDA modded BF, Atom Grail TA by Del Sole, Atom Giotto, by Yasu, Atom Divo by Vicious Ant

Lately has wanted to put emphasis on the puzzle shape of his Box, giving birth to these unique Box Puzzle.

Photo is from Vecchiemaniere's post on the Forum

I would define Luca as an ebonyst, and especially as unexausthed source of innovative ideas useful to all his colleagues, admirers and imitators, and of course to us, lucky users.

Hopefully for Christmas (I don't know if this year) Luke gives us the ability to use his latest creation/masterpiece: the Gold/DNA30:

Puzzle Box Lukkos Gold DNA30 (prototype). Photo is from Vecchiemaniere's post on the Forum

SVABOX by GiacomoSVA

GiacomoSVA creations are simpler in design, more modern than the Puzzle Box, where the Modder has introduced a new element, certainly appropriate for the construction of the "box": the use of carbon. Also the SVAboxes are today assembled with different wood essences, equalling the polychromy of the Lukkos, but the front door is made of a carbon fiber plate that combines the typical resistance of this material with an extreme lightness and thickness reduction. This leads to the benefit of the containment of the total volume of the box.

SVAbox Carbon DNA20D and mechanical Full Carbon # 05

Little room to artistic details, but for the benefit of a great handiness. Witness the mythical SVA Full Carbon # 5, now unobtainable, 18650 battery, mechanic mod, made entirely of carbon fibre, tiny, light, velvety to the touch, yet almost indestructible.

SVAbox Full Carbon #05

Rear Side. Atom Cyclone by Vicious Ant with dedicated tip and Atom A7

In line with its trend of innovation and experimentation, GiacomoSVA has recently come out with prototypes of acrylic resin Box (Penguin SVAbox) that you can use to create multi-colored Box and with the application of carbon fiber sheets to strengthen wooden front doors to further reduce the thickness. We look forward to early "road tests".

The Muskox

Full Member
May 28, 2015
DAM 'n BOX by Damiano

Damiano, author of the Dam 'n Box, defines himself as a blacksmith. A true craftsman, but with the Avatar of the visionary scientist of "Back to the future". Probably the most eclectic and experimenter modder among those we know . Give it a circuit and he can find room in a small box of mints, either submit to Damiano a problem and he give you not one, but a dozen possible solutions. Yet, judging by what you find for sale of his creations, the Dam 'n Boxes are the less complicated you can find: almost anonymous boxes very similar to each other. But don't be fooled by appearances. The legendary Delorion (born as Delorean with circuit Deswadij3, later with Orion electronic circuit) is a work by Damian

Delorion with Orion. Atom Era BF by MyVape

as well as these jewels, unfortunately for now still in prototype stage.


Prototypes of Opera Box. Nivel Circuit. Photo taken from post of Damiano

But Damiano is like this: he makes one (box) and think about hundred more ... you have to arm yourself with Holy patience. I hope that his latest adventures will not reduce either the creative vein, nor the production capacity. Opera, her last creature seen in prototype stage, has a long waiting list from here to Thanksgiving. Damiano, please, think about one…. and make a hundred!


Nipples Tree reveals himself as one of the most eclectic modders. Shapes, wood, circuitry, BF and notBF, he proposed everything for every need. The three small circles of his trademark are now synonymous with excellent build quality. From Provari to Nivel, Saphira to DNA, I think Cico72 has tried all possible circuits within its box, always with excellent results. Among his most popular and successful works, the old Betty, the essential and economic Nerone, the Pacman (notBF but unique) and more recently the Picasso, in both BF and notBF version.


Nipples Tree Picasso, mechanical mod and Nerone, mechanical mod. Atom Aria by Roby74 and Atom A7

Still under construction the new 883, which recalls the frame of Picasso, but with a soft lining, not wooden or metal which according to the authors significantly will reduce production costs and retail price.

Nipples Tree 883. Photo taken from post of Antares on the Forum

ART & MOD by Alessandro 81

Since the first creations Alessandro showed his unmistakable signature: waves, cuts and grooves on the wood. It seems born with a gouge in one hand and an axe in the other.

