best watermelon e-juice ever?

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What would Freud say?
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Feb 10, 2010
Wilmington, DE / Ithaca, NY
From an older post...

I have bought A LOT of watermelon - I think it is probably the easiest flavor to get right because in my opinion, no one's watermelon sucks

They are different.

My GF is HUGE on watermelon. Her 2 favs are: BWB and Vaporbomb... almost identical in taste. She gets them with EXTRA EXTRA sweetener. They are both clear, clean and not overpoweringly sweet (until she requests it quadruple sweet. Flavor is not Candy... rather more of an authentic taste. These are Tart watermelon flavors... more tart than sweet. BWB's is a bit more tart - probably the tartest of them all.
Both are major vapor producers and the tartness adds some good throat hit.

Tasty Vapor makes a great candy watermelon. Like the jolly rancher. It's pinkish in color. Very sweet, not tart at all. Big on the throat hit, and not too much on Vapor at 80pg/20vg

Two more notable Watermelons are: VapeRite's natural Watermelon and Vapor Station's Watermelon.

VR's is very authentic... not too sweet... much like BWB and VB, but a little more "natural" tasting. A bit less tart. It's also a clear liquid. VR's is probably the easiest to vape all day... not heavy on TH... vapor was good.

Vapor Station's was my favorite. It tastes a lot more like the rind... It has a rich undertone to it. It's neither sweet or tart. In fact, it's a little bitter - probably why I like it. This was a golden color if I recall. Big Throat hit... somewhat low on vapor...

Anyway, they are ALL good. Right now, I prefer the tart ones...

One more to add: iVape's watermelon... this one is different too.
It was pinkish... clean/not cloudy...
It is heavy on the throat hit... more sweet than tart. Very good.


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Aug 30, 2010
New York
My favorite watermelons are BWB and Ms.T's New Watermelon (she has two types). I somehow lost my bottle of Ms.T's watermelon at college the other day! It must have fallen out of my pocket. I also like Southern Ambrosia's Watermelon Popsicle. Watermelon is one of my favorite vapes. I've got a bottle of Mad Vapes Top Vapor Watermelon, but I haven't tried that one yet.
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