Are Disposable Vapes Worth It?


Full Member
May 5, 2024
Hey everyone,

I'm curious about disposable vapes and wanted to get some opinions. I've been using a refillable vape for a while now, but the convenience of disposables is tempting.

Are they worth the switch? How do they compare regarding flavor, battery life, and overall cost?

Also, are there any environmental concerns I should be aware of?

Are there any brands you'd recommend or suggest avoiding?

I'd love to hear about your experiences and any tips you have for someone considering making the switch.


Full Member
May 5, 2024
Hey everyone,

I'm curious about disposable vapes and wanted to get some opinions. I've been using a refillable vape for a while now, but the convenience of disposables is tempting.

Are they worth the switch? How do they compare regarding flavor, battery life, and overall cost?

Also, are there any environmental concerns I should be aware of?

Are there any brands you'd recommend or suggest avoiding?

I'd love to hear about your experiences and any tips you have for someone considering making the switch with Vape locker.
thanks in advance for any help


vaper dedicato
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    In the vaping world, as in probably every other, more convenience costs more. For me, saving pennies is quite tempting.. :bluewink: As far as environmental concerns, I have a few batteries that are several years old and I am quite sure that they are still safe, well I'm comfortable anyway, to use. I use external rechargeable batteries and build my own coils and make my own 'juice'.
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