Aspire Atlantis EVO

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Jan 5, 2010
Last week I got a couple of Aspire Atlantis EVOs. I've mainly been using Cleitos, but I enjoy Atlantis coils and the options available for compatible coils. The EVO looks killer, I love the 2ml size for pocket-ability yes love having the option of a 4ml extension, which is slightly more that the Cleito holds. I also really wanted to try the new EVO .4 and .5 coils.

The new coils are great plain and simple and the coil being the chimney is something I love about the Cleito too. I like airflow but not as much as some so to give you an example, I cut the Cleito airflow down by two thirds. the EVO .4 coil has the airflow of a Cleito and I cut the EVO airflow by two thirds for it was well. The EVO .5 coil is a little tighter like an Atlantis coil and I run the EVO with airflow wide open for that one. The .4 is suppose to lean on cloud production and the .4 is suppose to lean towards flavor, but I'd say their pretty even on both - close enough that it's not a deciding factor on which coil to choose.

I also purchase a Eleaf EC Notch coil to use in the EVO so see what I think but haven't used it yet. Other than the EC, every Notch I've tried was in a cup design tank and it spits and giggles like crazy - though the ramp up time and flavor was awesome. I'm excited to give the EC Notch a go.




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ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2010
So how about some pros and cons of the Cleitos vs the Atlantis EVO? You said the airflow on the EVO was about a third less, did I get that right? Also, the EVO coils are Kanthal and not TC compatible? Which tank do you prefer? Thanks, Ed

BTW, nice pictures.

Thanks. Actually I would say the EVO has 90% of the airflow that the Cleito has IF you're using the .4 coil which is more wide open similar to the Cleito. The .5 coil is more like Atlantis/Triton coils. This is the reason why I said I keep the airflow on the Cleito (and the EVO with the .4 coil) closed off by two thirds. The .5 coil I keep the airflow on the EVO wide open.

I buy a lot of tanks with pre-made coils but they mostly sit in a drawer except the Celito. I do love Atlantis/Triton coils though and I think flavor and vapor production is great with this tank and these new coils (which can be used in other Atlantis/Triton tanks) so I can already say I won't be sticking the EVO in a drawer. I love it and being able to swap 2ml glass for 4ml glass is awesome. Here's what Aspire says on the coils...

"Aspire Atlantis EVO comes with both 0.4Ω and 0.5Ω Kanthal Clapton coils. Having coil options enables the EVO to achieve your preferred taste requirements when using a wide array of E-liquid flavors. 0.4Ω coils have larger airflow for greater vapor production and balanced flavor. 0.5Ω coils produce a more dense vapor highlighting the flavor differently. Switch between EVO coils as needed to ensure you are maximizing your vaping experience."

So no, they aren't TC compatible. But the tank supposedly is as long as you use TC coils like Triton, cCell or even Eleaf EC coils.
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Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
Thanks Garnoch, I have been using IBTanked carto tanks for the last two years and I just bought a Pico/Melo 3 a couple of months ago to give sub-ohm/TC a shot. The tank's "OK" but I still prefer my carto tanks. I thought I might give sub-ohm/TC one more try, as the Melos don't seem to be the most loved tanks, before I declare that I'm just a MTL guy. So if I get this right, there's only the two coils available for the Cleito and they are both non-TC. If that's the case, I think I might give the Atlantis EVO a shot as it's more versatile and can be used with TC coils. Is that correct? Thanks again.


Ultra Member
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Jan 5, 2010
Thanks Garnoch, I have been using IBTanked carto tanks for the last two years and I just bought a Pico/Melo 3 a couple of months ago to give sub-ohm/TC a shot. The tank's "OK" but I still prefer my carto tanks. I thought I might give sub-ohm/TC one more try, as the Melos don't seem to be the most loved tanks, before I declare that I'm just a MTL guy. So if I get this right, there's only the two coils available for the Cleito and they are both non-TC. If that's the case, I think I might give the Atlantis EVO a shot as it's more versatile and can be used with TC coils. Is that correct? Thanks again.

