Anyone try the vanilla?

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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2009
Saginaw, MI
Received my 1st order last week - 2 flavors with accompanying doublers - Cafe Mocha & Coconut Cream Pie. They are sooooooooooo very good!!! Best juice I've ever vaped.:D Definitely will be ordering other flavors.

So here's the question? Any of you have an opinion on the TV vanilla?
I'd like to find a really good vanilla in VG and I have a feeling that if I find it anywhere, it will probably be something Geoff has mixed up.

Mr. Tasty Vapor

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ECF Veteran
Well, I don't offer All VG e-liquids. But I will shed some light on the Vanilla that I use now. It is NOT a commercial flavoring or extract. It is in fact true vanilla. A Vanilla Oleoresin in 50% PG that I use for all products requiring vanilla. How is an oleoresin acquired you may ask?

Here's a good explanation:

"The production of Vanilla Oleoresin involves an alcohol extraction of Vanilla beans, followed by removal of the alcohol by distillation in a vacuum. The oleoresin remaining after alcohol evaporation is a dark, luscious brown and is thicker than honey. Vanilla Oleoresin is very concentrated and is also much thicker then a pure absolute."

This is the real deal folks.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2009
Saginaw, MI
Thanks Geoff,

This does sound like the best vanilla.

I understand the limitation of VG % in eliquids. Actually, I had emailed you before placing my 1st order about the whole VG thing and ended up doing the 35% VG in the eliquid & 100% VG in the doubler & this is working quite well.

Because of the way you described the vanilla above, should I assume that the doubler would have to be at least 50% PG? I'm quite sure I want to order the vanilla, but what %'s should I use?

BTW, Simply great that you have this forum now. Don't know how you manage it all.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2009
Saginaw, MI
I got my butter cream doubler which is vanilla in today. This taste just like vanilla.
Not the fade stuff. I got it 70/30. 70 percent PG nad 30 percent VG. I bought this to add to other juices and I like it plain. I wished I ordered the nic liquid in this flavor.
I will be ordering it for sure.

Well, shoot. I didn't notice that one before & now I don't know which one to go with. Looks like butter cream might be a bit sweeter & richer? Decisions, decisions.....

Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Tasted the vanilla...again. Definitely doesn't smell they way it tastes. I just don't get a strong vanilla smell, but when I taste it...OMG..that's the real deal, naturally sweet, rich flavor. Yup..THAT is vanilla.

I'll also be getting my caramel and chocolate custom made for more of that Lorann's stuff. In fact I'm trying to cut them out of my business. They've been a real disappointment on a business level.


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Nov 23, 2009
Saginaw, MI
Granny. I highly recommend TV Vanilla. I use a Vanilla oil from another company and mix with TV Vanilla E-Liquid and Doubler. If you like Vanilla, TV's is the best that I have found. Believe me, when I say, I have searched for a good Vanilla.
I love TV's flavors as well as the service. I usually get my orders in 3 days or less.

Thanks, rivaporer.
This order I went with the butter cream, planned on getting the vanilla with the next order. Nice to have your input as that solidifies the decision.
But tell me....why do you add vanilla oil?

Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sorry Maureen.....I should mention, the majority of the flavors you see visible are all of the elaborate flavors I do. All of the 30+ single flavors that I have available are found in the Customize Your Own section, so if you want Caramel/Vanilla/Coffee, you can create your own combination liquid there. Or just pick one of the flavors.
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