From left: ebony/rosewood, mechanic mod, Mini Stripes 18350 rosewood/olive, olive/ebony electronic mod with DNA30D circuit, walnut with Saphira Touch circuit

Rear side

Atom Aerovapes BF, Atom Cisco LR, Atom Hornet BF, Atom LR + Cisco ACS

From his inspiration sometimes arise mods rough, hardened by basic, powerful circuit and characterized by dark, sharp cuts almost random made, but facts that give personality to simple "boxes". Sometimes his hand is softer and gentle, digging sweet, rounded grooves, or waves pleasant to the feel and sight. Sometimes gouge and axe agree together: delicate waves and dry cuts characterize different sides of the same box, but always with incomparable harmony. The minibox for 18350 batteries are small masterpieces: they reflect on the front the characteristics curves, while on the back the fantasy has led to narrow strips of different Woods and colours.

A new advanced project is developping a box entirely in plexiglass (Alessandro, I'm waiting for), which will allow everyone a simple and complete customization. Behind transparent plexiglass panels of the doors front and back can be pictures of children or wives/girlfriends, or mother-in-law, the photograps of Tevez or Ronaldo, images of some Saint. Maybe even a couple of Red fish! Ultra-thin LCD screen soon will replace a Panel and will be the "photo frame", or, why not, soon will see a whole crystal box

Plexy, with DNA30D circuit Box (limited edition now in production)

C C by & Odinson

Color, elegance and functionality: these, in my view, the main features of the box by Ruben.

From left: Full ebony with silver details, DNA30D circuit, Olive/Ebony, with Nivel electronic circuit, Rosewood with details in silver, Saphira Touch circuit

Atom Notank by Peppo99 & Bieffe, AtomA7, Atom Chalice 2.2 by Mark Bugs

Unlike his colleagues, since from the beginning Ruben proposed woods colored in red, green, blue, etc. creating products all similar in form and workmanship, but very different from the "usual" wood which we are accustomed.

C&C Mods by Odinson. Photo taken from post Odinson on forums

Characteristic of its box is the sliding front door, to which lately he has added a touch of class and elegance that is represented by the silver edging of the squonk hole.

In its simplicity a little masterpiece. Recently appeared his new prototypes not BF: Audere (personal version for atoms embedded in noBF box, see Pacman and Picasso not BF of Nipples Tree, or mini 18350 MiniMicro type version)

Audere Project. Photo taken from post Odinson

and Novae Mirae, Picolibri Pyra style for any atom 510, with Dna30 circuit.

The "son of Odin" (and much credit goes to the passionate father) is proving to be one of the most beautiful reality in the world of the Italian box.

SUNBOX by Paolo Del Sole

A true hybrid, hyperfunctional mod, between metal and wood. A more High Tech product than classic. I refer in particular to the E7 Module, the only that currently I own and I have experienced.

SunBox E7 with DNA20D circuit, with doors in Thuia root (left) and ebony (right)

Atom Chalice satin 2.2; Atom Cisco 510 + ACS

A totally modular construction, in which a metal frame is completed by front and rear doors both removable and made of metal, wood or stone in various versions. Complemented by a powerful circuit as the DNA 20 or 30. A more "industrial" than the traditional box seen before, more generous-sized and bulky, not very economical cost. However the quality of materials and workmanship is superb and the footprint is signed by the presence of a 10 ml reservoir . Fill it completely in the morning and steam is produced at least throughout the day (battery permitting). There are totally mechanical versions (series M) wooden either metal, a type entirely made in wood (E10) with DNA 20 or 30 and the newcomer much more contained in dimensions (E2), with 12 DNA circuit, but all reflect essentially the same construction project.

Signed SunBox ( Del Sole trademark), but projected by John Wolf Mods group, is also a highly original round box, Globe, now discontinued. Similar to a flask for the grappa is a true bottom feeder system enclosed in a box of volume pills Valda, powered by two batteries in series: 18350 a 2 cylinder engine capable of excellent performance and especially arouse the curiosity of anyone see exit steam from this strange device. Note the attempt (I think not perfect but to be pursued) to eliminate the squonk hole by replacing it with a lever mechanism on the front door to allow a more refined aesthetic and effectiveness at the same time.

SunBox Globe. Atom Cisco LR + ACS

The Muskox

Full Member
May 28, 2015
CRAFTBOX ONLY ONE by Original Moddog

Early works of a young modder from Piedmont, Michele, these creations follow original and different path than any other. Where cleverness and creativity bend to the needs of volumes and circuits, here is the wood to be the master. Found a nice log, Michele works it inside and out, digging and adapting trays, buttons, bottles and batteries, fully respecting the form of its log, heedless of the size more or less bulky.

