Blue Foam - Blue Foam - Blue Foam!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 11, 2009
Never did any fancy folds and just used the pre cut foam from a vendor and stuffed it in and it worked like a charm. Held way more juice unlike poly where you put in a couple drops and it pools on top and won't sink in.

The only problem was after a day the foam starts to sink and doesn't touch the wick so maybe another piece has to be cut to make it a tighter pack. It still works fine though pulling back up to the top so it's springy.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
If you want to give credit where credit is due:

The oldest reference I can find to blue (reticulated) foam is a thread by Funkybozu: dated way back in July.

He probably deserves the credit for the discovery. Everything after that is just improving on his idea.

Quovadis was the first one to post about using the foam alone and cutting it into a V shape.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
Eclypse invented "blue foam"! :)
Yes, I originally read the same post you reference.

I have no issues with someone that improves something, but I think Eclypse just took Scotty's ADM mod, and stuck a "blue foam" plug on it, instead of Poly. And all of a sudden he's the next coming of God to the e-cig world. :) (Guy cracks me up).....

I still think controlled direct dripping from a stock cart is the "holy grail", and have been working on that avenue. Eclypse, you can go ahead and take credit for all the future direct drip mods now. :)


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
Eclypse invented "blue foam"! :)
Yes, I originally read the same post you reference.

I have no issues with someone that improves something, but I think Eclypse just took Scotty's ADM mod, and stuck a "blue foam" plug on it, instead of Poly. And all of a sudden he's the next coming of God to the e-cig world. :) (Guy cracks me up).....

I still think controlled direct dripping from a stock cart is the "holy grail", and have been working on that avenue. Eclypse, you can go ahead and take credit for all the future direct drip mods now. :)

Nope, wrong again.. I never said i invented the blue foam period. Plus i did not just remove the poly and slap on the blue foam from ScottyBalls ADM as he also used a metal spring to hold the plug.

Its all just a competition to this guy and he's gona bad mouth me cause he feels he can do it better.

I've not ran into anyone like this in all my years of visiting online forums since my Q2/Q3 online gaming days and hell that was to be expected as there were competing clans... is this guy 16 or 50 like his age shows?? hmm.

Alot of people rub me wrong but if i went on attack there would be no time left in the day lol.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
Really Eclypse? Here's your blurb on ScottyBee's bearing drip mod (Direct Quote): Finally someone designs a cart mod to eliminate the vacuum problem i've been trying to explain to people for a while now. I guess you must of been listening scott. heh..

A little better then a tiny hole in the side end of a cart.. but i bet you'll still have juice on the fingers when the ball moves.

Thats ok.. didnt expect any thanks

Then when he replies: Eclypse,

You got exactly the thanks that you deserved.

You Answer with: "heh, last time i share a thought then."


You have some issues Eclypse, I just happened to call you out on it.
Others are probably more democratic about your ego than I am.
I call a spade a spade, or in your case "A tool".. :)
You took some blue foam, and cut it off short as a plug, and think you saved the world.
Most can't even read your post because it's so self serving, that they get turned off on the first page, and shut it down.
That was mentioned by someone earlier in this thread, I think? :)

So you have a habit of stirring the pot, and ruffling a lot of feathers Eclypse.
Believe me, not in any competition with you. Afterall it's a piece of cut foam about the size of a pencil head, hardly earth shattering. Good luck in your "own" efforts, instead of trying to convince that other's work is yours. That's called plagiarising BTW. :)

Bella Chic

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 4, 2009
Southeast Texas
Ok, so were is the V cut? The part that you see at the top or the part that you don't see that gets shoved into the bottom of the cart? Pictures would be awesome! Right now I'm just using lil precut squares from the place I purchase my supplies and it works really well...I can get about 18-21 drops into the cart depending on the drop size and it lasts a pretty goo amount of time. I have the L2 510's. I'm just not sure were you are cutting the V at is all. Thanks for your help.



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ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
Gina, I'm just folding the foam, into a "V" and inserting it with tweezers after filling the cart, bottom of the "V", at bottom of the cart. Because the thickness of the foam times 2, is wider than the dimension of the cart, it just creates a split for the atty to settle into to. I'm just doing what many other's have previously done, but tracking performance with different sizes and thicknesses of foam.

