Best Buying Source for Vamo V5

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I recently made the newbie mistake of purchasing a vamo v5 off of eBay. Got a kit and immediately realized the batteries and charger were worse than useless (dangerous). Oh well, replaced them. Within a week the vamo started having problems firing, the screen flickers on and off while pushing the fire button. Happens with all atomizers/tanks. It works 75% of the time. But now it's starting to shut itself off randomly while vaping.

I've had it now for over a month, besides there's no use in trying to get refunds from eBay sellers of e-cigs.

So the question is: Are there some reliable sources to buy better quality versions of the Vamo V5? Preferably reasonably priced? Are there specific manufacturers that are known to be better for this device?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm also considering replacing with something similar, suggestions there would also be helpful...
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