OnlyOne CraftBox # 1 "Mammouth" left and # 4 "Phantom" right, either.

Really unique works, they are different from each other. As mentioned is the wood to dictate law and is the modder’task to respect shapes, lines, imperfections of his piece. I'm not talking about a box for everyday use, but in the evening, in an armchair, after a day of work, is like turning on the stove of a big Briar pipe, where, even in that case, the artisan has chosen to follow the curves and irregularities of his piece rather than cut and square them in the usual forms. A knot in the wood becomes harmonically a squonk hole, as a squirrel's lair; even the Woodworm holes in a Centennial chestnut log give it a unique personality.

Atom Cisco LR + ACS

LUCKY BOX by DirtyMod

Another Michele at work. He too young and with original ideas. In his case the creation really starts from a box in the literal sense: a box of cigarettes made of tin and turned into a common vaping object. What a worst insult for a box of Lucky Strike?

LuckyBox with ZMaxircuit

Despite not having yet to experience and the stigmata of a true modder, I liked the idea of DirtyMod. I wanted one of his Lucky Box and proudly I show it to you in this paper. It deserves the mention. You cannot define perfect the finishing of metal cuts to frame the display and the collector cup, but the rubber edge around the squonk hole, the inner lining in carbon film, the simple but effective position of the circuit ZMax denote a great attention to details and to search for original solutions.

LuckyBox, inside. Atom Cisco LR

To further improve there is still plenty of time. Go, Dirty!

I regret not being able to quote and comment on the creations of other Italians Modders (and I know that there are many, more or less experienced and known) I hope you will forgive me, and to have soon an opportunity of knowing personally their works. I limited myself to mention some modders at the expense of others just because I physically hand their products and I could express my thoughts (obviously personal and criticable) about things that I use on a daily basis, not only viewed on shops and forums or hearing comments around. As for the ones I mentioned I don't want, especially in this context, to express preferences. But I can say without any fear of being denied that the Italian "school" doesn't fear comparisons. Choose a product of any Italian modder: surely there are more original ideas, design, warmth, passion, meticulousness than any other modder.

But in any case I have to mention a few masterpieces of foreign modders, as the extraordinary Billet Box, original as ever, the Red Sky Mods, with De-swadj circuit, the purely mechanical Bogger, the Gepetto's mods, the Reo Grand, Mini Box, Woodvil, competing rightfully with the best homegrown creations



Billet by Billet Box Vapour boxes

The electronic steam from its special charm, exalted by many for its originality, criticized by others because you can use only cartomizers. Isn't BF, isn't notBF, has its own built-in tank rather fragile, a potentiometer retro style, made of aluminium with a coating consisting of a simple carbon-like film, liquid inlet valve that make the refill quite complicated, a plastic tank not compatible with a drop of lemon or absinthe juice or immediate crack happens, limited autonomy with two batteries 16340. Quite impossible to be found, always not in stock. All possible defects in short, but it's one of my favorite box. Beautiful, practical and functional. Whenever I slide it in the pocket of my jacket where once was the place of the Marlboro's box, a bit of nostalgia comes out. But for the years that pass, not for Marlboro.


Detail of Carto-tank and rheostat for Volts regulation


Red Sky Mods 5.1. With electronic circuit DE Swadj 3. VV-Off mode selector-mechanics. 2x18350 or 1x18650. A box that made history, one of those objects that to the usual and funny question "but also makes coffee?" would answer "Yes". Great, huge in size, a two door wardrobe of electronic steaming, but just because of this became a "cult" box for a collection.


Red Sk y Mods Cutlass II, stainless steel cup, pistol grip, body in African Mahogany and Zebra wood panels, mode selector between VV - off - mechanical. Deswadj3 Circuit. Compared to the older sister, 5.1, the Cutlass was slimmed down and stretched, retaining the same circuit but becoming more ergonomic and easy to use. The harmonious choice of woods makes itself a unique piece and now difficult to be found.


Reo Woodwil Mod. Step Down. 2x18350. Buzz Pro Circuit. Another box with a circuit now obsolete but still good. Presence of switch (shown bottom left) to completely stop the circuit and preserve the battery. You could say: so modders made boxex in this way two centuries ago? Funny, but just two or three years passed away.

Reo Mini. The stereotype (along with the Reo Grand bigger sister) of the box. Ugly but functional, coarse but practice, the forerunner of today's Hana Modz or Vaporshark. They have sold an avalanche, both mechanical and VV version. Still in production, but today ther is something better.