I understand your love for carto tanks. They were my favorite for years, though for a small MTL device, nowadays I think I'd be using the Innokin T18. The aspire K2 works great too.

As for the Cleito, there is a third TC coil. It works really well if you like TC. I actually don't like TC though.

The TC coils that work in the EVO will actually work in your Melo III too but I prefer the EVO.

The Melo III and the EVO can take the Triton 1.8 ohm MTL coils (not the Triton Mini) too so you can stick to MTL if need be and still use the tanks, but there is no MTL option for the Cleito.

For what it's worth, I had to change my juice of choice when I moved to DL. Maybe that's why it's not working for you.

BTW, where did you buy your EVO?
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Ultra Member
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Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
I understand your love for carto tanks. They were my favorite for years, though for a small MTL device, nowadays I think I'd be using the Innokin T18. The aspire K2 works great too.

As for the Cleito, there is a third TC coil. It works really well if you like TC. I actually don't like TC though.

The TC coils that work in the EVO will actually work in your Melo III too but I prefer the EVO.

The Melo III and the EVO can take the Triton 1.8 ohm MTL coils (not the Triton Mini) too so you can stick to MTL if need be and still use the tanks, but there is no MTL option for the Cleito.

For what it's worth, I had to change my juice of choice when I moved to DL. Maybe that's why it's not working for you.

Thanks again. I know that juice may be an issue. I moved to high PG juice (6 mg nic, 80/20 PG/VG) early on, as I was feeling like the viscous VG was making my lungs feel congested. I did buy some 3mg nic, 50/50 juice to move in the direction of higher VG and less nic, but that may not be enough VG.

I'm not really sure about the TC either, as I seem to end up with settings that keep it from getting hot enough to hit the temperature protection, as it seems kind of annoying when it starts to cut off/down the power to regulate the temperature. I'm at 40 watts and 500F atm.

If I do deride to stay with MTL, the bigger Innokin T22 is on my list. I've heard great things about both the T18 and T22. They are cheap and the coils are said to last for a long time (and they look like cartos;)). The Nautilus X is another possibility.

So if you had to choose between the Cleito and the EVO do you have a preference, or are they pretty much neck and neck?


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ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2010
Yeah those Innokin coils are great and do last a long time. And cheap. I got my wife one a while back. I can't help but hit it when I walk past it.

I may need more time until I decide which I like more. The choice of coils and the ability to swap between 2ml or 4ml give the EVO a great edge, but man I love the Cleito.
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Jan 5, 2010
For those that care, I'll keep this thread updated as I spend more time with the Atlantis EVO. I bought two of them. I'm running one with the .4 EVO coil and the other with the .5 and each with different juice. After at least two weeks, I'll swap which juice is using which coil. After that, I'll start running some other coils, like the EC Notch and Triton Clapton.

I'm a DLer and have been really let down by the last few tanks I've bought and I keep going back to my Cleitos. I took a chance in buying two EVOs right off the bat because I knew I at least liked the Triton Clapton coils and I have a bunch of them.

Though I'm a huge fan of the Cleito, I'm starting to think I may wind up preferring the EVO. A Cleito has great flavor, but by now a Cleito coil's flavor would have peaked and started to become more muted. I swear each day both EVO coils taste better than the last. I'm starting to be surprised by it, thinking okay tomorrow will be the day they start to go downhill.

As of now, I'm not sure which EVO coil I prefer. I'll know better after I swap coils and juice. Like I said above, I cut the Cleito's airflow down by 2/3 - to only be 1/3 open. Running the EVO wide open with the .5 coil is perfect for me and the flavor is amazing. Then again, I have no problem cutting the .4 EVO coil's airflow down to 1/3 open (like the CLeito) and the flavor may just about match the .5 coil. I guess I would say the .5 has 5% better flavor than the .4 and the .4 has 5% more clouds, but being the .4 is a wider bore so to speak though, it has much more airflow which you can tell from how I said I keep the airflow with each coil.

Also, I'm surprised that I wound up preferring both coils at the bottom of their power recommendations, .5 at 35 watts and the .4 at 40 watts. But, being I can run the .5 at 35 watts, my battery lasts longer.

