Anyone new members have the anything in the Vapour Art GP series?

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I've had the GP Paps v3 and GP Heron for a week now. My first high end mech and rebuildable. Can't get enough of it.

I'm pretty OCD about stupid stuff. I swore my Heron sat completely flush against the deck when I got it last week. Today I noticed there's the TINIEST gap between the tube and the deck. I'm talking less than 1mm. I noticed it because the battery contact piece the screws into the Paps is completely flush. If I push it down the gap seems to go away but when I let go it rises up again.

Due to my ridiculous OCD, the ridiculously tiny gap is all I see and it's driving me crazy. Anyone else have this with their Heron and Paps in hybrid mode? I've been browsing pics in the forum and it seems like it's there on others but it's hard to tell at the angles that most pics are taken.

If I'm the only one that sees this then it's gonna bug me forever. :ohmy::unsure:
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