Gepetto, the Carpenter of Pinocchio, begins his workshop in 2011 in Poland and from then create many boxes and e-pipes entirely original. That I own and you see in the photo is part of its early days, with traditional shape that reminds a little tp our Sunbox. Probably a circuit DE Swadj is inside (I'm not sure).

After this initial "classic" period, Gepetto spent his work in different creations ranging from the "Horror":


to a search of unusual shapes and materials


Picture taken from Gepetto’s website.

The boxes of Gepetto always go "Out of stock" in a matter of minutes, which is always frustrating, but its originality must be followed and appreciated.


The veining of the wood speak for themselves in this box, full mechanical, of American origin. Interesting and original the angled opening of the squonk hole, rather than on the front door. It seems that for some time the Bogger Box has serious problems of reliability and virtually vanished from the world of electronic steam. Too bad, because the care and the variety of essences of his models were much appreciated.


Halfway between the box and the mechanical tubes is the Vinci, by Yasu. Creation of an all-Italian modder who has succeeded in combining the features of a BB with the characteristics of a bottom feeder system. Almost unique (there are numerous but unsuccessful attempts of imitation), seems dated and obsolete, but put inside a good battery and a Cisco LR just removed from his bag and this masterpiece will allow you to see what is still capable.

The Muskox

Full Member
May 28, 2015

Virtually all electronic circuits adapted to adjust the power of electronic vaporizers were mounted on the Box. Here are the main features of the most popular and widespread circuits, but other top performing circuits are offered frequently, as the trend of increase the power supplied seems to be unstoppable. The use of res in sub-ohm, more and more sophisticated and widespread, is now made possible by these new chips and is no longer a limit.

I don’t want to be boring with the technical and you could find the features of each circuit through the web connections.

Evolv DNA 30

DNA20D on SVA box

DNA30D on full ebony C&C box

Provari by Provape


Saphira PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) by Roby74



Orione PWM VV/VW

Orione PWM is a module for VV VW.
It's designed in italy by Maurotb as an open source project


Size: 14,4 X 19,4 mm
Max ampere: 10A
Ampere when idle: 2.6mA
Theoretical efficiency: 99%
Volts range: 3-8.4V
Watts range: 6-25W
Powered by 2 IMR batteries

Cutt-off after 15 seconds
Set the power with Volts or Watts
Displays through a single led: battery voltage, voltage output, wattage output, resistance of atomizer
Check for unbalaced discharge of the two batteries
Check for discharged batteries (two levels)
Check for overcurrent and shorts

Meaning of blinking led:

When starting up: 3 blink if set for volts or 2 if set for watts
If overcurrent and short: led permanently on, Orione will stop and after 5 seconds will reset

If the led blinks every 5 seconds and Orione is not working, batteries are discharged ( <= 3V )
The led will blink for an hour and then will switch off to avoid over discharging the batteries.

If the led blinks every 5 seconds and Orione is not working, batteries are unbalaced discharge ( > 0.15V )
The led will blink for an hour and then will switch off to avoid over discharging the batteries.
You can bypass this check (via hardware)

If the led blinks every 2 seconds, batteries are nearly discharged (< 3,2V )

Orione keeps the voltage / power constant during the discharge of the batteries.


5 clicks lock on/off (single blink ON, two blinks OFF)

6 clicks choose volts/watts

7 clicks show load

8 clicks show battery voltage under load

9 click show chosen volts/watts

10 clicks to choose volt output or watt output

DE Swadj 3 by Dimension Engineering


Nivel Chip

Variable Wattage Power Regulation With A Brilliant One-Button User Interface Is Finally Available in the USA | The Nivel Chip


Have patience, I jump at the bottom of this topic. Are elements absolutely necessary for the operation of a box mod, I acknowledge that, but I have absolutely no competence in this area. Maybe someone can help me by bringing a personal contribution on these components.




A minefield, in the sense that it is virtually impossible to evaluate BF atomizers if not at totally personal level. If we exclude the non-rebuildable atoms, Cisco and similar type, the rebuildables are subject to the enormous variable represented by the coil. Each makes the res at his "pleasure" ... and "at his pleasure the sentence will be" citing Mozart and his Marriage of Figaro. Therefore any comment would be too exposed to criticism and however out of place in this context.

You can find the pictures of the models I own contextually to photos of the box on which they are mounted.

