Atty's fine, Cartridge the Problem

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 30, 2010
There's always something new to be learned!

Cleaned two atty's last night so this morning I grabbed one of my atties out of my two month old rotation pile ( I have 6 atties in that pile), put a drop of liquid on the wick, filled a cleaned cartridge/filler with liquid and vaped. The atty appeared to barely work so I tried again 3 or 4 times and gave up. Grabbed another atty out of the pile, dropped a drip of liquid on the wick, attached the cartridge I'd already filled and vaped. Seemed a bit better than the first atty but still not great. I was in a hurry as I had a two hour drive to get to a 6 hour training for work and then a two hour drive back home. Quickly ran to my computer and attached the atty/cartridge to my 5VT PT and vaped for a minute. Yes, I have found that sometimes when I've first used a recently cleaned atty that isn't working quite up to par to use it on my 5VT PT for a few minutes seems to jumpstart it and then it works great. This time while seeming to be a bit better didn't make a great bit of difference. I didn't have time to play with the atties so I grabbed a 3rd one and ran out the door. Vaped during the day when I could and got enough nic to satisfy my need for nic but not a great vaping day. Since these atties are a bit over two months old now figured they were just giving out and on their last legs.

After getting home decided to sit down at the computer and see what was new on ECF and give my 5VT PT another chance to work its magic on the atties before giving up on them. While sitting here I noticed I had left a filled cartridge sitting by my computer last evening when I'd changed flavors. Don't know why, but I decided to change out the cartridge that had been on my Ego all day for the one sitting by the computer. WOW :ohmy:, as soon as I changed the cartridge all was great again. Tried the other atty with the same result.

I took the cartridge apart, and after removing the end cap I realized that there was an inner thingy that was out of place inside the cartridge meanng that it was the cartridge that had been giving me the problem all day and NOT the atties. Cartridges are a pretty simple design and I would have never guessed in a million years it was the cartridge giving me the problem if I'd not changed them out.
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