Aspire Nautilus - The thing every reviewer is raving about

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Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
So i've seen tons of reviews of these things and they are all positive so i went ahead and bought the nautilus, even bought the stainless steel tank too and the BVC coils (using stock, i don't know how to rebuild these). So everyone has been raving on about these things and i've been using mine for about 2 weeks, i get to a stage where there is leaking, gurgling etc. etc. has every reviewer lied ?... This is happening to me all too often, i've been through 3 protanks, all the same thing leaking gurgling occasionally. But the main thing i'm worried about , when i press the fire button sometimes on my mvp ,eliquid comes shooting out rapidly... just a spatter of it at high speed but i don't know why this is happening, what could cause this and is it normal (this has happened with every tank i've had at least a few times)?

I'm using my MVP on everything including the nautilus , i use 2 main all day juices both of which are 40% VG 60% PG. my coils always degrade in performance after a few hours , when they do, i fire the mvp without taking a draw and that seems to solve the problem until an hour or 2 later when it happens again.

Is this the juice or what, it's starting to drive me insane because i'm feeling like everything doesn't work properly and it's just me that it's happening to.


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Jun 22, 2011
Clearwater, MN
It sounds more like you're drawing on the device too hard.

These tanks are operated on a slight vacuum inside the chamber, and the vacuum is maintained by your suction. Too little suction and it dries out (like when you fire it without taking a drag), yet too much suction will flood the coil and cause the bubbling and gurgling and eventually splattering.

One of the hardest things for me to get used to when I switched from analogs to vapor was that vacuum. It's also something that you have to get used to when you switch to a different kind of atty, because they're all different.

The main point is this: You want to draw enough that you're getting vapor, but not more than the coil is producing. While you're holding the button down, let the coil give it to you, don't try to suck it out of there.


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
No, they don't lie--they just share their experience: :D

It's very important, at the beginning, to learn how things work in the vaping world. There is always a bit of a learning curve with any new device. The bottom line, however, is they they all work if used properly. I happen to love Kanger clearos--I've been using them for over a year, maybe longer, without any problems whatsoever. The old, plain Aerotank is actually one of my favorite tanks.

A few tips for new clearomizer users (they also apply to most Aspire clearomizers--in general sense):

Kanger Troubleshooting 101:

If your clearo is flooding, the connections are not tight enough--or too tight. Keep reading.

If you're using clearos and getting a burnt taste it means that not enough juice is getting to the coil and you're basically vaping dry, hot air or inhaling smoke from the gunk that's burning off of your coil. Not a good thing. Another case of bad taste maybe the tank itself--some arrive covered with some kind of nasty grease; wash them with soap and water (just the tanks--soak the coils in PGA or vodka).

There are a few things you need to remember when using a T3 or an eVod or a ProTank--in addition to keeping your coils clean and free of gunk that accumulates on them.

1) Make sure that the atomizer coil is screwed into the base tightly--every time you refill; they often come not fully tightened from the manufacturer, or may have gotten loose through repeated refills.

2) Look at all the inner seals and gaskets to make sure they haven't become dislodged.

3) Make sure that you screw the tank into its base tightly. If it's not tight, it will leak.

4) When you screw your clearomizer into your battery, do not overtighten--screw it in only until it makes contact--no farther, or you may push the center post in too deep and cause all kinds of problems, including leaking. When the draw becomes tight or the taste and vapor production begin to diminish, replace the coil. This will happen sooner (even as soon as one day of heavy use) if you're using dark, viscous, or very sweet juices. The old coil can be cleaned and dry burned.

5) Make sure you're not getting any juice in the center tube when you're filling--this will cause your eVod to leak like a sieve. If some juice gets into the tube, close the top cap, place a tissue under your tank and blow gently through the clearomizer to get rid of any excess eliquid. Also, extra condensation inside the tank may, on some occasions, drip back into the center tube. Wipe your mouthpiece dry with a q-tip or a tissue when you refill (or more often when/if needed).

6) Take an occasional "primer puff" (a slow draw without activating the battery) when you vape. It helps move the juice into the coil chamber and removes any air bubbles that sometimes form in the tank and may cause gurgling or impede proper wicking.

7) New clearomizers (Aerotanks etc.) come with a clever airflow adjustment base--make sure you adjust the settings to your liking.

8) Take slow long draws rather than sharp and quick ones like we used to do while smoking cigarettes. Do not over vape, chain vape, power vape. Let the juice travel to the coil between drags.

9) Do not remove any flavor wicks if you're experiencing any leaking or flooding. Those wicks are there for a reason. If you feel that you have to remove a wick because your eliquid is particularly thick, do it carefully--one strand at a time. If your liquid is super thin, you can thicken it with a bit of VG (USP--pharma grade) or you can add another strand of cotton to your flavor wick. Don't add too much or you'll choke your atomizer and get a dry hit.

and last but not least:

10) Keep the coils and wicks clean (search ECF or YouTube for detailed coil cleaning instructions). Discard when when flavor and vapor start to diminish. Those coils are disposable.

Also, make sure you're vaping at correct wattages; Kanger recommends 5.5-7.5 watts for single coils. Dual coils require a bit more wattage than single coils. They also benefit from increased airflow.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
The juice feed of the Nautilus is dependent on the air hole settings and the draw you use with it. The harder you draw, the more juice is fed from the tank into the coil.

Start off with the air setting on high and free flow. Take it down as necessary to prevent dry hits. Voltage can be lower in the Nautilus due to the efficiency of the coil design. If it gurgles on high air and light draws, turn up the voltage a couple of tenths at a time and adjust until it's balanced.
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