Blu Original Starter Kit

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May 20, 2012
West Texas

The Blu Original Starter Kit: Leading the Electronic Cigarette Revolution
Blu Original, the first and only electronic cigarette with the one-of-a-kind blu pack that started the ecig revolution.Unique for its internal charge port – which conveniently charges your e-cigarette batteries when you're on the go - the blu pack will replenish your batteries up to six times before requiring a full recharge. The blu Original pack is both lightweight and durable. With enough interior space for up to five spare electronic cigarette flavor cartridges, blu Original is the perfect companion for the smoker on the go.

Original Blu Starter Kit:
1 E-cigarette pack holds 5 cartridges - charging your batteries on the go!
2 Electronic cigarette batteries
1 Wall charger and 1 USB charger
1 Full Flavored strength Variety Pack containing
- 2 Classic Tobacco cartridges,
- 1 Cherry Crush cartridge,
- 1 Magnificent Menthol cartridge and
- 1 Java Jolt cartridge
30 Day money-back guarantee
One year warranty


Hello Everyone this is SadLittlePony here to review the Blu Origional Starter Kit. Take this review with the knowledge that this is my opinion on the product and that it does not necessarily reflect the overall quality of this product. Any views expressed are entirely my own and take full responsibility for what I say.

Little over a week ago I purchased a Blu Disposable E-Cig to try it out. I seen on TV years back before I was a smoker some commercials and news reports on the Blu and the new Electronic Cigarette Revolution. The thought of smoking something and getting the benefits but none of the drawbacks excited me. The disposable lasted me all but Four Hours. I knew it was just the life of the battery and did not reflect the cartomizer.

The next day I picked up the starter kit from Wallgreens and it was packaged nicely like I just bought an iPod or a nice watch of some kind. This excited me a bit. I knew I was in good hands of a master crafter. At the top of the review there is a list of all the contents which were all packaged nice and tight.

I charged the portable pack with one battery inside and I charged the second battery with the provided USB charger. This process tool a little over 2 hours to get good and charged. I left it for another hour to ensure the full capacity is being used. I started off with the coffee cartomizer. The coffee tasted amazing. It tasted like pecan pie. The vapor wasn't that impressive but I have my work arounds for that.

The battery life while vaping lasts about 3-4 hours of continual vaping. Not too bad but still annoying when you vape as much as I do. Fortunately there are two. While I am at home I leave my spare plugged into the wall and swap between the two. Each cartomizer lasts between 3-5 battery swaps depending on the flavor. Straight Tobacco and Menthol last the longest and the stronger the treat flavors the shorter they last. Compared to an analogue cigarette the vapor production is significantly more until the battery starts to run down or the cartomizer starts to run dry.

Now even though I happened to get a bad batch of tobacco my first time I will still talk about them. The first cartos I got tasted like burnt plastic. I contacted customer support and they were happy to replace them for me. Supposedly what happened is I received a few cartomizers filled with bad E-Liquid. Now the new tobacco ones taste like a good cigarette with a hint of maple nut in it. Very light flavor, thick vapor and a light throat hit. The cherry flavor wasn't impressive. It tasted like cherry almond coke to me. Lastly the menthol was good until I burnt out the carto sucking on it too hard. It had a taste of peppermint to it.

Blu does have a few flaws that I should mention. The indicator light on the pack is so bright I can use it as a flash light. Not good for charging both your batteries in the middle of the night. Blu is also known for its lack of decent vaping experience. I have a short guide to improving your overall experience found here. This short guide will only leave you wanting more and you will probably progress to getting a better Personal Vaporizer.

Overall I can tell that Blu took time in constructing their product. Its solid and vapes extraordinarily well for its size. The portable charge pack is a little on the heavy side with everything in it but fits perfectly in your pocket. It is roughly the size and shape of a pack of Pall Mall 100's. The charger pack can charge a battery about 5 times before it dies. The price of this Blu is well worth it for what you get. Especially if your looking to have something you can carry around all day and smoke anywhere discretely. The whole unit itself is nice and elegant.

If you are looking to use the Blu to kick the habit of lighting up you may want to keep looking unless you are only a light smoker. The nicotine content is too light to save a chain smoker such as my self but you can reload the cartomizers with E-Liquid with a higher saturation of nicotine. This concludes my review, Have a wonderful day.

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May 20, 2012
West Texas
Mmm good questions. I shall answer those and then add that information to the review!

