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Authentic Christianity - Dr. Adrian Rogers - Part 1

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I found this pamphlet and wanted to share it with everyone. It's a great eye opener but will take quite a few posts.

Authentic Christianity - Dr. Adrian Rogers - Part 1

My heart is burdened over a carefully hidden sin that is affecting our world, our nation, and our cities. It is called superficial Christianity. I hate to say it, but even our churches are plagued with this problem.

I thank God for those who attend worship services, but the problem in America on Sunday morning is that our churches are full of empty people--people without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Oh, they have religion. The Bible speaks of those who have a form of godliness, but deny its power. They have been infected with a mild form of Christianity and have never caught the real disease. It is not that they are not religious.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This is me talking, now. Matthew 7:22-23 is the most ice cold, spine tingling, awful, dreaded Scripture in the Bible. 1) It states how Powerful the name of Jesus is, even spoken by the unsaved; 2) proves that if you are truly a blood bought born again Christian, you cannot just give your salvation back. You cannot 'lose' your salvation. "I never knew you," means just that! Jesus cannot lie. It also doesn't mean 'I knew you from 1990 - 1995, but then I didn't know you from 1996 - 2005, but then I knew you once again from 2006 - present.' Who has the Power to pluck you out of the Hand of Jesus..........certainly not satan. He just doesn't have that kind of power, and certainly not you as you definitely don't have the power to pluck yourself out of the Hand of Jesus! Once you are there, you are there. Now it is your choice to decide how close you want to walk with Him, but that has nothing to do with your salvation! It's a completely different issue. Jesus is honorable, doesn't lie, and doesn't play a give/take away game. You can take that to the bank! :)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    This is me talking, now. Matthew 7:22-23 is the most ice cold, spine tingling, awful, dreaded Scripture in the Bible. 1) It states how Powerful the name of Jesus is, even spoken by the unsaved; 2) proves that if you are truly a blood bought born again Christian, you cannot just give your salvation back. You cannot 'lose' your salvation. "I never knew you," means just that! Jesus cannot lie. It also doesn't mean 'I knew you from 1990 - 1995, but then I didn't know you from 1996 - 2005, but then I knew you once again from 2006 - present.' Who has the Power to pluck you out of the Hand of Jesus..........certainly not satan. He just doesn't have that kind of power, and certainly not you as you definitely don't have the power to pluck yourself out of the Hand of Jesus! Once you are there, you are there. Now it is your choice to decide how close you want to walk with Him, but that has nothing to do with your salvation! It's a completely different issue. Jesus is honorable, doesn't lie, and doesn't play a give/take away game. You can take that to the bank! :)

    Trillions of like and billions of smiles.
    - :)- :)- :)- :)- :)- :)- :)- :)- :)- :) Your right - Your right - Your right - Your right - Your right

    Once saved always saved.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    I found this pamphlet and wanted to share it with everyone. It's a great eye opener but will take quite a few posts.

    Authentic Christianity - Dr. Adrian Rogers - Part 1

    My heart is burdened over a carefully hidden sin that is affecting our world, our nation, and our cities. It is called superficial Christianity. I hate to say it, but even our churches are plagued with this problem.

    I thank God for those who attend worship services, but the problem in America on Sunday morning is that our churches are full of empty people--people without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

    Oh, they have religion. The Bible speaks of those who have a form of godliness, but deny its power. They have been infected with a mild form of Christianity and have never caught the real disease. It is not that they are not religious.

    Jesus said in Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    This is me talking, now. Matthew 7:22-23 is the most ice cold, spine tingling, awful, dreaded Scripture in the Bible. 1) It states how Powerful the name of Jesus is, even spoken by the unsaved; 2) proves that if you are truly a blood bought born again Christian, you cannot just give your salvation back. You cannot 'lose' your salvation. "I never knew you," means just that! Jesus cannot lie. It also doesn't mean 'I knew you from 1990 - 1995, but then I didn't know you from 1996 - 2005, but then I knew you once again from 2006 - present.' Who has the Power to pluck you out of the Hand of Jesus..........certainly not satan. He just doesn't have that kind of power, and certainly not you as you definitely don't have the power to pluck yourself out of the Hand of Jesus! Once you are there, you are there. Now it is your choice to decide how close you want to walk with Him, but that has nothing to do with your salvation! It's a completely different issue. Jesus is honorable, doesn't lie, and doesn't play a give/take away game. You can take that to the bank!

    I've known since I was a child that most people deep inside don't really believe that there is a God, or a satan - they just choose which clique they want to associate with for various reasons. I remember when I was a child before cell phones were prevalent and people had regular phones in the home. Even in "Christian" homes,
    the phone would ring and immediately you would here people shouting, "I'm not here!". Many people would say that that is a "white Lie". Perhaps, but a lie nonetheless.
    The real question is, "What do you do when you believe that nobody is watching or listening?". A real Christian always tries their best to do things that please our Lord Jesus Christ, even if we believe nobody is watching us or would know that it was us doing it.
    Also, true Christians do not try to profit off of the misfortune of others. Volumes of books could be written on that subject.:vapor:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    YES - but what is the point your making?

