battery life

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Oct 29, 2013
colorado springs co
hey guys quick question. I just got some new batteries the sony 30 amp VTC4 its 2100 mah... all I have ever ran before are the red efest 18650 2000 mah I dont remember the amp rating but I know its not 30 amps. question is if I run it the same as usual will the 30 amp battery last any longer as far as run time ? its 100 mah more and I'm sure that will make little difference in the long run but Im wondering if the rating is based on the amp draw. I use a 1.1 ohm coil on my kayfun always. I think fully charged its only drawing around like 15 amps. please correct me if I am wrong. If these batteries have less strain on them they should last longer throughout the day right ? I'm not interested in sub ohming I just needed new batteries and these are better Im told. hoping I might get a couple extra hours in the day out of them.


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
should get a marginal improvement simply on the basis the vtc4's should sustain their voltage under load a little better. though, they're often marketed as a 2000mah battery as well. just depends on the retailer.

EDIT: i wouldn't expect to see improvement that's obvious unless those efests are horribly over rated and/or degraded.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I would expect better run time from the Sonys. In my experience eFests start out great, but when I use them side by side with AW's within 60 days the eFests run time starts dropping off - a lot - while the AW's are still holding their run time nicely. That extra 100 mAh the 18350 eFests claim is meaning diddly compared to the AW's.
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