Any Vapers from Prosser Washington? Howdy! (An intro)

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Jul 23, 2012
Prosser, WA
My name is Randy and I live in Prosser, WA. I started vaping in early July. Not wanting to quit smoking but as an, "I'll try ecigs" just because I seen them at a Walmart check stand. I really didn't like it at first. But after 2 weeks and vaping "inside" my home I was sold. Actually on July 22nd I bummed an analog from my son. I went outside, (I never smoked inside the house) sat down in the 100+ degrees temperature and lit up. Took a couple drags, and then another. I looked at my wife and said, "these suck". I got up through the analog in the trash and haven't looked back.

After going back inside to my nice cool air-conditioned home. I looked online for ecigs and reviews. In my search I ordered a V2cig starter kit. I enjoyed it but the battery life sucked. I am a heavy vapor. If I am just watching TV I vape. When I drive I vape. When I play with the dog I vape. If I am not busy doing something I am vaping so needed more battery power. Back to the Internet. I live in a small town in Washington state. 200 miles away from a large metropolitan are where I found a stores. As I continued looking I found a new store that had just opened in my area but is still 30+ miles from my location, the SmokeStop Vapor, (

I called SmokeStop Vapor. Gary the owner answered and he explained that he has only been open 1 month. I expressed my dilemma and that I was interested in checking his shop out. Gary's hours of operation would mean I would have to wait till latter the following week. He then told me he would open his shop early Saturday morning to meet with me on my schedule. That is awesome customer service. (Trying to make this story shorter.). I didn't buy from Gary that Saturday but I did arrange to return to his shop on Monday to buy a starter kit.

Unfortunately I am not able to make it up that way to SmokeShop Vapor so I order online most my vaping needs. If you happen to be in Kennewick, WA or coming to our area for wine, (we are a wine country) stop in and see Gary at and look him up.

Since the time I made the official move to vaping I have spent close to $500 on vaping. Part is buying and trying different cartomizers, tanks, atomizers, batteries and making my own ejuice. I have introduce 2 of my kids to vaping and even my wife, (she enjoys the non-nicotine eliquid).

I am completely sold on vaping. Believe it or not my doctor told me not to worry about quitting smoking last year. I just had to give up alcohol because that was killing me, (8 hospitalizations in 2011 with chronic pancreatitis). He is happy I haven't drank alcohol this year at all. I am looking forward to next month to tell him I quit smoking.

Well that's me and my start on vaping. I wish there was a group of vapers in my area for a meet and greet and share eliquid recipes. Any body interested??


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Verified Member
Sep 18, 2012
I am new to forum as well and love to chain vape. So far I found the smoktech vmax with a mini vivi nova tank to be the best for chain vaping. Lots of vape and no dry hits till the tank is gone. I live in Idaho and have no groups or stores either. :( Keep vaping and trying different things, you will find what is best through trial and error. Take advantage of the suggestions by the awesome members of this forum and things will workout great. :)
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