I still prefer direct dripping over any type of filler wicking the juice. :)


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
Really Eclypse? Here's your blurb on ScottyBee's bearing drip mod (Direct Quote): Finally someone designs a cart mod to eliminate the vacuum problem i've been trying to explain to people for a while now. I guess you must of been listening scott. heh..

A little better then a tiny hole in the side end of a cart.. but i bet you'll still have juice on the fingers when the ball moves.

Thats ok.. didnt expect any thanks

Then when he replies: Eclypse,

You got exactly the thanks that you deserved.

You Answer with: "heh, last time i share a thought then."


You have some issues Eclypse, I just happened to call you out on it.
Others are probably more democratic about your ego than I am.
I call a spade a spade, or in your case "A tool".. :)
You took some blue foam, and cut it off short as a plug, and think you saved the world.
Most can't even read your post because it's so self serving, that they get turned off on the first page, and shut it down.
That was mentioned by someone earlier in this thread, I think? :)

So you have a habit of stirring the pot, and ruffling a lot of feathers Eclypse.
Believe me, not in any competition with you. Afterall it's a piece of cut foam about the size of a pencil head, hardly earth shattering. Good luck in your "own" efforts, instead of trying to convince that other's work is yours. That's called plagiarising BTW. :)

Stop already as your making an ... out of yourslef.. Your getting the 2 Scotts mixed up. Ya have Scottbee and Scotts.

After 33,000+ views in my thread, your the only one to say anything negitive about me. So i guess your the one with the problem. You can call me if you would like to talk further.

Other then that i think its time to get a mod in here to kill this thread as its going no where.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
I'm pretty sure it was Scottbee ( I was quoting above.... :)

Hit that refresh button a lot? :)
It's a foam plug stuffed on top of other's previous mods Eclypse, nothing earth shattering. And if you hadn't hijacked the thread, like I predicted you would, we'd be discussing blue foam, instead of what a "tool" you are! :)
Maybe if you stare at yourself long enough in the mirror, you'll get that adoring audience you so desire!


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
I'm pretty sure it was Scottbee ( I was quoting above.... :)

Hit that refresh button a lot? :)
It's a foam plug stuffed on top of other's previous mods Eclypse, nothing earth shattering. And if you hadn't hijacked the thread, like I predicted you would, we'd be discussing blue foam, instead of what a "tool" you are! :)
Maybe if you stare at yourself long enough in the mirror, you'll get that adoring audience you so desire!

Yo, your going off so much your getting yourself confused.. I was commenting on your quote:

Eclypse invented "blue foam"! :)
Yes, I originally read the same post you reference.

I have no issues with someone that improves something, but I think Eclypse just took Scotty's ADM mod, and stuck a "blue foam" plug on it, instead of Poly. And all of a sudden he's the next coming of God to the e-cig world. :) (Guy cracks me up).....

I still think controlled direct dripping from a stock cart is the "holy grail", and have been working on that avenue. Eclypse, you can go ahead and take credit for all the future direct drip mods now. :)

So your confused and you probably confused everyone else. lol.

Give me your address so i can come over there and stick my foam plug/slug in your 510 cart to shut ya up. Thats whats still in my 510 cart for 3.7v vaping to this day! Still putts a smile on my face all the time.

PM me when you finalize your foam so i can do a hit by hit video comparison of the 2.. as i feel thats the only way you'll ever experaince my slug.

Ya keep going on and on but i still to this day get thank you PMs from people about my blue foam mod.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
You're right Eclypse, I shouldn't have abbreviated SCOTTYBALLS as Scotty. I think it's easy to see who created those two posts, as they are usually the first thread in the discussion? :)

I'm basically already using "your" foam slug/plug/"piece of foam"/filler, but still prefer direct dripping. As Funkybozu got me reading about alternatives to stock Polyfill, still gonna have to give him credit though Eclypse! So, I'll keep playing with the foam dimensions so that it works well enough when I can't drip. And I'll be working on an "auto dripper" for my 510, as that's what I desire.

I won't antagonize you anymore, it's just too easy.. :) Peace out!
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