    I think what he was saying, IMHO, is you can ask most people if they've ever accepted Jesus as their Saviour, they will answer yes. You can ask them if they are 'saved' and they will say yes. Both categories are full of empty people who don't know that they aren't saved. They go to church, they think they are good people who don't hurt anyone, they obey the laws of the land, and they think they're going to Heaven. They have no clue.....nada.....zip. They are empty. I used to be one of those people, and I know what it's like. I had all the head knowledge and no heart knowledge. I didn't realize there was a difference.

    I had a dream one night about my niece by marriage. I dreamed that all us Christians were witnesses at the Great White Throne Judgemet and my niece was standing in front of the Throne being judged to live for eternity in the Lake of Fire. As many of us witnesses as there was, a lot, she looked over her shoulder and found my eyes. Her eyes were pleading for me to do something and of course I couldn't. My heart was breaking for her and I was helpless. Then, I woke up. So, I asked the Lord for an opening for me to flat out ask her. It was almost a year, because she didn't come around much. It's a long story as she was married to my nephew who even now is still an abuser/alcoholic/drug user. She had been a wiccan at one time. I finally got the courage to tell her about my dream, then I asked her, and she told me yes. As much as it pains me, I knew she was lying. I knew it in my spirit. She has lied to me repeatedly about other things, and I just knew. I did what I was led to do, and I left the rest to God. So this is a perfect example of the previous paragraph. It breaks my heart. :(


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    I've help lead a person to the Lord once back in the early 90's and he died the following week in his case he wasn't lying but really didn't understand he also thought he was saved. He was willing to read Romans and Matthew with me, I asked did you understand, he said yes, so I asked him I you save now, he said no and he would go to church and ask about it and I said why wait we you can ask God for to forgive you now and lead him in pray for forgiveness the following week when I heard he past away, I was shocked but yet joyful know he was saved and God provided for him. I had such a yearning to talk to him and I couldn't figure why, until I heard of his passing.

    But like I said he thought he was saved but wasn't. As far as me knowing that a person is saved, other than them saying yes or no, I couldn't tell one way or the other.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    I think what he was saying, IMHO, is you can ask most people if they've ever accepted Jesus as their Saviour, they will answer yes. You can ask them if they are 'saved' and they will say yes. Both categories are full of empty people who don't know that they aren't saved. They go to church, they think they are good people who don't hurt anyone, they obey the laws of the land, and they think they're going to Heaven. They have no clue.....nada.....zip. They are empty. I used to be one of those people, and I know what it's like. I had all the head knowledge and no heart knowledge. I didn't realize there was a difference.

    I had a dream one night about my niece by marriage. I dreamed that all us Christians were witnesses at the Great White Throne Judgemet and my niece was standing in front of the Throne being judged to live for eternity in the Lake of Fire. As many of us witnesses as there was, a lot, she looked over her shoulder and found my eyes. Her eyes were pleading for me to do something and of course I couldn't. My heart was breaking for her and I was helpless. Then, I woke up. So, I asked the Lord for an opening for me to flat out ask her. It was almost a year, because she didn't come around much. It's a long story as she was married to my nephew who even now is still an abuser/alcoholic/drug user. She had been a wiccan at one time. I finally got the courage to tell her about my dream, then I asked her, and she told me yes. As much as it pains me, I knew she was lying. I knew it in my spirit. She has lied to me repeatedly about other things, and I just knew. I did what I was led to do, and I left the rest to God. So this is a perfect example of the previous paragraph. It breaks my heart. :(

    Well put, Saintscruiser.

    "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
    - Matthew 7: 22-23.
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    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    I've help lead a person to the Lord once back in the early 90's and he died the following week in his case he wasn't lying but really didn't understand he also thought he was saved. He was willing to read Romans and Matthew with me, I asked did you understand, he said yes, so I asked him I you save now, he said no and he would go to church and ask about it and I said why wait we you can ask God for to forgive you now and lead him in pray for forgiveness the following week when I heard he past away, I was shocked but yet joyful know he was saved and God provided for him. I had such a yearning to talk to him and I couldn't figure why, until I heard of his passing.

    But like I said he thought he was saved but wasn't. As far as me knowing that a person is saved, other than them saying yes or no, I couldn't tell one way or the other.

    You would have to watch them constantly to know for sure. Of course we can't do that: but God can.
    Greed and selfishness are the first things I look for in the potential evil of people. Those are hard for evil people to hide.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    You would have to watch them constantly to know for sure. Of course we can't do that: but God can.
    Greed and selfishness are the first things I look for in the potential evil of people. Those are hard for evil people to hide.
    I don't believe Scripture tells how that works, what I see in Scripture is that God wants a personal relationship with His children. If a person believes Jesus is who He is and accept the gift that God sent which is Jesus and confess it to God and ask that God forgives them and God says he will in Scripture, It's a done deal they saved and have received salvation and God will not take it back because Scripture says it's a free Gift from God, you can't take a gift back because ownership has been transferred. The action of person afterwards can be seen by us but Scripture teacher's us, not to judge or we judge ourselves. IMO I think this shows us that Salvation is between God and the person that receives it. IMO how can I judge what God's will is for someone else - I have no idea other than what the Scripture say's that Gods will is that we all come to Him.

