Are you a Provangelist?

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Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
And do you have Provangelitis??? I just heard another member say the Provari people who recommend it to others are Provangelists and have Provangelitis. OMG it was funny. Maybe I am just to laid back but OMG Provangelitis!!!! Guess I should see my Dr tomorrow to have my Provari removed:D. The member doesn't own a Provari either so maybe Provari magic just didn't hit him yet. Has anyone ever said they were sorry they bought one? I am pretty new but never heard anyone say I wish I never wasted 200.00 on my Provari. I am however planning to purchase another one in the future because I would be lost if I had to send mine in for even a few days. I have another very popular APV for back up but it's not near as pleasing as my Provari. Do we get carried away trying to spread our Provari sunshine?????


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Apr 9, 2012
Athens, GA, US
That is the funniest name I've ever heard anyone call anyone in my life. I like to make these quit banners that you see all over the place (like my sig), and I really want to make one now for "Provangelists". I totally don't take that term offensively, even if people mean it as such. I always send out new vapers that I convert to get a KGO or Riva or eGo or whatever just to start them off, but I will never be ashamed of suggesting a top-of-the-line APV to anyone. It's just like trying to shut someone down by calling them a fanboy. The Provari is obviously a fantastic device, in my opinion the best, there's no reason I should stay quiet just because it's popular. Such a silly, silly insult.

If I still find this as hilarious tomorrow as I do today, look out for a quit banner that says "I've been a Provangelist for <time since Provari purchase>, and I'll never go back."

Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
I always recommend the Kgo or Epower to new vapors but if they want the next step up from that I recommend the Provari or if it sounds like money is an issue the Lava Tube. The Provari saved me when 3.7 volts started to fail me. I know I would have ended up back on analogs were it not for getting my Provari and as for the price I spent 225.00 a month on analogs but a month after paying 203.00 for my Provari I still have a Provari to show for that money spent. It was a no brainer for me.


Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2010
Albemarle, North Carolina
LOL.. I like that.. Provangelist :D I never recommend the provari to new vapers.. I know that they could save money by going straight to it but some of us need to do the vaping thing in steps. I started with mall ecigs and then 510s and then egos and then boxmods and so on. I've enjoyed and learned with every step. Plus I think that if a noob gets a provari too soon.. it can back fire. No matter how good a PV is.. if you don't know how to properly fill a carto.. it's not going to be pretty. And then they come here wanting to know what's wrong with their provari. If their tank leaks.. they want to know what's wrong with their provari.. if their juice isn't good, they want to know what's wrong with their provari. If they don't understand how resistance and voltage play together, they tend to blame the provari. When they see all these provari owners talking about how great the provari is and then they buy one, they're going to expect that provari to magically solve all of their vaping problems and when they get a dry burnt hit when they don't fill the carto right or try to run a LR atty at 6v. they're going to wonder what's going on. Not everyone is the sharpest knife in the drawer. There are some who can pick it up rather quickly.. but I wasn't one of them and I suspect there are others like I was.

Start with an ego, or a kgo or an e power. Learn to fill cartos, try a few juices, try dripping. If you start at the top, you'll never really appreciate it. With each step I took.. it was like WOW! and everything was great for awhile, but I was never really truly satisfied. It wasn't till I finally got my provari that I knew what WOW really was and what true satisfaction really was. Could I find this satisfaction with any vv device? I don't think so.. while I do use and enjoy other devices, when I really need to know what's going on, when I'm wondering if something is wrong with one of my other devices, I reach for my provari. In using it.. it has taught me how to enjoy the other devices that don't have a voltage readout or an ohms checker.

OK OK.. I guess I do have provangelitis! Before I got my provari, I never looked at the ones who owned one with disdain like I've seen others do. I was jealous.. sure but not a defiant jealous, not a mean jealous.. I was just plain jealous that I didn't have one LOL. I have one, I love it, I recommend it. I have other mods that I love and recommend also depending on that person's wants, needs, level of vaping experience, and budget. While I wasn't a fan of my LT, there are others that are and I recommend it when I think it will make that person happy. I had a bad LT experience and I trashed it to others. I regret that now. I'll never again praise the provari while putting another PV down. When I see someone trashing provari owners I can now just shake my head and smile. We do tend to be a bit smug sometimes. We do tend to jump into a thread with posts like "buy a provari.. it's the best".. while it may be in our eyes, it might not be the best option for that particular person at that particular time. And there are plenty of other vapers out there who are completely happy with their egos or box mods or LT's and don't need or care about anything else. Who am I to tell someone that their device isn't good enough and that they should buy a provari? But if I'm asked for my opinion on it, I'll sure give it LOL.

I paid quite a bit more for that beauty in my avatar. Do I think it's better than my provari.. um.. NOT! Do I think it's just as good? well.. not right now while it's still got a kind of wood/varnish smell and I have to keep it in a jar of coffee while I'm not using it but it's close. I'm rambling I know.

