Been vaping 6 months still coughing

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mr bubble

Full Member
Dec 12, 2016
Never smoked analogues but decided to take on vaping as nicotine helps with my depression. First 2 weeks were fits of coughing but 6 months later still cough throughout the day. Have tried different vg/pg mixes and have cut out pg completely. Currently vaping 6mg flavorless 100% vg. Tried different inhaling techniques aswell but coughing doesnt go away. Anything i should be worried about? Cough didnt start till i took on vaping.
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Apr 30, 2016
Perhaps you have you device set too high.
I used to smoke a pack a day for 25 years, and I am currently vaping at 14w, which gives me all the nicotine I need.

If you can't find something that works, then my advice would be to listen to what your body is trying to tell you and try something else (gum for example).


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
Your lungs are telling you they don't like what you're putting in all! Since it's been 6 months of coughing, that should be pretty clear by now.

IMO, if you're sure you don't want to give up on vaping though, because you need the nicotine...I'd stop inhaling the vapor into your lungs! Try bringing it in only as far as the back of your throat...wait a couple seconds, and then exhale it through your nose/mouth.

I smoked 1 - 1 1/2 packs a day for 42+ years and inhaled my ciggy smoke all those years. However, I find that I definitely get the nic I need, from my 6mg only vaping the way I said above! Nicotine in eliquid is readily absorbed by your cheek cells, as well as the mucuous membranes in your nose and sinus cavities. In fact, when I first started vaping, I was told by a longtime vaper that absorption was better that way, than inhaling it into my lungs. I don't have any scientific proof of that, but it has worked for me and many others who vape that way. I've never felt nic deprived, nor wanted a smoke, by vaping like that for more than 3 years now.

Might be worth a try for you, too. I'd also recommend that in addition to trying the different inhaling technique...adjusting your PG/VG ratio so you're not at 100% VG. That 100% VG alone can cause your lungs to feel pretty "heavy". If that doesn't work either, personally, I'd pay attention to my lungs and quit vaping.
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Vaping Master
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Nov 21, 2015
Toronto, Canada
Your lungs are telling you they don't like what you're putting in all! Since it's been 6 months of coughing, that should be pretty clear by now.

IMO, if you're sure you don't want to give up on vaping though, because you need the nicotine...I'd stop inhaling the vapor into your lungs! Try bringing it in only as far as the back of your throat...wait a couple seconds, and then exhale it through your nose/mouth.

I smoked 1 - 1 1/2 packs a day for 42+ years and inhaled my ciggy smoke all those years. However, I find that I definitely get the nic I need, from my 6mg only vaping the way I said above! Nicotine in eliquid is readily absorbed by your cheek cells, as well as the mucuous membranes in your nose and sinus cavities. In fact, when I first started vaping, I was told by a longtime vaper that absorption was better that way, than inhaling it into my lungs. I don't have any scientific proof of that, but it has worked for me and many others who vape that way. I've never felt nic deprived, nor wanted a smoke, by vaping like that for more than 3 years now.

Might be worth a try for you, too. I'd also recommend that in addition to trying the different inhaling technique...adjusting your PG/VG ratio so you're not at 100% VG. That 100% VG alone can cause your lungs to feel pretty "heavy". If that doesn't work either, personally, I'd pay attention to my lungs and quit vaping.
Damn. You really do learn something new every day. :)


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Nov 28, 2014
North Georgia USA
What device, settings, etc? Have you changed your coil or re-wicked if using a rebuildable? Currently have an Ego twist glued to a permanent setting because it got so loose it would get turned up by accident. Even small gear can burn a new wick instantly if turned up too high. Slightly burnt wick will make you cough even if not a true "dry hit".


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2011
When I first started vaping it was a whole different world. Most of us were using 1.8 to 2.0 ohm coils and 12/18mg liquid. If you go to high end models right off the batt you will usually have problems. Since you're not a previous smoker I would start with a basic ego. Low levels of nic and increase as necessary. Nothing works overnight.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
I would have different recommedations depending on the type of cough. Dry scratchy throat...less nic and drink more water. Heavy chest...less vg more pg and drink more water.

Also you could try more nic but vape less often.

I, for one, cannot tolerate more than 30% vg or I get heavy lung feeling. But I'm an old smoker with copd.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2016
I just realized something after making my post above - for the last few days, I haven't been vaping at 14w, it has been 10w.
My subbox mini resets itself to 10w when you remove the battery, and I had forgotten to turn it back up.
I vape 6mg liquid and use a 1.2 ohm coil.

My point is that you don't need much power or particularly strong liquid to get enough nicotine.
I started on 12mg and have been working my way down, but you have the opposite goal of actually seeking nicotine rather than weaning yourself off it, so why not use stronger liquid?

It might be an idea to go up in nicotine strength and down in power, so you need to inhale less vapor overall to get the same amount of nicotine.
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