AZ Attorney General conducting e-cig stings using undercover youth purchasers, 20 fines issued to violators

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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA
So for every case of catching someone selling to a minor who might be looking for a way to stop smoking, 300 cases of child abuse/neglect go uninvestigated.

Yup, sure looks like AZ has their priorities screwed up.

Easy enough to figure out, they go after the one that is costing them tax revenue. Follow the money as usual.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
I think the stings are good for vaping. It sends a message to shop owners not to sell to minors. The last thing we need are children vaping and investigative journalists interviewing 12 year olds using e-nic. That would guarantee what some would consider to be draconian restrictions on sales and use. The mantra of the left's anti vaping campaigns has been to save the children.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
What is the lower age bracket for administering NRT in your state Steve ?

No idea. No question kids would be better off vaping than smoking. They shouldn't do either, though. If their parents feel they should get their kids an e-cigarette, that's up to them, under their supervision. As soon as kids are shown on the news going into vape shops buying gear and blowing clouds, it is game over for vaping as we know it.

Orb Skewer

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Oct 19, 2011
Terra firma
No idea. No question kids would be better off vaping than smoking. They shouldn't do either, though. If their parents feel they should get their kids an e-cigarette, that's up to them, under their supervision. As soon as kids are shown on the news going into vape shops buying gear and blowing clouds, it is game over for vaping as we know it.

People have tried to prevent kids from smoking for decades, and spent billions trying, yep, there is no doubt that kids should not smoke, but they do, granted that figure is falling, rapidly, and so are the profits of BigT and BigP, big P is trying to recoup, first it has bent the arm of the health advocates, lowered the age for administering (via health advocates), and has also advocated 'unlimited term use' of NRT's-for any age group, from any demographic. Sell, sell, sell is the message.
BigP and BigT bankroll governments-not the other way around.

Nicotine, is nicotine, is nicotine

NRT Smoking Cessation Aids in the US


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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA
Orb, you got my curiosity up on this as I've heard several different things about under 18 buying NRT. This quote is from WebMD.

Note: Nonprescription nicotine replacement therapy products cannot be sold legally to people younger than age 18. A doctor may prescribe one of these products if a person younger than 18 is dependent on nicotine.

From here Nicotine Patches, Gum, and Inhalers for Quitting Smoking

So it seems like they did CYA themselves.

Orb Skewer

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
Terra firma
If it's GSK's nicotine then its fine, for kids as young as 12, and indefinite use.

Nicotine, is nicotine, is nicotine.

“ Nicotine itself is not especially hazardous …
if nicotine could be provided in a form that
is acceptable and effective as a cigarette
substitute, millions of lives could be saved.”
Harm reduction in nicotine addiction: helping people
who can’t quit, a report by the Tobacco Advisory
Group of the Royal College of Physicians, 2007

“ Evidence is available from studies with up
to five years follow-up, which suggests
that ‘pure’ nicotine, in the form available
in nicotine replacement therapy products,
does not pose a significant health risk.”

Tobacco: Harm reduction approaches to smoking, a report by the UK National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2013


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
People have tried to prevent kids from smoking for decades, and spent billions trying, yep, there is no doubt that kids should not smoke, but they do, granted that figure is falling, rapidly, and so are the profits of BigT and BigP, big P is trying to recoup, first it has bent the arm of the health advocates, lowered the age for administering (via health advocates), and has also advocated 'unlimited term use' of NRT's-for any age group, from any demographic. Sell, sell, sell is the message.
BigP and BigT bankroll governments-not the other way around.

Nicotine, is nicotine, is nicotine

NRT Smoking Cessation Aids in the US

I know that the number of smokers among our youth is said to be dropping, but I wonder how accurate those estimates really are. I see an awfully lot of kids smoking. I wonder how reluctant kids are today to admit they're smoking? I know among the 20 something crowd, there still are lots of smokers.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Well it's either slowly dropping, or it's quickly dropping.

I think that is determined by the needs of the ?nonprofit?"health" associations. If they're marketing their importance, they are having a huge impact. If their marketing their need money for projects, it's still a major issue and it's not dropping fast enough. Prior to e cigarettes and based on the rate of decline, smoking in general would be close to eradication in somewhere a bit over 200 years. That gives plenty of time to keep the cash flowing into their coffers.

E cigs create a major issue in long term planning. At the rate people are moving from cigarettes into the various, apparently much safer alternatives, the need for a force to combat the dreaded epidemic of could get diminished rather quickly. Obviously a lot of tax dollars don't get collected and projected sales of drugs associated with the treatment of particular smoking related diseases don't get met.

Smokers are dying every year, but 666 squared deaths occur each and every year somewhere between 45.3 million or 52.7 million smokers existed in 2010. At 45.3m the number hasn't dropped much in the last 20 years. Percentages change because of population growth but all this effort is keeping the number of smokers pretty constant so someone is replacing those lost.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
i have an idea.
instead of compliance checks on ecig and liquor vendors,lets do compliance checks on people
younger than the legal age that are buying these things illegally.
if the problem is minors buying this stuff illegally than find them and arrest them.
problem solved.
did you know there are modeling agencies that hire out minors that look closer to 30 than 18
to various enforcement agencies just to increase the volume of infractions which = more fines.
compliance isn't about protecting children,its about of course the money.

here in saint paul it took the authorities 1 year to shut down a bar that was knowingly
selling to minors due to having to conduct a proper investigation to get enough proof
to obtain a conviction.the barkeeps new it,the minors new it,the cops new it,1 year.
so much for protecting the children.
back when i was busing part time a late 30-ish couple came into the restaurant with what
appeared to be there 2 teen-age children.
the adults each ordered a beer and a shot of some kind of liquor,the teens sodas.
as soon as the waitress left the table to the kitchen the adults handed the shots to the teens.
are you following this? yep you guessed it,compliance check.
the waitress new she was had. luckily some tables near buy observed all this and loudly say'ed as
much.that infraction was quickly swept under the rug.

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