Bacon from FlavourArt - Taste Notes

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Nov 21, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread for each of the FlavourArt flavors I try so that those of us who have tried that particular flavor can share our opinions. Its possible I should have picked a less, how should I say this, disturbing flavor than Bacon. But that is what I was most excited to try and it is fresh in my mind.

I thought initially that the title "Bacon Fried Flavor" might be a result of translation from Italian but after I smelled the bottle, and I should mention you can actually smell these without opening the bottle, I realized that this isn't necessarily Bacon flavor as much as it is the flavor of something fried in bacon grease. My mom had an empty coffee can that she would keep left over bacon grease for cooking with in and that is the exact smell of this flavoring. I'm happy to say I never tasted that grease but I'm less happy to say that I now know exactly what it tasted like.

I started off by putting one drop in 1 ML of PG. As I mentioned, the flavor is definitely bacon grease. There is a nice smoke flavor but underneath is a less pleasant flavor of old (not quite rancid) fat. I imagine this would be less off putting if you could taste the salt but that just isn't possible in a vape. I added another drop and couldn't really tell the difference. After a third drop it was stronger but not by the amount you would suspect. There seems to be only so much bacon grease flavor that your brain can be bothered with.

OK, this obviously wasn't a flavor I was going to be vaping straight but I thought it might stand a chance as a compliment to something else. I've noticed other members mixing this with maple and they didn't seem to be having any trouble with the flavor. I mixed another three drops of the Maple Syrup Flavor, also from FlavourArt, and couldn't really tell much difference. I'll review the maple syrup in another post, but I will say that it didn't seem nearly as strong. After I got to 7 parts maple to 1 part bacon things started looking up. The bacon was still too strong but it was starting to fall into the background. At 8 to 1 it was actually pretty enjoyable for a while. I felt like I was vaping breakfast. I went up to 10 to 1 and I think that was probably the most enjoyable but by then the smell was starting to get to me. The aroma of bacon grease is much more of an issue that the taste and at that point I'd had enough.

Here is where the real problem became apparent. I'd been vaping bacon grease for about 3 hours. That isn't something I'll be putting on any resumes. The flavor/smell had fused itself with my beloved Protege. I tried to clean both the atty and the blue foam cartridge filler but that didn't seem to help at all. I let the atty soak and cut some new foam and tried vaping straight PG. It didn't seem to taste any different. It took about 4 refills of straight PG before the flavor cleared up. I'm on my fifth refill of PG now and I can still taste it but only faintly.

So, a total bust? Not really. For a short period I did actually enjoy the flavor and then later while I was trying to clear the flavor out it began to taste just like dry rub BBQ ribs with a maple glaze. That was unexpected and really delicious. I think this would be a good flavor to add a smokey note to other recipes but it would have to be in very tiny amounts. I can't say I'm up for figuring that out right now though. I think I might mix up some really strong Jolly Rancher Watermelon with some LorAnns and focus on keeping that lunch down!


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Sep 25, 2009
Falls Church, VA

I'm not sure which is stranger... the fact that someone actually makes a bacon grease flavor... or that someone bought it. :D

After trying and disliking fruit flavors I came up with a good way to choose flavors...

"Do I want to smoke <flavor name>?"

For instance, watermelon really did taste like watermelon. I like watermelons .... to eat. I've found that I do not want to smoke a watermelon. ;)

Just my opinion though as lots of people love the fruit flavors.

One exception. If I ever find "Kung Pao Chicken" juice I have to try it. Not because I'd like it.. just because its so strange and stupid I just have to.



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Nov 21, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
Enjoyed the notes, the strength of these is quite varied when vaped. Sounds unpleasant at the wrong ratios. So, have you learnt from this to start at a really low concentration and work up?:p

You know I actually thought I was starting low. I measured 32 drops per ML from my dropper, so that means I was staying at about 1 part flavor for every 32 parts of PG. I think for the maple that would be a little low but for the bacon it was definitely too much. Each flavor is going to be a learning experience ... some more painful than others.

I also thought I should mention that these two flavor do contain very small amounts of diacetyl. I stayed away from anything higher than .02%.

Fried = .01%
Maple = .012%


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Nov 5, 2009
Hopkinsville, Ky
After trying and disliking fruit flavors I came up with a good way to choose flavors...

"Do I want to smoke <flavor name>?"

This wouldn't have for me. again, this is where everyone is different. Personally I would have never smoked a Red Bull or a Vanilla Coke but I have found that I LOVE both of those flavors.

c|_| Cheers for weird flavors and those willing to risk an atty to test them for us :D


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Sep 27, 2009
One exception. If I ever find "Kung Pao Chicken" juice I have to try it. Not because I'd like it.. just because its so strange and stupid I just have to.

FYI: Kung Pao Chicken E-Liquid
and some reviews:

I haven't tried it yet as I've not ordered from this supplier, but when I do, I'll definitely be ordering a bottle to try.

If you're curious, I also saw a teriyaki chicken floating around somewhere in the DIY e-liquid forum I believe using Flavourart flavorings.

baby driver

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Aug 26, 2009
Sunny CA

I don't want to start a new thread for it, but I did try the FlavourArt Chicken flavor and it was extremely realistic and good. It was odd to vape a flavor like that but tasted just like really good chicken. However, I smelled like chicken all day. Everywhere I went, people were commenting on the smell of chicken, and so that would be the only thing to consider as a possible negative.


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Nov 21, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
I have a bottle of Roasted Chicken here that I haven't got around to yet. Good to hear the flavor is realistic! So, its been over 24 hours since my bacon adventure and my upstairs still smells like I'm running a BBQ joint out of my bedroom. I'd have to say the odor is a bit of a concern.

Cute pup by the way! How did s/he react to the chicken? My pups like to bite at the vapor.


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Nov 3, 2009
King George Virginia USA
I made some maple bacon and really like it. It came out as a yummy savory flavor with just a hint of sweetness. I used two drops of Bacon (FlavourArt) and a single drop of French Toast (Capella) in 6ml of unflavored 11mg e-liquid. I took it with me to my local hangout and everyone out of the dozen that tried it found it intriguing. No one felt it tasted like old bacon grease - most said it tasted like breakfast.

I would love to find a way to get the salt taste in there... but I don't think it is really possible.

The FlavourArt flavors I have used are VERY strong. If you use too much it will take at least a couple of vodka washes to get the taste out of your atty and you probably will have to put new filler in the cart!

I get FlavourArt from Happy Vaper - Canadian Quality Electronic Cigarette/Personal Vaporizers and DIY Smoke Liquid and I use the drop size from the bottles it is packaged in. :)
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