B+M over online? Despite price

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the red room

Full Member
Mar 3, 2014
Living in Chicago, I'm fortunate to have almost a dozen stores in the city proper (several more in the burbs). And I'm just counting the straight vape shops, not the many tobacco shops that sell some vaping supplies. I've visited all of the city stores at least once, and my favorites, multiple times. I feel it's important to support local business, and also like the personal feeling you get when talking one on one with someone, being able to ask specific questions, get recommendations, feel the devices in my hands. They're also great places to hang out and shoot the .... with other vapers. Many of them have "lounges" with comfy couches and tables, amidst plumes of smoke. One even has a huge fish tank, for atmosphere I suppose. There is a mark up, and so far, I have been willing to pay it on a few devices, but I have also purchased things online. I usually price online, then shop around the local vendors before buying, because I've found prices can vary as much as 30 bucks on mods between stores. I have used 1 groupon at a local store and 1 yelp deal, and many of the shops do this rewards program (I think it's called 5 star), where repeat visits add up to discounts, free juice & accessories, and even free mods eventually, so that's a plus. I haven't bought any juice online because taste is so subjective, there's just no amount of written description that can really pin down a flavor. One vape is worth a thousand words. I'm sure, as my collection continues, I will be buying online as well, to be able to afford to try out more things, and also because sometimes the local shops aren't fully stocked with every item.


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Feb 8, 2014
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
I support the B&M shops. I was going to buy my MVP2 online ($79 was too much) when I discovered that the cheap wholesale place I was looking at was actually local. I called them up, drove 5 miles and got it for $42. They were nice and friendly with a small sampling bar/display area in the office/warehouse park where they were located. They were a bit out of the way and their sign said Office Products so I doubt they get much drop in business. They mostly wholesale.
I guess it still counts as buying local.
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