Anybody quit analogs & vape?

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I started smoking at the age of 15 or 16 and worked my way up to 3 packs per day if I had the day off; 2 packs, 2.5 maybe on a work day. Been smoke free since Feb 4.


I do vape constantly, just as I smoked. I am allowed at work so it is literally constantly.


Personally, I need it. I get fidgety & anxious when I cannot vape. vaping merely replaced cigarettes but it's cleaner & cheaper.


Sorry, I'm rambling now! :D

Same here with the ppd (packs per day), and constant vaping. I think at some point, the newness will wear off, but it hasn't yet. Do you use a passthrough when you're around a computer? I also used it at work, but it died a few days ago and I ordered one of those sit-and-go pt's that is an actual battery that you can take away, but you can still plug it in to a usb cord and use it like a normal pt. Should come Friday.

I doubt if I will ever stop vaping, although I will reduce the nic content eventually.
I've been totally off the analogs for a couple of days. But I'm not sure I'll give up vaping. To be honest, I'm kinda viewing this as a way to still enjoy the nicotine without all the consequences.

My mind may change down the road. But for now I'm not even considering it.

Hey, I watched your 8 part "Quick and Dirty" video series. Well done, and you really came across as sincere. I agree about the getting involved part and am getting writers cramp, but lost the smoker's cough. ;-)

One of these days I might get a webcam and get up the nerve to do a video, but not for now. How cheap can you get a teleprompter?

Vape Free or Die!
V is for Vapor!
I have gone through the gamut looking for the ulimate "smoke alternative" and finally found it. It is a VYPR with a DSE801 atty and all I can say is that it is killer. I tried some of the pen style, etc. and there is no comparison. The forum is a great place for info and I saved alot of money just reading and listening.

Juice at 36mg, any flavor, seems to do the job an d I have no craving for analogs. 8 weeks without one and I am done with the 45 years of sucking the FDA approved analogs.

It is so ironic, since I grew up in Winston-Salem, NC, and put myself through college working in the cigarette factories during the summers.

The constant urge or need for an analog has ceased and I find myself just looking forward to the pull on the VYPR, except for the beer drinking extravaganzas.

It is working and I am sure I will never go back.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
I would like to quit vaping some day and put the nicotine up forever. I also have noticed a decrease in the desire to be just constantly vaping. I think smoking must have kept me hyper on other habits as well. I had to taper off on coffe and booze to make vaping work for me. I don't drink as much coffee as I used to, and I gave up my beer completely. Drinking beer and tequila just made we want a cigarette. It just kinda went together for me.
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