Atlantis flavour + dry hit issue

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Full Member
Jan 31, 2015

I am happy to be able to post now and I am here to help but if I can receive some as well ... even better :) I am usually pretty good with problem solving these issue's however lately I have not had luck with my atlantis tank :( I am not receiving the flavour I should be but also receiving dry hits very often . They are no where near the experience of a dry hit using an RDA at high watts of course but unpleasant none the less . I tried changing the coils with new ones a bunch of times , I cleaned the tank .. I tried to dry burn it by pulsing it and then sort of tapping the coil onto a table to help knock some gunk off it this might have been the issue ... I notice lately all of a sudden my coils gunk up a lot ... just fill up with black junk very fast :S I know the viscosity in my juice can play a role but this isn't a Ce5 here ...or even a nautilus , I would think the atlantis could handle a 70/30 vg blend . I have used these in the past as it is my preference ... has anyone else had this issue and resolved it ?

What is my best option here ... why do you feel my tank is not produce the right vapor or flavour while giving me these gross dry hits that all I taste is wick or metal .. it taste they way they would if you were to fire a brand new coil . If I prime the coil often ... it helps bring some flavour and vapor back .... who wants to prime their device every 3 vapes all day ? It is almost as if the coils are not wicking for some odd reason ? sometimes when I prime ... no bubbles , it doesn't work ..or a very tiny bubble very slow which makes me feel it is blocked up ..would love to hear some outside perspective .



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Jan 7, 2011
Gainesville Texas
I don't like to hear that kinda stuff. specially when im waitin on one of my own. Did you watch all the videos? I usually watch em all before I buy and have not seen your prob in any of em. of course you know once you burn cotton, that atty is done for right? gotta juice em up good for ya put it in the tank yo. The atty has big assed holes in it and is sittin in a pool of juice so there is no explanation for a dry hit. Jeez I don't even have one yet n I'm givin' you advice. Are you trollin?


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Jan 7, 2011
Gainesville Texas
So I put some pg from Johnson creek in it and hit it at 25 watts. OWWW. not good plus a bit nick sick. Put some melon @ 6mg/ml and was better. I guess I'm not a cloud chaser in any sense of the phrase. Ill continue to play with it since I have six viable atties to play with. Love the 30 watt Istick with my dripper pro and nummy vg blowin some pretty decent clouds thataway. more later


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Jan 3, 2015
C-bus, OH
I love my Atlantis and don't get any dry hits. I'm running 27 watts and 60/40 vg/pg liquid on the 2 to the smallest air hole. It has great flavor for me. I'm using Wookey Cookie, Lemonem and Carnage. Have an Atlantis for each [emoji6]

I did notice that when I ran a 30/70 vg/pg liquid it gurgled and ran hotter for me. I didn't not like that experience at all.

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Jan 7, 2011
Gainesville Texas
I have a provari V1 with the upgraded V2 chip blue led in the polished finish with the extended cap, Do you think anybody would trade me for a couple $30 30 Watt Isticks for it? I'm really lovin' this form factor and performance. I realize the longevity of these is prolly not near what my 3 year old provari has but, just askin' pm me.


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Jul 30, 2014
New York City
there is dry hits, you can avoid them by letting your juice soak for a good 2-5 mins before you vape it, dont vape it past 30watts, i usually do 20watts and no dry hits yet, but i do get dry hits with my mechanical, another way to avoid dry hits is when u draw and it tastes like dry hit, immediately stop the draw


Senior Member
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Dec 13, 2014

I am happy to be able to post now and I am here to help but if I can receive some as well ... even better :) I am usually pretty good with problem solving these issue's however lately I have not had luck with my atlantis tank :( I am not receiving the flavour I should be but also receiving dry hits very often . They are no where near the experience of a dry hit using an RDA at high watts of course but unpleasant none the less . I tried changing the coils with new ones a bunch of times , I cleaned the tank .. I tried to dry burn it by pulsing it and then sort of tapping the coil onto a table to help knock some gunk off it this might have been the issue ... I notice lately all of a sudden my coils gunk up a lot ... just fill up with black junk very fast :S I know the viscosity in my juice can play a role but this isn't a Ce5 here ...or even a nautilus , I would think the atlantis could handle a 70/30 vg blend . I have used these in the past as it is my preference ... has anyone else had this issue and resolved it ?

What is my best option here ... why do you feel my tank is not produce the right vapor or flavour while giving me these gross dry hits that all I taste is wick or metal .. it taste they way they would if you were to fire a brand new coil . If I prime the coil often ... it helps bring some flavour and vapor back .... who wants to prime their device every 3 vapes all day ? It is almost as if the coils are not wicking for some odd reason ? sometimes when I prime ... no bubbles , it doesn't work ..or a very tiny bubble very slow which makes me feel it is blocked up ..would love to hear some outside perspective .


I had a problem with mine a couple weeks back, dry hits coil after coil. I went through 3 coils in 1 or two days. I noticed the same thing as you, very few if any air bubbles coming up, piss poor wicking. I ordered a Subtank mini and a new pack of coils for the Atlantis. The new coil is working fine, I have no idea why they failed.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2015
I also experienced poor flavor and harsh hits from my Atlantis, but fixed it by rewicking the coil with japanese cotton

(I would reccommend skipping the blowtorch part because it can cause your coil to become misaligned and soft)

I rewicked mine and have been using it while waiting for my subtank mini to be fixed. It tastes nearly as good as the subtank now using the japanese cotton, and I havent had one dry hit!
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