The characteristics of most of all the atoms BF are: extremely compact dimensions, not having to include a tank, two towers for positive and negative, a collector tank to outflow of excess liquid. Born for wick, single coil, but the evolution of techniques and materials has recently introduced the possibility to use cotton, mesh or ropes and to double or even quadruple the coils (only for hunters of records). Ceramic is used rarely (Spiral BF). Interesting, innovative and functional the NoTank atomizer, recently proposed Bieffe and Peppo99 who gave birth to an atomizer BF coiled with mesh where the same mesh is wrapped around the Tower of the positive pole and the coil develops vertically rather than horizontally. The forums are full of posts with the description, performance, variations on the theme, the rankings, the preferences of each individual bottom feeder atom. Thus I leave individual curiosity to the Search button for explanations in that regard.

Personally however I think I never will separate from my Chalice, one always coiled with silica wick and the other with mesh.


Recently are becoming object of desire not Bottom Feeder box mods, i.e. without feeding atom by a flask and liquid collecting tray. They allow the use of any atom with 510 connection. Replace in practice the use of tubes. Mostly incorporate an electronic circuit and, thanks more generous dimensions of the box free from bottle, you can use batteries in series or high performance (high amperage 18XXX or Lipo), and fit high power circuits of delivery by 30 watts of DNA30 up to 120 watts of Vicious Ant Variant.

Wapari Mod – Finland – DNA30D (photo taken from post on Forum)

Hana Modz – DNA30D (photo is from Hana Modz site)

Vicious Ant Variant. (Photo taken from Vicious Ant site)

Are particularly required by the North American market. In their own way our US colleagues apparently feel the need to have in their hands something different than the usual tubes and they get along as they know, with showy boxes of aluminum or steel with a circuit board inside, more and more powerful and therefore more and more attractive. Except for few exceptions (like Gepetto or Red Sky Mods) they are not able to compete with the warmth of wood and the design of our home.

From left: Tiny Terror, by Damiano, with protection circuit to allow sub ohm, Nipples Tree Pacman with Provape circuit/Provari, Ante Meridiem Axis with its own circuit capable of 75 W, Dam 'n Box by Damiano on Hammond chassis, carbon door, Nivel circuit, Picolibri Pyra with circuit DNA30D




I must say that I never thought to learn so much about different types of wood since I started with this new hobby. Different colours, essences, veins that print personal characteristics on each individual piece, which in this way is not unique only for a serial number, as for the tubes, but it is unique because the thousand shades of each piece of wood are unique. Olive, zebra wood, ebony, walnut, rosewood, padouk, venge, cherry ...

First for me all kind of woods were simply wood for furniture. Now I have learned to distinguish the various wood types, finishes, gloss, matt, , grapples and fillers. I'm trying to figure out where the maintenance should be done in wax or oil, if is worth to modify certain rough and raw finishes with abrasives and new velvety paint. There is enough to lose myself, of course, and this problem does not arise with Hana and similar Mods, but it can create a new passion.

The care and maintenance of the box is essential, under penalty of losing their beauty and their value. Some modders send along with the box purchased a maintenance kit (GiacomoSVA and Mr. Thiroux of Picolibri for example), others like Lukkos have elegant cases of waxes, lanette and special cloths in their catalog.

The Muskox

Full Member
May 28, 2015

The box are very expensive; those beautiful, special series, are a lot expensive. They range from a minimum of 90 – 100 euros for a simple Nerone mechanical, up to 200-300 euros per box more complex from an artistic point of view. But they are also marketing the most expensive box like the Vicious Ant Variant (600 euro) with its circuit from 120 W or W-box Wapari (4-500 euros depending on the version). I don't want to comment on the sales prices. For sellers and buyers 100 euros can be an exagerate sum for some and cheap for others. The market is made up of demand and supply.

To the cost of the box you must add the bottom feeder atomizer that can go from a few euros for a Smok atomizer modded and adapted to BF to 120 and more euros of the Chalice by Mark Bugs.

Worth the expense? Also in this case the opinions can be very different. Even leaving aside the exaggerations and special series. For anyone who falls in love and has Paypal charged the answer is undoubtedly Yes; the question remains for those who want to make a jump to the box from the usual pacifiers we all started (Ego-phantom-CE), leaving the passage through the tubes and for those already used to tubes and rebuildables who intend to start the climb (or descent to some extent) to the box. In the first case, I would tend to discourage the box. True that you can make it work (and well) with a single Cisco BF LR, but it is also true that in doing so you lose a key part of that path that we all have done or are doing to improve the way we enjoy the highest possible level our beloved hobby. The tubes require rebuildables, the rebuildables are essential in the BF.