    Even a thief can be saved, God knows the hearts of men - can't fool God. Our Salvation is not based on what we do after we receive it. If you haven't received it then you never had it - NEW THOUGHT - here's an idea doesn't this fit the description of a wolf in sheep's clothing - it goes with what you said in your post. There look good but have no idea and blend in with others who are believers.
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    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 22, 2014
    I don't believe Scripture tells how that works, what I see in Scripture is that God wants a personal relationship with His children. If a person believes Jesus is who He is and accept the gift that God sent which is Jesus and confess it to God and ask that God forgives them and God says he will in Scripture, It's a done deal they saved and have received salvation and God will not take it back because Scripture says it's a free Gift from God, you can't take a gift back because ownership has been transferred. The action of person afterwards can be seen by us but Scripture teacher's us, not to judge or we judge ourselves. IMO I think this shows us that Salvation is between God and the person that receives it. IMO how can I judge what God's will is for someone else - I have no idea other than what the Scripture say's that Gods will is that we all come to Him.

    Even a thief can be saved, God knows the hearts of men - can't fool God. Our Salvation is not based on what we do after we receive it. If you haven't received it then you never had it - NEW THOUGHT - here's an idea doesn't this fit the description of a wolf in sheep's clothing - it goes with what you said in your post. There look good but have no idea and blend in with others who are believers.

    "But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."
    - 1 Corinthians 2: 15.

    Of course, none of us are perfect. So when we judge, we must always be careful to judge with righteous judgment. But we should never judge whether a person will go to heaven or hell, for only God knows if a person will turn away from Him, or turn to Him.
    We must always try our best to do things that please God no matter what the path is that we must walk.:vapor:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    "But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."
    - 1 Corinthians 2: 15.

    Of course, none of us are perfect. So when we judge, we must always be careful to judge with righteous judgment. But we should never judge whether a person will go to heaven or hell, for only God knows if a person will turn away from Him, or turn to Him.
    We must always try our best to do things that please God no matter what the path is that we must walk.:vapor:

    God is omnipresent all over all the time, He knows everything. If God gives us Salvation he knows if you are truthful and have a sincere/heart of man, because He knows that you won't turn away but those who are not truthful and sincere/heart of man, never received it. I can't loose or give my salvation away, it's not that I'm deserving of it, it's that Jesus paid the price once for all, all I had to do is ask.

    Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    By are nature we are still wicked and but our heart is being changed, I don't know one person other than Jesus who's heart wasn't evil at anytime anywhere through out our history for we are justified by faith, Abraham faith was accounted as righteousness. For there is no other way to please God but by faith.
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    We can identify brothers and sisters in Jesus by being a 'fruit inspector.' The fruits of the spirit are evidence of salvation. True, we can still be fooled, but that's when we seek God's Face on the subject. I am one who loves to talk about Jesus and am not ashamed by using the terms, "Praise God," "Praise the Lord," "I plead the blood of Jesus over this remark," and other phrases. Now my MIL doesn't talk about her salvation, but there is no doubt in my mind that she is a Christian. Her gift is giving. I've never met anyone like her. She is the perfect example of: you cannot outgive God! She just gives.....and gives......and gives......without hesitation. She's not a 'sucker' for everything that comes along, as she has the spirit of discernment about it. She has disagreed with me over quite a few things, but that's to be expected as we came from different backgrounds. She was reared in the country with proper communication skills whereas I was reared in a loud family who kept interrupting each other. The first time my husband ate at my folks, he was a nervous wreck by the end of supper. I found his family to be somewhat mundane, really, but extremely nice! :)


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    We can identify brothers and sisters in Jesus by being a 'fruit inspector.' The fruits of the spirit are evidence of salvation. True, we can still be fooled, but that's when we seek God's Face on the subject.

    What's needed for Salvation.

    1. The Blood of Jesus.
    2. God to forgive us.

    Done deal.

    What is the Job of the Spirit-Holy Spirit - to teach us.

    1. Does the Spirit force Himself on us. - I don't believe so.
    2. Fruits of the Spirit is evidence of salvation. Agreed and yes.
    3. Not having fruits of the Spirits is that proof of not being save - IMO NO.

    1. Is it sin not to do what the Spirit tells us - YES because were disobeying God.
    2. Is it not written in scriptures I will not see they sins.- God speaking.

    If God can't judge a believe if their sin, who gives us the authority to do such a thing.

    1. Are we God that we know who isn't saved or who has been saved.
    2. Spirit in us can tell us who is saved yes, because it's the same Spirit.
    3. Spirit in us can tell us who isn't saved because He's not in that person - though will He and if yes, when?

    Being a believer that received Salvation, have I ever disobeyed God of cause, Paul spoke on this, what I will to do I don't do, What I do I will not to do.

    Would we Judge Paul, yet he admitted to not doing Gods will where He says "What I will to do I don't do" wasn't He listing to God.

    I think this is a very dangerous area, for Scripture says do not judge.
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