Are E-Cigs Really Safe?

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Unfortunately, yes there were verifiable reports of some people getting ill from vaping ejuice containing DEG. The e-juice in question was some cheap brand imported from China. Of course e-juice isn't supposed to contain such a known toxic substance but it is true. I doubt very much that China has very strict oversight on the production of e-juice. God only knows where it really comes from and what they really put in it. Look it up for yourself. Whether we make e-juice ourselves or not, our lungs were meant to inhale clean air and nothing more. I think we are just fooling ourselves if we believe ingesting any foriegn substance in any amounts over time will not eventually do some damage to our organs, lungs. Sometimes these things take years to manifest themselves into some disease, especially when we get older and our immune systems can no longer defend itself the way it could when we were young. Smoking a pack of cigarettes per at 25 years of age has a much different effect on our bodies than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day when we are 65 years of age.

Thanks for responding!

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Excellent point!

I for one can't stand our nation's hyprocrisy when it comes to cigarettes and alcohol which are both legal yet we all know the considerable damage and deaths these toxic substances cause not to mention ruining lives, driving up the cost of health insurance etc. And yet they still refuse to legalize ......... when it is known to be very useful in helping cancer patients better tolerate chemo as well as provding many other remedies for human maladies. I just don't get it. I guess I really do get it, it's all about the money and big business. Still I don't get how our federal government still outlaws the possession and use of ......... but legalizes the consumption alcohol and cigarettes. If they were really that concerned for our health and welfare, they would ban alcohol and cigarettes and legalize ......... It's a bunch of bullcrap. Just think, vaping ........! That would be awesome.


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Dec 15, 2012
Strictly speaking in what I notice about my body with analogs vs ecigs....

After smoking analogs for 20 years, I was having trouble breathing. I was having trouble sleeping as I would wake up in the middle of the night hacking up a lung. I was waking up in the morning coughing up nasty stuff. My entire family was worried about me saying I sounded like I was dying.

After 2 weeks of completely making the switch to vaping, I do not cough ever. I can breathe again. My family says it sounds like something completely cured me. It's not been 1 month and a week and still feeling great.

I tried the lozenges and the patches. Call me weak or whatever you want to, I could not quit on them and I heard they have around a 5% success rate so I'm not alone in that.

For me, it's basically do I want to smoke analogs or do I want to vape. I can't quit and I LOVE nictotine.

Do I question if it's safe because some study claimed it might be unsafe? Maybe a little. I've looked into the studies, though. They seem to be making wild claims based on little proof. I was already killing myself with analogs and couldn't stop so they would have to provide me irrefutable proof that these things are killing me for me to stop.
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Dec 9, 2012
Peabody MA USA
Vaping is probably not 100% safe, but then again, it may be. So far, anecdotal evidence suggests that if it is harmful, it is so little harm as to be basically undetectable or cannot be distinguished from everyday living. To my knowledge, there is not a single case of death that has been attributed to vaping. You can't even say that about micro-wave popcorn anymore. This website has a wealth of information from many people smarter and more informed than me. I suggest that you just keep reading up on the subject, and this should ease any fears you have about the safety of vaping. At least as opposed to smoking. Welcome to the community.
I am a physician with a particular interest in addiction and treatment of addiction and I wrote an article on this on my blog Yes, some of these chemicals may be harmful. But so far no studies have shown any serious side effects and from my research all of the chemicals in E cigarettes are already in real cigarettes (really you need to look at the list of chemicals in real cigarettes, its hard to find a chemical that is not in there, almost 600 in all). But I think it is important to compare the risk of electronic cigarettes with the real cigarettes they replace and not to nothing. We know for fact real cigarettes are extremely toxic, carcinogenic and dangerous. It is likely electronic cigarettes will have some adverse health effects but I think it is a VERY safe bet that those effects will be far fewer and less severe than the effects of real cigarettes.


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Nov 29, 2012
Davis, CA
I tried the lozenges and the patches. Call me weak or whatever you want to, I could not quit on them and I heard they have around a 5% success rate so I'm not alone in that.

You're not weak. I hate it when people say they quit cold turkey, and that it's all about will power. It's more about the strength of the addiction, which has more to do with biology and genetics than will power. The trying is where inner strength is shown. You are strong, my friend.


Vaping Master
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Dec 29, 2009
DIY. Then you will know what you put in it. I thought a lot about this when I first started vaping... 3 years ago. Now all I worry about is our Government making it hard to get what I need to make e-liquid somehow. There is nothing they can do as far as the device.

Welcome to ECf.

Good advice about DIY :thumb:

As for vaping being safe? When or if in doubt, just QUIT :mad:

I think this post makes another good point I forgot to mention. It would be best to only buy juice from producers who are willing to publish their ingredients. This is the only way we can start to have some level of assurance that these products are safe. And with an ingredient list this can be independently confirmed. If electronic cigarette smokers start voting with their dollars using only suppliers that will publish ingredient lists all suppliers will be forced to start doing so.


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Dec 15, 2012
You're not weak. I hate it when people say they quit cold turkey, and that it's all about will power. It's more about the strength of the addiction, which has more to do with biology and genetics than will power. The trying is where inner strength is shown. You are strong, my friend.

Thanks, yeah I think I am weak in that area but overall I don't think I am a weak person. What's funny is a long time ago this guy said I was weak because I couldn't quit. Turned out he was addicted to gambling and ripped his own grandmother off for 20 grand.

I think everyone has their own weaknesses. Nicotine is really my only addiction that has a strong grip on me.

Lately I've really been questioning what is so bad about being addicted to nicotine? It makes me feel good and I like it.


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Aug 27, 2012
Alameda, CA
Just look at my tag below and see how many analogs I have passed by while I have been vaping.

I am shocked at the number of cigs and a little bit giddy because I am finally doing something to better my health without the withdraw of nicotine. Thousands of cigarettes not smoked! I feel so much better health wise as well as mentally.

I even have gotten the urge to walk four miles a day, something I would never had contemplated if I was still smoking. This decision to stop smoking and to vape is having a domino like effect on my health. I now feel like I want to get healthier and eat better because I am feeling healthier! When I was smoking, I just put my lackadaisical attitude down as getting old. No more my friends. I feel like I still have some fight left in this aging body of mine.

Fight the good fight and vape as long as you need to keep away from the analogs!

Happy Holidays!!
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