Because of all those reasons/differences I usually lean towards preferring the .5 coil, but not always because of this... the .5 seems to have more cotton so it's soaking up more juice, and I assume because of that, you can get "sugar lips". A lot of people seem to like that, but I usually don't. Its very minor though so it's not a deal breaker even for me, and sometimes actually enjoy it with this coil. Don't take that the wrong way though, unlike the Cubis or Cubis Pro, the Atlantis EVO with a .5 EVO coil does NOT spit, gurgle and burn you at all. But you can tell it's often on the verge of flooding - and that's with 90VG juice. But man oh man does it taste good. The .4 EVO coil seems to have less cotton and never ever seems on the verge of flooding at all. That baby is just always solid.

The tank itself is so easy to deal with and looks great. I'd now say the top hat drip tip was a smart idea since it can get quite warm being you're lips are so close to the coil. It's never uncomfortable though like some tanks I've tried. I love my Picos but can't wait to see how portable it is and how it looks on the Target Mini I have coming. And if I get tired of refilling often, I'll throw on the 4ml glass and have a tank that's only like a mm taller than a Cleito. Awesome.
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ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2010
Still can't decide. ;) I was thinking that even through I use pre-made coils, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be able to build if worse case comes true. While I know that the Cleito has an RTA, is it safe to assume that the EVO can use the old Triton RTA?

One more question, do you need to drain the tank to change the coil on the EVO like the Cleito?

I think that would be a safe assumption but I can't confirm. The Cleito's is pretty nice I will say though.

You do need to drain both tanks to change the coils. It's not even close to a deal breaker though. One, I usually vape a tank basically dry before changing anyway. Two, if I don't, it's simple to pour it out into the bottle. Three and most important to me, it's the perfect time to give a tank a rinse.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
Just placed an order for an Atlantis EVO. :)

I listened to a review on the EVO and the reviewer gave the edge to that tank as apposed to the Cleito, as well, even though he was a big fan of the Cleito. He also said that the EVO took much less time to prime a new coil.

I guess if I like the EVO coils, they should fit on my Melo 3 as well.
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Ultra Member
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Jan 5, 2010
Just placed an order for an Atlantis EVO. :)

I listened to a review on the EVO and the reviewer gave the edge to that tank as apposed to the Cleito, as well, even though he was a big fan of the Cleito. He also said that the EVO took much less time to prime a new coil.

I guess if I like the EVO coils, they should fit on my Melo 3 as well.

Yeah exactly. Plus, if you stick with MTL, you can still get use out of both tanks with a Triton 1.8 coil and a suitable drip tip. Can't do that with a Cleito. The two reasons to go with a Cleito would be a decent RTA/RBA and the most airflow. The EVO with the .4 coil almost matches the airflow though. Plus with the EVO, you can have two tank sizes and more coil options. I think you made the right move, but if you ever want massive air flow with great taste down the road, you can always pick up a Cleito then. Good luck and let us know your thoughts.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2013
Seligman, MO
Thanks again for all your help Garnoch.

Well, I got my Atlantis EVO today and I'm one happy vaper. I filled it up and didn't even bother to prime the coil, as the instructions didn't mention this and one review I listened to said it wasn't needed. (That did make me a little nervous;)) I waited about 10 minutes, pushed the button at 30 watts and out comes vapor; no popping, no gurgling, just smoooooth vapor. I moved the wattage up and it just got better. I stopped at 40 watts as this seemed about right. I will play around with it more latter, but it's really nice. None of the popping and gurgling that was the norm, at least some of the time, with my Melo 3 and my wife's Cubis tanks. I do need to get some new juice. I was using some 50/50 3mg juice with my Melo, but I'm out and all I have is high PG (70/30) 6mg that I liked for MTL, but the throat hit is a little much for me with DL. I've always used high PG because I thought the VG kind of felt heavy on my lungs, but I'm gonna try bumping up my VG to something like 30/70 PG/VG and see how that works out.
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