Better not move from elementary to the University by skipping the middle and high school

For "graduates" tube lovers the speech is different. Many of them (of us) have already achieved the Olympus electronic steam, are professionals of coils-making and fully satisfied with the results achieved. Mechanical tubes and some electronic, combined with appropriate atomizer make possible to reach the excellency. There is no need to box step, if not for unexpected boring for similar logos on similar tubes or accomplishing the curiosity to experience a new world. World that, mind you, is not better than that of the mechanical mods, but complements it and creates a viable alternative. Prices of tubes and boxes are now aligned, a lot of choices are out there.


After this long exposure on Box Mods I would like to conclude ... going back to the beginning, the question with which I wanted to open this thread: the boxes are just a trend, or a passion for something more complex and multifaceted than the tubes or even represent the goal of an electronic vaper already gone through other systems and transferred to a reliable and definitive solution? May also the box mods aspire to become the future of electronic steam?


Each fellow definitely will think in a different way. In my humble opinion of course the box represent the trend of the moment. Reached the extremes (I mean nano tubes half mm longer than a battery 18350 on one side and torpedoes with two coupled 26650 on the other side), coming to boredom the search of the modders ofor new engravings and buttons, mechanical tubes are rapidly running out of their appeal. Now on the markets sell or exchange of tubes for box mods are quicly increasing.

Certainly the box is passion because each box is unique thanks to the wood alive and poliedric. Thanks to modders as Lukkos after the first Puzzle Box purchased we would have just another to put together on a shelf. True that the dimensions are the same for all, the puzzle piece shape is the same, the interior is standard, but Luca knows how to put together combinations of different woods with an artistic touch that differentiates between them, making each piece unique. Other wood modders are following this route, each with his own personality, making really wide the offer and difficult our choice. Their passion has become our passion. Really contagious disease.

Art Mechanic Pin Up, created by Art & Mods with artistic paints by Rafrart from Pisa. 18500 mechanical. Atom Cisco LR + ACS

However I don't think the box mods are conquering the world of vapers only by virtue of their beauty. Also the bottom feeder system, the simplicity of regeneration of atomizers, the long range of use allowed by big flasks and battery performance contribute to their success. Hard to say that really the box mods could be the final destination of a route starting from Ego and ending to box, but a good mechanical or electronic box with a Chalice, a bottle from 6 or 10 ml of liquid inside along with a 3400 mah battery and 30 amps discharge are a great way to enjoy the electronic steam for an entire day. Only limitation is the volume of the box, some really monumental and .... any shame in being seen with a similar object in our hands. But, to my way of thinking, less and less flashy than any Vamo or Semovar.

If then the box will truly represent the future of vaping evolution , well, that we'll see together. The fact is that no tube seems to have a improvement potential comparable to box mods. The shape and size of the boxes better lend themselves to welcome new circuits, different batteries no longer round but flat and thin, larger and more detailed display, built-in flasks, automated systems of squonk, modular construction for an almost total DIY. Everything apart from a customizability whose limit is only in the imagination of the modder or the single user.

Will prevail the box builted in aluminium or resin, more simple, practical and economical, or the traditional wooden craft, with higher prices but incomparable personality, but for me the future is really in the Box. For this I started to collect them and, unlike the tubes, I'm not yet bored.

Someone surely will ask rightfully what I do with so many boxes and may criticize me for this. I say once again as I have done in the past: this is the first time that I have the opportunity to start a collection from the beginning. Generally every collection looks to the past, often remote, and needs objects that are difficult to find and sometimes very expensive. In the case of box mods and articles for electronic steam in general the past is ... today, or at best a few months ago.

Please anyone wanting to dispose at a fair price of its original box contact me. The collection still wants to grow. And surely does not dust on the shelves: every morning I choose 2-3 box to bring with me for the day, depending on the moods of the ever-troubled awakening.

Now I stop writing, I think of you bored enough. Thank you as always, those who had the Holy patience to read this far, and I hope that what was said (or at least the images, more eloquent than many words) may have helped to clarify some ideas for beginners, helping them maybe in the choice of a first box mod, or, why not, capturing the attention of the most avid fans of tubes.

Thank you very much for your attention
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