ATTN! If you took the "Ecig User Poll" PLEASE READ!!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2010
New Jersey - Passaic County
Because I hated giving government over 70% of the cost for a pack of cigarettes in taxes, is not on the poll.

And the point is not “saving money”, it's the principle of not paying the thieving, lying, murdering pos government one cent more of their extortion..


Agreed.... I feel extreme anger just thinking bout how our gov't has chosen to fight a product that can & will save lives.....
And for what..... for your taxes?! You GOTTA be kidding me ...what a joke.
Its this kinda mentality that makes me wanna fight til the bitter end.... and beyond. :evil:

miss MiA

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
Chicago, IL
...Fa la la just another bump, and picking any old thang to throw in it to liven it up... hehe :D

Might it be good to have Webby or a mod edit the OP again, to reflect the below? I'd imagine that many who do find their way over to this thread may not read far enough to see it, as the OP would seem self-explanatory enough on its own, and beyond that they may assume what follows consists only of ppl voicing support with 'Info sent,' 'Thanks, good luck,' etc.

kristin said:
If it makes people feel better, omit your city and just tell me the state/province & country or just the country. Knowing the state would be nice for future advocacy, though, so please include it if you can. (The location information was for demographics for CASAA.)

Thanks! :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
North Florida, USA
Only 239 - Still shooting for 500 minimum

Must only be 239 people who really care enough to Vape 8-o

Not even half the number you need. :confused:
With no support from users the war will be won for them and

Guess the smoke sticks will be in my future again. Cough Cough :(

Prepares white cloth to be tied around E-cig :cry:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Only 239 - Still shooting for 500 minimum



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I still wish someone would write a script that would email everyone who voted in the poll.
Well, if someone wants to volunteer - everyone who is listed in the poll results could be PMd - I just can't do it because of my vendor status. I'm not allowed to PM people without their permission anymore. :(


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Well, if someone wants to volunteer - everyone who is listed in the poll results could be PMd - I just can't do it because of my vendor status. I'm not allowed to PM people without their permission anymore. :(
I'd sure do it if I knew how, I just know it can probably be done.

It would probably have to be one of the technical people that administer/manage this board, as it would probably take someone that would be familiar with how and where the various information is stored and how it needs to be accessed.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Well, if someone wants to volunteer - everyone who is listed in the poll results could be PMd - I just can't do it because of my vendor status. I'm not allowed to PM people without their permission anymore. :(

I just realized that the original poll thread hasn't been bumped with a link to this thread. Doing so may get the attention of a lot of the original poll takers who have the forum set to auto subscribe them to all threads they reply on. Just a thought.
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