The vapor is a lot more than an analogue until the battery starts to wear down or the carto starts to run dry.

They also stated that my tobacco cartos probably came from a bad batch of E-Liquid.

Thanks for commenting!


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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Dont buy a Blue. I started off with them because I tried their disposable from walgreens. The disposable was great so I ordered a starter kit. Purchased the Premium 100 kit with 5 packs of cartos. My batteries would die within an hour of using and the cartos didnt last nearly as long as they imply. The worst part is that they arent designed to be refilled and they dont sell blanks so you are stuck paying $2 a carto. Half of my cartos got the burnt taste within 50 puffs. Customer service was nasty when I called. After trying over and over, I decided to return the kit for their money back guarantee. It took them 4 1/2 weeks to refund my money from the time they received it.


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May 20, 2012
West Texas
I dont know man my cartos refill just fine for me. And they only burn if i get them too hot. I have learned to keep it cool and still get a thick vape. Now I agree that Blu pretty much sucks and people shouldnt buy them. But if your looking for just something to have its still a good choice. Better than other brands that are so off beat you cant even put your own cartos on it. The Blu is a 510 connection so if you want to you can put some boges on it and vape happy. The battery does a good job for short periods of vaping but its not an all day PV in the least.


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May 20, 2012
West Texas


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Mar 26, 2011
Santa Monica
I have not tried the Blaze but seeing as I am looking for a good PV for bringing to work ill probably try it. The fuma had a pretty decent battery. If your looking for all day though you should get a second battery.

I would not. died on me in less than 2 weeks.

AaronY sent from my iPad
Almost 2 years ago I purchased blu kit. Well lets just say that I didnt know anything about e-cigs at the time. So long story short, I went back to analog smoking for about another year. I then discovered the ego style batt-ecig combination about 8-9 mos. ago and totally quit smoking period and have since been vaping exclusively. Dont have anything good to say about blu. There are products out there that actually work so you dont need to waste your time on blu. Even with the lowest end ego knock-off product I've tried, it was still light years ahead of blu. I was actually shocked when I saw the dates of people posting on here about blu. I cant believe this blu is still relevant in the realm of vaping with what is out there now. I blame myself for not doing my research and buying this product in the first place. But for those trying to quit smoking for health reasons and dont have $ to burn...."Ego Batt". Just google that and research from there. Seriously I can't believe this thing is even being talked about other than as a obsolete past product like a vcr or something like that. Hope this helps someone cause it could have saved me $75.


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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Almost 2 years ago I purchased blu kit. Well lets just say that I didnt know anything about e-cigs at the time. So long story short, I went back to analog smoking for about another year. I then discovered the ego style batt-ecig combination about 8-9 mos. ago and totally quit smoking period and have since been vaping exclusively. Dont have anything good to say about blu. There are products out there that actually work so you dont need to waste your time on blu. Even with the lowest end ego knock-off product I've tried, it was still light years ahead of blu. I was actually shocked when I saw the dates of people posting on here about blu. I cant believe this blu is still relevant in the realm of vaping with what is out there now. I blame myself for not doing my research and buying this product in the first place. But for those trying to quit smoking for health reasons and dont have $ to burn...."Ego Batt". Just google that and research from there. Seriously I can't believe this thing is even being talked about other than as a obsolete past product like a vcr or something like that. Hope this helps someone cause it could have saved me $75.

Me too. I was able to return mine, but it took 5 weeks to get my money back. And I didn't get the money for the 6 packs of cartos or shipping so I ended up losing about $70 on the deal.

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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
so basicly it is a 20 times more expensive gas station ecig that vapes worse then one right?

Pretty much. Now, their disposable is pretty good, but it's $10.

I think they use the disposable to lure you in. It's 24mg nic so you don't need to use it much. Then you buy the kit and the highest nic they have is 18 with a small battery that has less power
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Nov 5, 2009
Spring Hill,Tn
I agree that the blu disposable is pretty excellent for a disposable, among the best of the ones I have tried(mostly convenience store impulse buys). As for the full on Blu setup, I bought it but I really don't know what I was thinking. I knew full well I wasn't going to be satisfied with it for long. The upside was that it got me back into the mindset of thinking about ecigs again. That got me back to these forums. That got me to make some better/smarter (in my opinion) purchases. That got me back to full time vaping and now I haven't touched an analog in a couple of weeks.(that is simply huge for me personally) I wouldn't reccommend the Blu to anyone myself, having said that I think I owe Blu a big THANK YOU!!


