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Best menthol available from Canadian suppliers?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2011
In the West
Hoping for opinions here... Being fairly new to vaping, I've only tried a few juice flavors so far: JC Marlborrow, JC menthol, JC Dumay, and JC Grape Koolaid. I'm vaping the menthol most of the time now, mainly because it reminds me more of a cigarette taste more than some of the tobacco flavors I've tried. I am wondering though, if there is a better menthol out there (the stronger taste the better).

Just a couple of requirements:
1) It can not smell or taste anything like JC marl borrow. That was one of the flavors I ordered with my first ecig kit and it darn near turned me off vaping. The smell seemed to linger in my nose and sinuses for hours and I hated it.
2) Must be available with a high nic content.

Also, any other flavors you could recommend that still follow my two rules above?


Full Member
Oct 9, 2011
Just a few comments from one newb to another. I love menthol too. The first one I bought was from maple Leaf Vapes. To be honest, when I first tried it. It was terrible, then I bought a plain tobacco, It was even worse. Because I hated them so much they just sat there for 2 weeks. One day I ran out of my pre-filled cartos and had to resort to refilling with these juices. After the first pull I was shocked! They both tasted totally different and are now I can't stop vaping them.

The term is called "Steeping" Some juices smell like ... when first bottled and need time to mellow out. Let them sit for a few weeks and I'll bet you change your mind on the flavour.

Also: The the type of carto/atty/tank/voltage can effect flavour. What are you vaping with?
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