Provangelitis is a good thing to have IMO LOL :D
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Jan 27, 2011
I consider myself more of a ProValtruist than a ProVangelist. ;)

Though I do admit, I did get a giggle out of the idea of someone standing on stage with a 24k gold plated ProVari, touching people gently while emphasizing that his great high MG TH Nicness will heal us if we so choose to follow his variable voltage. :D


Full Member
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May 19, 2012
That is the funniest name I've ever heard anyone call anyone in my life. I like to make these quit banners that you see all over the place (like my sig), and I really want to make one now for "Provangelists". I totally don't take that term offensively, even if people mean it as such. I always send out new vapers that I convert to get a KGO or Riva or eGo or whatever just to start them off, but I will never be ashamed of suggesting a top-of-the-line APV to anyone. It's just like trying to shut someone down by calling them a fanboy. The Provari is obviously a fantastic device, in my opinion the best, there's no reason I should stay quiet just because it's popular. Such a silly, silly insult.

If I still find this as hilarious tomorrow as I do today, look out for a quit banner that says "I've been a Provangelist for <time since Provari purchase>, and I'll never go back."

I don't think calling someone a provangelist is an insult. Nor do I think that saying someone has provangelitis (provapelitis?) is an insult unless accompanied by insulting words. Lets look on the bright side. Of course I didnot see the surrounding context.

Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
This is hilarious!!! I can see it clearly:D
I consider myself more of a ProValtruist than a ProVangelist. ;)

Though I do admit, I did get a giggle out of the idea of someone standing on stage with a 24k gold plated ProVari, touching people gently while emphasizing that his great high MG TH Nicness will heal us if we so choose to follow his variable voltage. :D


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Apr 27, 2012
Hinesville, GA
The Provari may indeed be the greatest thing since sliced bread but many of the disciples don't read before they recommend. Yesterday, a person on a small fixed income was asking for a good cheapish PV - and someone breezed in and said "get a Provari" - that is silly and rude.

Yes I can afford them - no I don't feel the need for one...


Full Member
May 25, 2012
The Provari may indeed be the greatest thing since sliced bread but many of the disciples don't read before they recommend. Yesterday, a person on a small fixed income was asking for a good cheapish PV - and someone breezed in and said "get a Provari" - that is silly and rude.

Yes I can afford them - no I don't feel the need for one...

You just have yet to be enlightened, my son. For you see, on the first day, the good Lord said "Let there be vape!" And so there was. On the second day, he said "Let there be variable voltage!" And so there was. And he went on and on for seven whole days, until he had built the perfect device, in his own image. Now, you can shun him, my son. You can shun him, and say "What has he ever done for me?! I'm perfectly fine without him!" And he will forgive you for that. Because he still has hope for you. Hope that you will accept him into your heart. Into your heart, your soul, and your lungs. He has passed around the offering tray. And he will continue to. All that you must do is offer your $159.95 USD, and he will come to you. He will offer you complete happiness and satisfaction. All that you have to do is invite him. And give him $159.99 USD. You may turn him away if you wish, but that will only leave you to burn in the abyss of the Lava Tube. For there is only one true way, my son. In the lord's name, Pro-men.


Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2010
Albemarle, North Carolina
You just have yet to be enlightened, my son. For you see, on the first day, the good Lord said "Let there be vape!" And so there was. On the second day, he said "Let there be variable voltage!" And so there was. And he went on and on for seven whole days, until he had built the perfect device, in his own image. Now, you can shun him, my son. You can shun him, and say "What has he ever done for me?! I'm perfectly fine without him!" And he will forgive you for that. Because he still has hope for you. Hope that you will accept him into your heart. Into your heart, your soul, and your lungs. He has passed around the offering tray. And he will continue to. All that you must do is offer your $159.95 USD, and he will come to you. He will offer you complete happiness and satisfaction. All that you have to do is invite him. And give him $159.99 USD. You may turn him away if you wish, but that will only leave you to burn in the abyss of the Lava Tube. For there is only one true way, my son. In the lord's name, Pro-men.

LOL :laugh: 10 characters


"Vert De Ferk"
Supporting Member
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Dec 17, 2011
You just have yet to be enlightened, my son. For you see, on the first day, the good Lord said "Let there be vape!" And so there was. On the second day, he said "Let there be variable voltage!" And so there was. And he went on and on for seven whole days, until he had built the perfect device, in his own image. Now, you can shun him, my son. You can shun him, and say "What has he ever done for me?! I'm perfectly fine without him!" And he will forgive you for that. Because he still has hope for you. Hope that you will accept him into your heart. Into your heart, your soul, and your lungs. He has passed around the offering tray. And he will continue to. All that you must do is offer your $159.95 USD, and he will come to you. He will offer you complete happiness and satisfaction. All that you have to do is invite him. And give him $159.99 USD. You may turn him away if you wish, but that will only leave you to burn in the abyss of the Lava Tube. For there is only one true way, my son. In the lord's name, Pro-men.

That is some FUNNY $H!?!!!
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