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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Blu Blows

I lost the receipt or I would of returned it
I have pretty much quit smoking
I will be ordering a Ego twist kit tommorrow

Smart move. Altsmoke has good prices on the twist. $22.99 for the 650mah and 25.99 for the 1000mah. There is a 10% off coupon when you register with them. It's FIRSTORDER.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

John Castle

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Sep 12, 2012
Tempe, AZ
It's a little late getting in the door, and I hope it doesn't annoy anyone if I bump this thread with my own thoughts, but here they are:

As someone whose first full-time vaping expedition was with the original Blu starter pack, I have to express gratitude to them for helping me quit analogs. I'm sure plenty of people have said that, but it's true for me as well, so here I am echoing what's probably just about a cliche with Blu by now.

That said, if you haven't started vaping yet, your wallet and your chances of quitting with both thank you if you skip right on past Blu. Why?

Before I get into that, let me qualify the following: I bought my Blu stuff at a local Walgreen's. So how much of the following is directly at the feet of Blu and how much is Walgreens' fault is something I can't tell you. I will point this out, however: Even if everything below is due to the products sitting on Walgreen's shelves and degrading there, it's still Blu who chose to distribute through Walgreen's, which means that even if only indirectly, it's all on Blu.

First, the expense. I paid more for my Blu starter kit at Walgreen's than I did for the Halo G6 starter kit I have now. $70something including sales tax for the Blu kit + a 5-pack of Vivid Vanilla carts, compared to $55 for the G6 which came with a 5-pack of Torque 56 carts plus two more blanks. So there's a point against Blu: price.

But the price hit doesn't stop with the starter kit. A 5-pack of Blu carts is roughly $16-18, online or brick and mortar. Online due to shipping, offline due to sales tax. Roughing out the math, that's about $3-and-change for each cartomizer.

Second, the battery life on the Blu is just dismal. Following all their setup procedures to the letter, my batteries would last me about 45 minutes, cumulatively, of vaping. That is to say, whether I vaped lightly on and off for a few hours or steadily until the battery was drained to blinking, the amount of vape time was 45 minutes. The charge time, whether on the USB adapter or in the PCC, was 45 minutes or more. Charging the PCC itself from drained to fully charged took about an hour and a half. So battery life and financial drain are both points against the Blu.

Third, the cartomizers. That 5-pack of Vivid Vanilla I bought? Every one a dud. The variety pack that came with the kit? Those all fired up. Some were all right. Some were mediocre. Some were just plain bad. The coffee, to me, tasted the way burning leather smells. The tobacco was okay. Bland and almost stale-tasting compared to tobacco vapes I've had since, but at the time, it was okay. Menthol was the only really well represented flavor, but I'm not a fan of menthol. Cherry actually tasted like cherry... as reproduced by cough syrup manufacturers. The Vivid Vanilla that was part of the variety pack in the starter kit was actually tasty... for the 20 or so puffs it lasted. Which just made me angry at the 5-pack of vanilla-icon-sporting paperweights I'd plunked down close to $20 for.

It didn't take me long at all of variously trying, succeeding and failing to use the Blu before I started looking for other inexpensive "entry level" (a.k.a. noob-friendly) e-cigarettes. That's when I found Halo and their awesome juices. I ordered a sampler from them to try out their juices before dropping money on another starter kit -- that's how wary (and weary) I was of vaping by that point. Halo was my one last-ditch effort to stay off analogs, and if their juices hadn't panned out, I'd have gone back to smoking by now.

I managed to learn how to refill the Blu carts with Halo juices, and it was wonderful. Except for actually refilling Blu carts, and this is where I get back on topic. :) Blu carts aren't made to be refilled -- they can be, but it's not a user-friendly experience. Popping off the ends caps is easy enough, but you have to also keep an eye out for the little rubber "o-ring" inside and remove that, too, or you just get juice on that and not into the filler. The physical difficulty with refilling Blu carts is that they are very, very slim carts, meaning that the actual wicking you drip into to refill them occupies a virtual sliver of space. If you don't have a needle tip for your bottle of juice, you'd better be a damn surgeon to refill those suckers. Wrapping up: The carts are Blu's third strike, in my book.

Miscellaneous notes: The PCC was great. Too bad it was an accessory to an e-cig I'd have been better off not spending money on. Their marketing? Holy crap, if they put a third as much money, work and time into their product as they put into their marketing, they'd blow the rest of the industry away.

So there's my $0.02.
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